1700264208 III Camprubi, E.; Jordan, S. F.; Vasiliadou, R.; Lane, N.(2017). Iron catalysis at the origin of life.IUBMB Life, 69(6):373-381.
1700264210 IV Whicher, A.; Camprubi, E.; Pinna, S.; et al.(2018) Acetyl phosphate as a primordial energy currency at the origin of life.Origins of life and evolution of biospheres,;48(2):159–179.
1700264212 第四幕
1700264214 第十一章
1700264216 I 关于天花病毒的起源,参见:Hughes, A. L.; Irausquin, S.; Friedman, R.(2010). The evolutionary biology of pox viruses.Infection, genetics and evolution, 10 (1): 50–59。
1700264218 II 关于最复杂的拟菌病毒基因组,参见:Abrahão, J.; Silva, L.; Silva, L. S.; et al.(2018). Tailed giant Tupanvirus possesses the most complete translational apparatus of the known virosphere.Nature communications, 9(749)。
1700264220 III Judd, B. H. (2001). Nucleic acids as genetic material. In eLS, (Ed.). https://doi.org/10.1038/npg.els.0000807.
1700264222 IV 库宁的论文,参见:Koonin, E.; Senkevich, T.; Dolja, V.(2006). The ancient Virus World and evolution of cells.Biologydirect, 1(29)。
1700264224 第十二章
1700264226 I 关于甲醛聚糖反应产生生物活性的多种单糖,以及它对RNA世界假说的意义,参见:Cleaves H. J.(2011). Formosereaction. In: Gargaud M. et al.(eds).Encyclopedia of Astrobiology. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer; Harrison, S.; Lane, N.(2018).Life as a guide to prebiotic nucleotide synthesis.Nature communications, 9(5176).
1700264228 II Furukawa, Yoshihiro; Chikaraishi, Yoshito; Ohkouchi, Naohiko; et al. (2019). Extraterrestrial ribose and other sugars in prim itive meteorites.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(49): 24440–24445.
1700264230 III Powner, M. W.; Gerland, B.; Sutherland, J. D.(2009). Synthesis of activated pyrimidine ribonucleotides in prebiotically plausible conditions.Nature, 459(7244): 239–242.
1700264232 IV Martin. W.; Russell. M. J.(2006). On the origin of biochemistry at an alkaline hydrothermal vent.Philosophical transactions of The Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 362(1486): 1887–1925;Harrison, S.; Lane, N.; Life as a guide to prebiotic nucleotide synthesis.Nature communications, 9(5176).
1700264234 V Herschy, B.; Whicher, A.; Camprubi, E.; et al.(2014). An origin-of-life reactor to simulate alkaline hydrothermal vents.Journal of molecular evolution, 79(5-6):213–227.
1700264236 VI Baaske, P.; Weinert, F. M.; Duhr, S.; et al.( 2007). Extreme accumulation of nucleotides in simulated hydrothermal pore systems.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(22): 9346-9351; Mast, C. B.; Schink, S.; Gerland, U.; Braun, D.( 2013). Escalation of polymerization in a thermal gradient.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(20):8030-8035.
1700264238 VII White, H. B. 3rd.(1976). Coenzymes as fossils of an earlier metabolic state.Journal of molecular evolution, 7(2):101-104; Penny, D.( 2005). An interpretative review of the origin of life research.Biology & Philosophy, 20:633–671.
1700264240 VIII White, H. B. 3rd.(1976). Coenzymes as fossils of an earlier metabolic state.Journal of molecular evolution, 7(2):101-104; Graham, D. E.; White, R. H.(2002). Elucidation of methanogenic coenzyme biosyntheses: from spectroscopy to genomics.Natural product reports, 19(2):133-47.
1700264242 第十三章
1700264244 I 关于切赫发现内含子催化剪接,参见:Abelson, J.(2017). The discovery of catalytic RNA. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 18: 653.
1700264246 II Nissen, P.; Hansen, J.; Ban, N.; et al.(2000).The structural basis of ribosome activity in peptide bond synthesis.Science, 289(5481): 920–929.
1700264248 III 关于最早提出RNA世界假说的三人的论文,参见:Woese, C. R.(1967).The genetic code: The molecular basisfor genetic expression. Harper & Row, 186; Crick, F. H.(1968). The origin of the genetic code.Journal of Molecular Biology, 38(3): 367–379; Orgel, L. E.(1968). Evolution of the genetic apparatus.Journal of Molecular Biology, 38(3): 381–393.
1700264250 IV 沃尔特·吉尔伯特提出RNA世界假说的论文,参见:Gilbert, W.(1986). Origin of life: The RNA world.Nature, 319(6055): 618–618.
1700264252 V 关于连接小段RNA的酶RNA,参见:Doudna, J. A.; Usman, N.; Szostak, J. W.(1993). Ribozyme-catalyzed primer ex tension by trinucleotides: A model for the RNA-catalyzed replication of RNA.Biochemistry, 32(8): 2111-2115.
1700264254 VI Wochner, A.; Attwater, J.; Coulson, A.; et al.(2011). Ribozyme-catalyzed transcription of an active ribozyme.Science, 332(6026):209-212.
1700264256 VII 关于24-3聚合酶,参见:Horning, D. P.; Joyce, G. F.(2016). Amplification of RNA by an RNA polymerase ribozyme.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(35): 9786-9791。
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