1700264240 VIII White, H. B. 3rd.(1976). Coenzymes as fossils of an earlier metabolic state.Journal of molecular evolution, 7(2):101-104; Graham, D. E.; White, R. H.(2002). Elucidation of methanogenic coenzyme biosyntheses: from spectroscopy to genomics.Natural product reports, 19(2):133-47.
1700264242 第十三章
1700264244 I 关于切赫发现内含子催化剪接,参见:Abelson, J.(2017). The discovery of catalytic RNA. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 18: 653.
1700264246 II Nissen, P.; Hansen, J.; Ban, N.; et al.(2000).The structural basis of ribosome activity in peptide bond synthesis.Science, 289(5481): 920–929.
1700264248 III 关于最早提出RNA世界假说的三人的论文,参见:Woese, C. R.(1967).The genetic code: The molecular basisfor genetic expression. Harper & Row, 186; Crick, F. H.(1968). The origin of the genetic code.Journal of Molecular Biology, 38(3): 367–379; Orgel, L. E.(1968). Evolution of the genetic apparatus.Journal of Molecular Biology, 38(3): 381–393.
1700264250 IV 沃尔特·吉尔伯特提出RNA世界假说的论文,参见:Gilbert, W.(1986). Origin of life: The RNA world.Nature, 319(6055): 618–618.
1700264252 V 关于连接小段RNA的酶RNA,参见:Doudna, J. A.; Usman, N.; Szostak, J. W.(1993). Ribozyme-catalyzed primer ex tension by trinucleotides: A model for the RNA-catalyzed replication of RNA.Biochemistry, 32(8): 2111-2115.
1700264254 VI Wochner, A.; Attwater, J.; Coulson, A.; et al.(2011). Ribozyme-catalyzed transcription of an active ribozyme.Science, 332(6026):209-212.
1700264256 VII 关于24-3聚合酶,参见:Horning, D. P.; Joyce, G. F.(2016). Amplification of RNA by an RNA polymerase ribozyme.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(35): 9786-9791。
1700264258 VIII 关于酶RNA自复制组合,参见:Lincoln, T. A.; Joyce, G. F.(2009). Self-sustained replication of an RNA enzyme.Science.;323(5918):1229–1232.
1700264260 IX 关于自催化的酶RNA三元组合,参见:Vaidya, N.; Manapat, M. L.; Chen, I.A.; et al.(2012). Spontaneous network for mation among cooperative RNA replicators.Nature, 491: 72–77.
1700264262 第十四章
1700264264 I 关于斯皮格曼怪的发现,参见:Spiegelman, S.; Haruna, I.; Holland, I. B.;et al.(1965). The synthesis of a self-propagating and infectious nucleic acid with a purified enzyme.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 54(3):919–927。
1700264266 II 重现斯皮格曼怪的论文,参见:Oehlenschläger, F.; Eigen, M.(1997). 30 Years Later – a new approach to sol spiegelman’s and leslie orgel’s in vitro EVOLUTIONARY STUDIES dedicated to leslie orgel on the occasion of his 70th birthday.Origins oflife and evolution of the biosphere, 27: 437–457。
1700264268 III 关于RNA干扰机制的免疫功能,参见:Stram, Y.; Kuzntzova, L. (2006). Inhibition of viruses by RNA interference.Virus Genes, 32(3): 299–306; Blevins, T.; Rajeswaran, R.; Shivaprasad, P. V.; et al.(2006). Four plant Dicers mediate viral small RNA biogenesis and DNA virus induced silencing.Nucleic acids research, 34(21): 6233–46; Cerutti, H.; Casas-Mollano, J. A.(2006). On the origin and functions of RNA-mediated silencing: from protists to man.Current genetics, 50(2): 81–99.
1700264270 IV 关于病毒抑制宿主的RNA干扰的参考文献:Lucy, A. P.; Guo, Hui-Shan.; Li, Wan-Xiang;et al.(2000). Suppression of post-transcriptional gene silencing by a plant viral protein localized in the nucleus.The EMBO Journal, 19(7): 1672–80。
1700264272 V 迪纳的论文参见:Diener, T. O.(1989). Circular RNAs: relics of precellular evolution?.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 86(23):9370-9374。
1700264274 VI 弗洛雷斯的论文,参见:Flores, R.; Gago-Zachert, S.; Serra, P.; et al.(2014). Viroids: survivors from the RNA world?Annual review of microbiology, 68:395-414。
1700264276 VII 关于类病毒的单系群问题,参见:Elena, S. F.; Dopazo, J.; de la Peña, M.; et al.(2001). Phylogenetic analysis of viroid and viroid-like satellite RNAs from plants: A reassessment.Journal of molecular evolution, 53: 155–159。
1700264278 VIII 沃森总结RNA世界假说发展状况的文献,参见:Gesteland, R. F.; Atkins, J. F.(eds.) (1993).The RNA World. NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
1700264280 IX 关于类病毒复制机制,参见:Flores, R.; Gas, M.-E.; Molina-Serrano, D.; et al.(2009). Viroid replication: rolling-circles,enzymes and ribozymes.Viruses,1(2):317–334; Flores, R.; Hernández, C.; Martínez de Alba, A. E.; et al.(2005). Viroids and viroid-host interactions.Annual review of phytopathology, 43:117-139.
1700264282 X 关于转运RNA连接酶闭合类病毒,参见:Nohales, M.-A.; Molina-Serrano, D.; Flores, R.; et al.(2012). Involvement of the chloroplastic isoform of tRNA ligase in the replication of viroids belonging to the family avsunviroidae.Journal of virology, 86(15): 8269-8276。
1700264284 第十五章
1700264286 I 关于RNA基因组尺寸,参见:Burrell, C. J.; Howard, C. R.; Frederick A. Murphy, F. A.( 2016).Fenner and White’s Medical Virology(5th Edition). Academic Press。
1700264288 II 关于基因组带有RNA的大肠杆菌,参见:Mehta, A. P.; Wang, Yiyang; Reed, S. A.; et al.(2018). Bacterial Genome Con taining Chimeric DNA–RNA Sequences.Journal of the American chemical society, 140(36): 11464-11473。
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