1700696951 流失40%的水分:Sophie Svensson et al.,“Increased Net Water Loss by Oral Compared to Nasal Expiration in Healthy Subjects,”Rhinology 44,no. 1(Mar. 2006): 74–77。
1700696953 在睡眠进入最深层的阶段:Mark Burhenne,The 8-Hour Sleep Paradox: How We Are Sleeping Our Way to Fatigue,Disease and Unhappiness(Sunnyvale,CA: Ask the Dentist,2015),45。
1700696955 血管加压素:Andrew Bennett Hellman,“Why the Body Isn’t Thirsty at Night,”Nature News,Feb. 28,2010,https://www.nature.com/news/2010/100228/full/news.2010.95.html。
1700696957 梅奥……报告:2001年,匹兹堡大学的研究人员调查数百人后,发现一半人在患有失眠的同时,还患有睡眠呼吸暂停。接着,他们又对患有睡眠呼吸暂停的人进行调查,发现其中有一半患有失眠。多年后,一项发表在《梅奥医学中心学报》上的研究指出,通过对1200名慢性失眠症患者的调查发现,有900名患者都被医生开了某种助睡药物,包括抗抑郁药,但都遭遇了“药物治疗失败”。服用处方药的700多名患者报告说,他们的失眠非常严重,那些药物不但对他们无效,反而还让睡眠质量变得更差,而原因就是很多人的失眠并不是心理问题,而是呼吸问题。Barry Krakow et al.,“Pharmacotherapeutic Failure in a Large Cohort of Patients with Insomnia Presenting to a Sleep Medicine Center and Laboratory: Subjective Pretest Predictions and Objective Diagnoses,”Mayo Clinic Proceedings 89,no. 12(Dec. 2014): 1608–20; “Pharmacotherapy Failure in Chronic Insomnia Patients,”Mayo Clinic Proceedings,YouTube,https://youtube.com/watch?v=vdm1kTFJCK4。
1700696959 成千上万……的同胞们:Thomas M. Heffron,“Insomnia Awareness Day Facts and Stats,”Sleep Education,Mar. 10,2014,http://sleepeducation.org/news/2014/03/10/insomnia-awareness-day-facts-and-stats。
1700696961 呼吸沉重、轻微打鼾:纪耶米诺指出,过分关注某些问题会混淆打鼾和睡眠呼吸暂停这个更大的麻烦。睡眠中产生的任何呼吸障碍,无论是呼吸暂停、打鼾、呼吸急促,甚至是最轻微的喉咙收缩,都可能对身体造成严重伤害。Christian Guilleminault and Ji Hyun Lee,“Does Benign‘Primary Snoring’Ever Exist in Children?”Chest Journal 126,no. 5(Nov. 2004): 1396–98; Guilleminault et al.,“Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome,”Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 159,no. 8(Aug. 2005): 775–85。
1700696963 使我变得迟钝:Noriko Tsubamoto-Sano et al.,“Influences of Mouth Breathing on Memory and Learning Ability in Growing Rats,”Journal of Oral Science 61,no. 1(2019): 119–24; Masahiro Sano et al.,“Increased Oxygen Load in the Prefrontal Cortex from Mouth Breathing: A Vector-Based Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study,”Neuroreport 24,no. 17(Dec. 2013): 935–40; Malia Wollan,“How to Be a Nose Breather,”The New York Times Magazine,Apr. 23,2019。
1700696965 嘴巴呼吸为“逆气”:The Primordial Breath: An Ancient Chinese Way of Prolonging Life through Breath Control,vol. 2,trans. Jane Huang and Michael Wurmbrand(Original Books,1990),31。
1700696967 这就是现状:有关咬合错位的统计数据各有差异。儿科牙医凯文·博伊德、医生兼睡眠专家达利斯·洛格马尼指出,“75%的6~11岁儿童、89%的12~17岁青少年,都有一定程度的咬合错位”。此外,约65%的成年人,包括那些已经做过牙齿矫正术的人,有一定程度的咬合错位。鉴于此,那没有接受治疗的成年人的实际人数应当要接近90%了。我找到的一些其他估算中,儿童的这个比例更高。一些介绍咬合错位的讲座(附参考资料)和深度访谈:Kevin L. Boyd and Darius Loghmanee,“Inattention,Hyperactivity,Snoring and Restless Sleep: My Child’s Dentist Can Help?!”presentation at 3rd Annual Autism,Behavior,and Complex Medical Needs Conference; Kevin Boyd interview by Shirley Gutkowski,Cross Link Radio,2017,https://crosslinkradio.com/dr-kevin-boyd-2/; “Malocclusion,”Boston Children’s Hospital,http://www.childrenshospital.org/conditions-and-treatments/conditions/m/malocclusion。
1700696969 45%的成年人:“Snoring,”Columbia University Department of Neurology,http://www.columbianeurology.org/neurology/staywell/document.php?id=42066。
1700696971 25%的人:“Rising Prevalence of Sleep Apnea in U.S. Threatens Public Health,”press release,American Academy of Sleep Medicine,Sept. 29,2014。
1700696973 有80%:Steven Y. Park,MD,Sleep,Interrupted: A Physician Reveals the #1 Reason Why So Many of Us Are Sick and Tired(New York: Jodev Press,2008),26。
1700696975 一万年前:各年代对世界人口的估计:https://tinyurl.com/rrhvcjh。
1700696977 松弛拉长的面庞:多项研究都表明这类恢复在人身上是有可能的。20世纪90年代,加拿大研究人员对38名患有慢性咽扁桃体肥大的儿童进行了面部和口腔尺寸的测量。咽扁桃体位于口腔顶部,功能主要是抵抗感染。咽扁桃体肥大时,孩子们几乎无法鼻呼吸,所以只能口呼吸,结果他们都有松弛拉长的脸庞。外科医生对一半儿童的咽扁桃体进行了切除,然后监测其面部尺寸。慢慢地,他们的脸恢复到了原来的位置:下颚前移,上颌骨外扩。Donald C. Woodside et al.,“Mandibular and Maxillary Growth after Changed Mode of Breathing,”American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 100,no. 1(July 1991): 1–18; Shapiro,“Effects of Nasal Obstruction on Facial Development,”967–68。
1700696979 第3章 鼻子
1700696981 嗅觉是……感觉官能:Interview with Dolores Malaspina,MD,professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia University in New York; Nancie George,“10 Incredible Facts about Your Sense of Smell,”EveryDay Health,https://www.everydayhealth.com/news/incredible-facts-about-your-sense-smell/。
1700696983 增强记忆:Artin Arshamian et al.,“Respiration Modulates Olfactory Memory Consolidation in Humans,”Journal of Neuroscience 38,no. 48(Nov. 2018): 10286–94; Christina Zelano et al.,“Nasal Respiration Entrains Human Limbic Oscillations and Modulates Cognitive Function,”Journal of Neuroscience 36,no. 49(Dec. 2016): 12448–67。
1700696985 是否有哮喘:A. B. Ozturk et al.,“Does Nasal Hair(Vibrissae) Density Affect the Risk of Developing Asthma in Patients with Seasonal Rhinitis?”International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 156,no. 1(Mar. 2011): 75–80.
1700696987 印度外科医师:Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani,“A Study of the Pattern of Nasal Dominance with Reference to Different Phases of the Lunar Cycle,”Yoga Life 35(June 2004): 19–24。
1700696989 鼻周期或鼻循环:有时被称为“次昼夜节奏”,意思是比昼夜节奏短的周期。
1700696991 1895年……首先提出:有关鼻周期的详细报告,参见Alfonso Luca Pendolino et al.,“The Nasal Cycle: A Comprehensive Review,”Rhinology Online 1(June 2018): 67–76; R. Kayser,“Die exacte Messung der Luftdurchgängigkeit der Nase,”Archives of Laryngology 3(1895): 101–20。
1700696993 30分钟至4小时内:这只是估计。有些研究表明,鼻周期在30分钟到2.5小时之间波动; 另一些则认为,该周期可持续至4小时。Roni Kahana-Zweig et al.,“Measuring and Characterizing the Human Nasal Cycle,”PloS One 11,no. 10(Oct. 2016): e0162918; Rauf Tahamiler et al.,“Detection of the Nasal Cycle in Daily Activity by Remote Evaluation of Nasal Sound,”Archives of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery 129,no. 9(Feb. 2009): 137–42。
1700696995 蜜月鼻炎:“Sneezing‘Can Be Sign of Arousal,’”BBC News,Dec. 19,2008,http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7792102.stm; Andrea Mazzatenta et al.,“Swelling of Erectile Nasal Tissue Induced by Human Sexual Pheromone,”Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 885(2016): 25–30。
1700696997 鼻周期是怎么回事:Kahana-Zweig et al.,“Measuring”; Marc Oliver Scheithauer,“Surgery of the Turbinates and‘Empty Nose’Syndrome,”GMS Current Topics in Otorhinolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery 9(2010): Doc3。
1700696999 睡眠时翻身:此外,鼻周期似乎与深度睡眠的长短有关。A. T. Atanasov and P. D. Dimov,“Nasal and Sleep Cycle—Possible Synchronization during Night Sleep,”Medical Hypotheses 61,no. 2(Aug. 2003): 275–77; Akihira Kimura et al.,“Phase of Nasal Cycle During Sleep Tends to Be Associated with Sleep Stage,”The Laryngoscope 123,no. 6(Aug. 2013): 1050–55。
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