[1] 这些宏大的著作,其中之一是Dorothy Porter,Health,Civilization,and the State
:A History of Public Health from Ancient to Modern Times(London
:Routledge,1999),但仅限于欧洲和美国;John Duffy,The Sanitarians
:A History of American Public Health(Urbana
:University of Illinois Press,1990),仅限于美国的公共卫生历史,尤其关注公共卫生部门的各种活动。Dona Schneider与David E.Lilienfeld分别所著的两卷,Public Health
:The Development of a Discipline,vol.1,From the Age of Hippocrates to the Progressive Era(New Brunswick,NJ
:Rutgers University Press,2008),以及Public Health
:The Development of a Discipline,Twentieth Century Challenges(New Brunswick,NJ
:Rutgers University Press,2011),是附有历史评论的经典文本选集。Mark Harrison,Disease and the Modern World
:1500 to the Present Day(Cambridge,MA
:Polity,2004),跨越了国界,在欧洲殖民主义扩张的背景下对疾病进行了广泛分析。J.N.Hays,The Burdens of Disease;Epidemics and Human Response in Western History(New Brunswick,NJ
:Rutgers University Press,2010),以及William H.McNeill,Plagues and Peoples(New York
:Doubleday/Anchor,1976),利用大量跨学科文献,探索传染病对人类历史的影响。另一本有价值的著作是Robert P.Hudson,Disease and Its Control
:The Shaping of Modern Thought(Westport,CT
:Greenwood Press,1983)。在较早但仍然流行的文本中,Henry E.Sigerist,Civilization and Disease(1943;reprint,Chicago
:University of Chicago Press,1962),关于疾病及其解释做了一系列引人入胜的论述,另见Charles-Edward A.Winslow,The Conquest of Epidemic Disease
:A Chapter in the History of Ideas(New York
:Hafner,1943);以及Erwin H.Ackerknecht,The History and Geography of the Most Important Diseases(New York
:Hafner,1965)。20世纪,Harry Dowling,Fighting Infection
:Conquests of the Twentieth Century (Cambridge,MA
:Harvard University Press,1977)以及Wesley W.Spink,Infectious Diseases
:Prevention and Treatment in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries(Minneapolis
:University of Minnesota Press,1978)这两本著作对控制传染病的历史做了一般讨论;对慢性病史的讨论则少得多。
[5] 年代更近的文献,见Alison Bashford,Imperial Hygiene
:A Critical History of Colonialism,Nationalism and Public Health(Basingstoke,UK
:Palgrave Macmillan,2004);David Arnold,Medicine in an Age of Commerce and Empire
:Britain and Its Tropical Colonies,1660—1830(Oxford
:Oxford University Press,2010);Howard Waitzkin,Medicine and Public Health at the End of Empire(Boulder,CO
:Paradigm Publishers,2011);Anne-Emanuelle Birn,Yogan Pillay,and Timothy H.Holtz,Textbook of International Health
:Global Health in a Dynamic World(New York
:Oxford University Press,2009);Vicente Navarro,ed.,Neoliberalism,Globalization,and Inequalities
:Consequences for Health and Quality of Life(Amityville,NY
:Baywood,2007);Vicente Navarro and Carlos Muntaner,eds.,Political and Economic Determinants of Population Health and WellBeing
:Controversies and Developments(Amityville,NY
:Baywood,2004);Ronald Labonte,Ted Schrecker,David Sanders,and Wilma Meeus,Fatal Indifference
:The G8,Africa,and Global Health(Johannesburg
:Juta Academic,2004);Greg Grandin,Empire’s Workshop
:Latin America,the United States,and the Rise of the New Imperialism(New York
:Metropolitan Books,2006);David Sanders and Richard Carver,The Struggle for Health
:Medicine and the Politics of Underdevelopment(New York
:Macmillan,1991);Ronald Labonte,Ted Schrecker,Corinne Packer,and Vivien Runnels,eds.Globalization and Health
:Path ways,Evidence and Policy(London
:Routledge,2009);David Arnold,ed.Warm Climates and Western Medicine(Amsterdam
:Rodopi,1996);Warwick Anderson,The Collectors of Lost Souls
:Turning Kuru Scientists into Whitemen(Baltimore
:Johns Hopkins University Press,2008);Warwick Anderson,Colonial Pathologies(Durham,NC
:Duke University Press,2006);Meredith Turshen,The Politics of Public Health(New Brunswick,NJ
:Rutgers University Press,1989);Paul Farmer,Arthur Kleinman,Jim Yong Kim,and Matthew Basilico,Reimagining Global Health
:An Introduction(Berkeley
:University of California Press,2013);Joao Biehl and Adriana Petryna,eds.,When People Come First
:Critical Studies in Global Health(Princeton,NJ
:Princeton University Press,2013);David Harvey,A Brief History of Neoliberalism(Oxford
:Oxford University Press,2007);Randall Packard,The Making of a Tropical Disease
:A Short History of Malaria(Baltimore
:Johns Hopkins University Press,2007);Amartya Sen,Development as Freedom(Oxford
:Oxford University Press,2001);Amartya Sen and Paul Farmer,Pathologies of Power
:Health,Human Rights,and the New War on the Poor(Berkeley
:University of California Press,2004);David Arnold,Warm Climates and Western Medicine
:The Emergence of Tropical Medicine,1500—1900(Atlanta,GA
:Rodopi,1996);Poonam Bala,Biomedicine as a Contested Site
:Some Revelations in Imperial Contexts(Lanham,MD
:Lexington Books,2009);Alison Bashford,Medicine at the Border
:Disease,Globalization and Security,1850 to the Present(New York
:Palgrave Macmillan,2006);Anne-Emanuelle Birn and Theodore Brown,eds.Comrades in Health
:U.S.Health Internationalists,Abroad and at Home(New Brunswick,NJ
:Rutgers University Press,2013);Douglas Haynes,Imperial Medicine
:Patrick Manson and the Conquest of Tropical Disease(Philadelphia
:University of Pennsylvania Press,2001;Ryan Johnson and Amna Khalid,Public Health in the British Empire
:Intermediaries,Subordinates,and the Practice of Public Health,1850—1960(New York
:Routledge,2012);Michelle Moran,Colonizing Leprosy
:Imperialism and the Politics of Public Health in the United States(Chapel Hill
:University of North Carolina Press,2007);Deborah Neill,Networks in Tropical Medicine
:Internationalism,Colonialism,and the Rise of a Medical Specialty,1890—1930(Stanford,CA
:Stanford University Press,2012;David Arnold,Warm Climates and Western Medicine
:The Emergence of Tropical Medicine,1500—1900(Atlanta,GA
:Rodopi,1996);Alison Bashford,Medicine at the Border
:Disease,Globalization and Security,1850 to the Present(New York
:Palgrave Macmillan,2006);Douglas Haynes,Imperial Medicine
:Patrick Manson and the Conquest of Tropical Disease(Philadelphia
:University of Pennsylvania Press,2001;Ryan Johnson and Amna Khalid,Public Health in the British Empire
:Intermediaries,Subordinates,and the Practice of Public Health,1850—1960(New York
:Routledge,2012);Michelle Moran,Colonizing Leprosy
:Imperialism and the Politics of Public Health in the United States(Chapel Hill
:University of North Carolina Press,2007);Deborah Neill,Networks in Tropical Medicine
:Internationalism,Colonialism,and the Rise of a Medical Specialty,1890—1930(Stanford,CA
:Stanford University Press,2012;Mark Harrison,Climates & Constitutions
:Health,Race,Environment and British Imperialism in India,1600—1850(New Delhi
:Oxford University Press,1999);Pratik Chakrabarti,Materials and Medicine
:Trade,Conquest,and Therapeutics in the Eighteenth Century(Manchester
:Manchester University Press,2010);Jack Edward McCallum,Leonard Wood
:Rough Rider,Surgeon,Architect of American Imperialism(New York
:New York University Press,2006);Sheldon J.Watts,Epidemics and History
:Disease,Power,and Imperialism(New Haven,CT
:Yale University Pre