1700846115 15.在 20 世纪 90 年代末,我们就人们买了从来不用的食物进行了调查。其中不少是为了一个没办成的活动(比如聚会)而批量采购的食物。见:Brian Wansink,S. Adam Brasel,and Stephen Amjad,“The Mystery of the Cabinet Castaway:Why We Buy Products We Never Use,” Journal of Family and Consumer Science 92:1 (2001):104–108。
1700846117 16.参见:Pierre Chandon and Brian Wansink,“When Are Stockpiled Products Consumed Faster?A Convenience-Salience Framework of Post-Purchase Consumption Incidence and Quantity,” Journal of Marketing Research 39:3 (August 2002):321–335。特别感谢拉斯·维纳(Russ Winer)(现任纽约大学教务主任),他作为编辑帮助我们推敲这篇论文,使它得以面世。
1700846119 5. 无意识饮食脚本
1700846121 1.我们在一些定性研究和定量研究中对此进行了调研。比较值得关注的一个研究成果就是,请 150 位芝加哥人和 150 位巴黎人就关于他们饮食行为的一系列陈述用 1 到 9 分(1 是不同意,9 是同意)进行打分。见:Brian Wansink,Collin Payne,Pierre Chandon,and Paul Rozen,“The French Paradox Redux:The Influence of Internal and External Cues in Meal Cessation”。
1700846123 2.参见:John M. DeCastro,“Eating Behavior:Lessons from the Real World of Humans,” Ingestive Behavior and Obesity 16 (2000):800–13;John M. DeCastro,“Family and Friends Produce Greater Social Facilitation of Food-Intake Than Other Companions,” Physiology and Behavior 56 (1994):445–55。
1700846125 3.参见:C. Peter Herman,Deborah A. Roth,and Janet Polivy,“Effects of the Presence of Others on Food Intake:A Normative Interpretation,” Psychological Bulletin 129:6 (November 2003):873–86。
1700846127 4.参见:Rick Bell and Patti L. Pliner,“Time to Eat:The Relationship Between the Number of People Eating and Meal Duration in Three Lunch Settings,” Appetite 41 (2003):215–18。
1700846129 5.参见:Shelley Chaiken and Patti L. Pliner,“Eating,Social Motives,and Self-Presentation in Women and Men,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 26 (1990):240–54。
1700846131 6.参见:Brian Wansink,Collin R. Payne,Se-Bum Park,and Junyong Kim,“I Am How Much I Eat:How Self-Monitoring Influences Food Intake on Dates”。
1700846133 7.虽说我们频频发现看电视、食物摄取和肥胖症之间互相关联,但是这些相关研究也常因体力活动缺乏等的因素而混淆。不过,它们确实暗示了分心的活动与食物摄取的关系。
1700846135 8.一些研究者已经揭示了看电视和体重的相关性结果。包括:David A. Crawford,Robert W. Jeffery,and Simone A. French,“Television Viewing,Physical Inactivity and Obesity,” International Journal of Obesity 23:4 (April 1999):427–40;Natalie Stroebele and John M. DeCastro,“Television Viewing Is Associated with an Increase in Meal Frequency in Humans,” Appetite 42:1 (February 2004):111–113。
1700846137 9.引自下列一篇标题惊人的研究论文:Natalie Stroebele and John M. DeCastro,“Television Viewing Nearly Adds an Additional Meal to Daily Intake”。
1700846139 10.电视、阅读、电影和体育活动之类的消遣活动使人分心,感知不到饱足感的口腔感官信号。
1700846141 11.该调查由美国饮食学会康尼格拉食品基金会“家庭食品安全”计划委托进行。相关报道文章见:Nanci Hellmich,USA Today ,October 1,2004,p. 8D。
1700846143 12.参见:France Bellisle and Anne-Marie Dalix,“Cognitive Restraint Can Be Offset by Distraction,Leading to Increased Meal Intake in Women,” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 74 (2001):197–200。
1700846145 13.该研究的样本规模多少令人有些吃惊。需要注意的是,它发表在一本声誉颇高的学术期刊上。现在揭晓吧。该研究的对象只有两位健忘症患者。其中一位在吃完第一顿后仅 10 分钟又开始吃第二顿,另一位是 30 分钟后吃的。见下列精彩文章:Paul Rozin,Sara Dow,Morris Moscovitch,and Suparna Rajaram,“What Causes Humans to Begin and End a Meal?A Role for Memory for What Has Been Eaten,as Evidenced by a Study of Multiple Meal Eating in Amnesic Patients,” Psychological Science 9 (1998):392–96。
1700846147 14.参见:Stanley L. Schachter,“Manipulated Time and Eating Behavior,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 10 (1968):98–106;Harvey P. Weingarten,“Meal Initiation Controlled by Learned Cues:Basic Behavioral Properties,” Appetite 5 (1984):147–58;Judith Rodin,“Effects of Distraction on the Performance of Obese and Normal Subjects,” in ed.,S. Schachter and J. Rodin,Obese Humans and Rats (New York:Wiley & Sons,1974)。
1700846149 15.参见:Ronald E. Milliman,“The Influence of Background Music on the Behavior of Restaurant Patrons,” Journal of Consumer Research 13:1(1986):286–89。此文虽然短小精悍,但我似乎常在不经意之间提起它。
1700846151 16.参见:Joseph G. Lavin and Harry T. Lawless,“Effects of Color and Odor on Judgments of Sweetness Among Children and Adults,” Food Quality and Preference 9 (1998):283。
1700846153 17.感谢伊利诺斯香槟市尼尔大街 1614 号哈迪斯餐厅(现为卡乐星餐厅)经理和员工的大力配合。
1700846155 18.离莫奈尔研究中心 3,200 多公里,是阿兰·赫奇(Alan Hirsch)博士在芝加哥的实验室。他的实验室初步证明,我们喜欢的气味类型多少与自己性格有些相关。见:Alan Hirsch, What Flavor Is Your Personality? Discover Who You Are by Looking at What You Eat (Naperville,IL:Sourcebooks,Inc.,2001)。
1700846157 19.谈到莫奈尔中心对感官研究的杰出贡献,这只是冰山一角。参见:Julie A. Mennella and Gary K. Beauchamp,“The Early Development of Human Flavor Preferences,” in ed. Elizabeth D. Capaldi,Why We Eat What We Eat:The Psychology of Eating (Washington,D.C.:American Psychological Association,1996)。
1700846159 20.参见:www.cinnabon.com,2006 年 2 月 17 日。
1700846161 21.关于感官的实地研究和实验室研究之间的差异,更多的背景资料请见:Caas de Graaf,Armand V. Cardello,F. Matthew Kramer,Larry L. Lesher,Herbert L. Meiselman,and Howard G. Schutz,“A Comparison Between Liking Ratings Obtained Under Laboratory and Field Conditions:The Role of Choice,” Appetite 44:1 (February 2005):15–22。
1700846163 22.参见:Diane Irons,The World’s Best-Kept Diet Secrets:Lose Weight Safely,and Permanently (Naperville,IL:Sourcebooks,Inc.,1998)。
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