1701120991 [69] W.Scheidel,“Stratification,Deprivation and Quality of Life,” in Poverty in the Roman World ,ed. M. Atkins and R. Osborne (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2006),40-59 at p.54.
1701120993 [70] 关于非洲,特别参见P. Leveau,Caesarea de Maurétanie:Une ville romaine et ses campagnes ,Collection de l’école française de Rome 70 (Rome:Palais Farnèse,1984),477-85;关于高卢,参见Wickham,Framing the Early Middle Ages ,167-74。
1701120995 [71] P. Heather,“New Men for New Constantines?Creating an Imperial Elite in the Eastern Mediterranean,” in New Constantines:The Rhythm of Imperial Renewal in Byzantium,4th-13th Centuries ,ed. P. Magdalino (Aldershot:Variorum,1994),11-34;and idem,“Senators and Senates,” in The Cambridge Ancient History ,vol. 13,The Late Empire,A.D.337-425 ,ed. A.Cameron and P. Garnsey (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1998),184-210;Schmidt-Hofner,Reagieren und Gestalte n,103-15.
1701120997 [72] R. Lizzi Testa,Senatori,popolo,papi:Il governo di Roma al tempo dei Valentiniani (Bari:Edipuglia,2004),209-305;以及同一作者的“Alle origini della tradizione pagana su Costantino e il senatoromano,” in Transformations of Late Antiquity:Essays for Peter Brown ,ed. P. Rousseau and M. Papoutsakis (Farnham,UK:Ashgate,2009),85-127 at pp. 120-23。
1701120999 [73] Alan Cameron,“The Antiquity of the Symmachi,” Historia 48 (1999):477-505;and F. Jacques,“L’ordine senatorio attraverso la crisi del III secolo,” in Società romana e imperotardoantico ,1:81-225,以及第110页的地图。罗马经济这种决定性的南移已在一系列杰出的意大利语研究中被揭示。对意大利的这个学术传统的精彩总结,参见C. Wickham,“Marx,Sherlock Holmes and Late Roman Commerce,” Journal of Roman Studies 78 (1988):183-93;以及同一作者的新作Framing the Early Middle Ages ,708-12。
1701121001 [74] B. Shaw,“After Rome:Transformations of the Early Mediterranean World,” New Left Review 51 (2008):89-114,一篇对Wickham的Framing the Early Middle Ages 提出令人敬佩的个人见地的书评。
1701121003 [75]Anonymus de rebus bellicis 2.3,p. 94.
1701121005 [76] C. Kelly,Ruling the Later Roman Empire (Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,2004),107-13,148-58.
1701121007 [77] C. Kelly,Ruling the Later Roman Empire (Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,2004),145-48;Lepelley,Les cités de l’Afrique romaine ,2:468-70。
1701121009 [78] Kelly,Ruling the Later Roman Empire ,138-45. 有关整个晚期帝国范围内市政议员的困境,最好的两种叙述依旧是Jones,The Later Roman Empire ,2:737-57以及Lepelley,Les cités de l’Afrique romaine ,1:243-92。
1701121011 [79] Halsall,Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West ,79-96对晚期西罗马帝国精英的区域性差异,进行了精彩的考察。
1701121013 [80] D. Crane,Scott of the Antarctic:A Life of Courage and Tragedy in the Extreme South (New York:Harper Percival,2006),45.
1701121015 [81] J.-U. Krause,Spätantike Patronatsformen im Westen des römischen Reiches ,Vestigia 38 (Munich:C. H. Beck,1987),20-67;P.Garnsey,“Roman Patronage,” in From the Tetrarchs tothe Theodosians:Later Roman History and Culture,284-450 CE. For John Matthews on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday ,Yale Classical Studies 34,ed. S. McGill,C. Sogno,and E. Watts(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2010),33-54 at pp. 47-53.
1701121017 [82]Calendar of 354 ,ed. T. Mommsen,Chronica Minora ,MGH:Auctores Antiquissimi 9 (Berlin:Weidmann,1892),1:47.
1701121019 [83] Augustine,Contra academicos 2.2.2;see Lepelley,Les cités de l’Afrique romaine ,2:176-82.
1701121021 [84] Augustine,Confessions 5.13.23;新的研究参见J.V. Ebbeler and C. Sogno,“Religious Identity and the Politics of Patronage:Symmachus and Augustine,” Historia 56 (2007):230-42。
1701121023 [85] Augustine,Confessions 6.11.19.
1701121025 [86] Augustine,Confessions 6.9.15.
1701121027 [87] Augustine,Confessions 6.10.16.
1701121029 [88] J.F. Matthews,“The Letters of Symmachus,” in Latin Literature of the Fourth Century ,ed. J.W.Binns (London:Routledge,1974),58-99;R.B.E. Smith,“‘Restored Utility,Eternal City’:Patronal Imagery at Rome in the Fourth Century AD,” in “Bread and Circuses”:Euergetism and Municipal Patronage in Roman Italy ,ed. K. Lomas and T. Cornell (London:Routledge,2003),142-66;C. Sogno,“Roman Matchmaking,” in From the Tetrarchs to the Theodosians ,51-71 at pp. 63-66.
1701121031 [89] M. Harlow,“Clothes Maketh the Man:Power Dressing and Elite Masculinity in the Later Roman World,” in Gender in the Early Medieval World:East and West,300-900 ,ed. L. Brubakerand J.M.H. Smith (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2004),44-69 at pp. 44-54;针对略晚时段的研究,参见P. von Rummel,“Habitus Vandalorum?Zur Frage nach einer gruppen-spezifischen Kleidung der Vandalen in Afrika,” Antiquité tardive 10 (2002):131-141。“蛮族”服饰是廷臣和狩猎者的服饰,不限于汪达尔人。参见新的研究P. von Rummel,Habitus barbarus:Kleidung und Repräsentation spätantiker Eliten im 4.und 5. Jahrhundert ,Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde,Ergänzungsband 55 (Berlin:de Gruyter,2007),401-7。
1701121033 [90] R. MacMullen,“Some Pictures in Ammianus Marcellinus,” Art Bulletin 46 (1964),后收入Changes in the Roman Empire:Essays in the Ordinary (Princeton:Princeton University Press,1990),78-106;F. Morelli,“Tessuti e indumenti nel contesto economico tardoantico:I prezzi,” Antiquité tardive 12 (2004):55-78。
1701121035 [91]Life of Melania 19 and 21,Gorce,pp. 164,172,Clark,pp. 41,44;Liber Pontificalis 42:Innocent I ,trans. R. Davis,The Book of Pontiffs (Liber Pontificalis):The Ancient Biographies of the First Ninety Roman Bishops to AD 715 (Liverpool:Liverpool University Press,1989),31.
1701121037 [92]Pap. Ital. 8.III.7-13,ed. and trans. J.-O. Tjäder,Die nichtliterarischen Papyri Italiens aus der Zeit 445-700 ,Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom 4.19 (Lund:Gleerup,1955),242.
1701121039 [93] C. Witschel and B. Borg,“Veränderungen im Repräsentationsverhalten der römischen Eliten während des 3. Jhrdts. n. Chr.,” Inschriftliche Denkmäler als Medien der Selbstdarstellung in der römischen Welt ,ed. G. Alföldy and S. Panciera (Stuttgart:F. Steiner,2001),47-120 at pp. 97-99.
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