1701120941 [44] J.-P. Callu,“Le ‘centenarium’ et l’enrichissement monétaire au Bas-Empire,” Ktèma 3 (1978):301-16. 有关边境之外囤藏的索里达金币所揭示的黄金在帝国内的流转情况,特别参见P. Guest,“Roman Gold and Hun Kings:The Use and Hoarding of Solidi in the Late Fourth and Fifth Centuries,” in Roman Coins outside the Empire:Ways and Phases,Contexts and Functions ,ed. A. Bursche,R. Ciolek,and R. Wolters,Collection Moneta 82 (Wetteren:Moneta,2008),295-307。关于在特里尔行宫附近发现了一个壮观的索里达囤藏,新的研究参见Moselgold:Der römische Schatz von Machtum ,ed. F. Reinert (Luxembourg:Musée national d’histoire et d’art,2008)。感谢Johannes Hahn提醒我注意这项研究。
1701120943 [45] Jorge Luis Borges,A Personal Anthology ,ed. A. Kerrigan (New York:Grove Press,1967),131.
1701120945 [46] Olympiodorus,History:Fragment 41.1-2,ed. R.C. Blockley,The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire:Eunapius,Olympiodorus,Priscus and Malchus ,vol. 2(Liverpool:Francis Cairns,1983),204-6.
1701120947 [47] W.C. Scheidel,“Finances,Figures and Fiction,” Classical Quarterly 46 (1996):222-38.
1701120949 [48] C. Wickham,The Inheritance of Rome:A History of Europe from 400 to 1000 (London:Allen Lane,2009),29.
1701120951 [49] Jones,The Later Roman Empire ,2:537-39.
1701120953 [50]The Life of Melania 15,ed. D. Gorce,Vie de sainte Mélanie ,SC 90 (Paris:Le Cerf,1962),156,trans. E. A. Clark,The Life of Melania the Younger (New York:Edwin Mellen,1984),38.
1701120955 [51]Life of Melania 17,Gorce,p. 160,Clark,p. 40.
1701120957 [52] Ammianus Marcellinus,Res gestae 27.11.1,ed. and trans. J. C. Rolfe,Ammianus Marcellinus ,Loeb Classical Library (Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1952),3:72-74;另见trans. W. Hamilton,The Later Roman Empire ,A.D.354-378 (Harmondsworth,UK:Penguin,1986),345-46。
1701120959 [53] A. Gillett,“The Date and Circumstances of Olympiodorus of Thebes,” Traditio 48 (1993):1-29.
1701120961 [54] T.D. Barnes,Ammianus Marcellinus and the Representation of Historical Reality (Ithaca,NY:Cornell University Press,1998),117-19.
1701120963 [55] Vera,“Forme e funzioni della rendita fondiaria,” 412.
1701120965 [56] Rostovtzeff,Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire ,475-77 with plate IX.2.
1701120967 [57] Summary:Du latifundium au latifondo:Un héritage de Rome,une création médiévale ou moderne? Publications du Centre Pierre Paris 25 (Paris:Boccard,1995),460. 在意大利考古中,另有一个类似的案例动摇了有关“奴隶庄园”和其所暗示的大地产的传统叙述,参见A.Marzano,Roman Villas in Central Italy:A Social and Economic History ,Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition 30 (Leiden:Brill,2007),125-53。
1701120969 [58] P.Sillières,“Approche d’un espace rural antique:L’exemple de Vila de Frades en Lusitanie méridionale,” in Du latifundium au latifondo ,21-29.
1701120971 [59] D.Vera,“Massa fundorum,” Mélanges de l’école française de Rome:Antiquité 111 (1999):991-1025.
1701120973 [60] 特别参见P. Van Ossel,“Rural Impoverishment in Northern Gaul at the End of Antiquity:The Contribution of Archaeology,” in Social and Political Life in Late Antiquity ,Late Antique Archaeology 3:1,ed. W. Bowden,A. Gutteridge,and C. Machado (Leiden:Brill,2006),533-65。
1701120975 [61] J.-M. Carrié,“Le ‘colonat du Bas-Empire’:Un mythe historiographique?” Opus 1 (1982):351-70;C. Grey,“Contextualizing Colonatus:The Origo of the Late Roman Empire,” Journal of Roman Studies 97 (2007):155-75.
1701120977 [62] 特别参见J. Banaji的有力论证,见于“Lavoratori liberi e residenza coatta:Il colonato romano in prospettiva storica,” in Terre,proprietari e contadini dell’impero romano:Dall’affitto agrario al colonato tardoantico ,ed. E. Lo Cascio (Rome:Nuova Italia Scientifica,1997),253-80;以及同一作者的“Aristocracies,Peasantries and the Framing of the Early Middle Ages,” Journal of Agrarian Change 9 (2009):59-91 at p. 67。关于依附农民与蛮族入侵造成的紧急状态,参见S. Schmidt-Hofner,Reagierenund Gestalten:Die Regierungsstil des spätrömischen Kaisers am Beispiel der Gesetzgebung Valentinians I ,Vestigia 58 (Munich:C. H. Beck,2008),269-87,esp. 276-80。另有K. Harper,“The Greek Census Inscriptions of Late Antiquity,” Journal of Roman Studies 98 (2008):83-119 at pp. 105-6,尽管这项研究基于的是东部省份的证据,但它极好地揭示了奴隶和依附佃农在富人的劳动生产中扮演的角色。
1701120979 [63] A. Giardina,“The Transition to Late Antiquity,” in The Cambridge Economic History of the Greco-Roman World ,ed. W. Scheidel,I. Morris,and R. Saller (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2007),743-68 at p. 752.
1701120981 [64] J. Wacher,Roman Britain ,2nd ed. (Stroud,UK:Sutton,1998),131-36;Marzano,Roman Villas in Central Italy ,141. 引领此种修正的标志性作品包括Mazzarino,Aspettisociali del quarto secolo ;L. Cracco Ruggini,Economia e società nell’ “Italia annonaria”:Rapporti fra agricoltura e commercio dal IV al VI secolo d.C. (Milan:Giuffrè,1961;2nd ed.,Bari:Edipuglia,1995);and Lepelley,Les cités de l’Afrique romaine 。
1701120983 [65] N. Duval,“Deux mythes iconographiques de l’antiquité tardive:La villa fortifiée et le ‘chasseur vandale,’” in Humana sapit:Études d’Antiquité Tardive offertes à Lellia Cracco Ruggini ,ed.J.-M. Carrié and R. Lizzi Testa,Bibliothèque d’Antiquité Tardive 3 (Turnhout:Brepols,2002),333-40.
1701120985 [66] 皮亚扎阿尔梅里纳庄园的宏大气魄尤其容易诱导我们对晚期罗马庄园作为权力展示的场所这种角色做过分戏剧化的诠释,特别参见S. Ellis,“Power,Architecture and Décor:How the Late Roman Aristocrat Appeared to His Guests,” in Roman Art in the Private Sphere:New Perspectives on the Architecture and Decor of the Domus,Villa,andInsula ,ed. E.K. Gazda (Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1991),117-34。
1701120987 [67] 特别参见新研究K. Bowes,Houses and Society in the Later Roman Empire (London:Duckworth,2010),77-82,95-98。我们应当注意,在所有区域性的考察里展现出的庄园大小和财富程度是有很大差异的,特别参见C. Balmelle,Les demeures aristocratiques d’Aquitaine:Société et culture de l’Antiquité tardive dans le Sud-Ouest de la Gaule (Bordeaux and Paris:Ausonius and Aquitania,2001);A. Chavarría Arnau,El final de las “villae” en “Hispania” (siglos IV-VIII) (Turnhout:Brepols,2007);S. Scott,Art and Society in Fourth Century Britain:Villa Mosaics in Context ,Oxford School of Archaeology Monographs 53 (Oxford:Oxbow,2000)。
1701120989 [68] I. Rodá,“Iconografía y epigrafía en dos mosaicos hispanas:Las villas de Tossa y de Dueñas,” in VI Coloquio internacional sobre mosaico antiguo (Palencia/Mérida:Associación Españoldel Mosaico,1994),35-42 at p. 35.
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