1701121341 [31] Athanasius,Historia Arianorum 78.1.
1701121343 [32] Augustine,New [Divjak]Letter 22*.2,p. 348,trans. Eno,St. Augustine:Letters VI,156.
1701121345 [33] Veyne,L’empire gréco-romain ,119.
1701121347 [34] Pacianus of Barcelona,Sermo de Paenitentibus 10.3,ed. and trans. C. Granado,Pacien de Barcélone:écrits ,SC 410 (Paris:Le Cerf,1995),138.
1701121349 [35]I mosaici della basilica di Aquileia ,ed. G. Marini (Aquileia:CISCRA Edizioni,2003),24-27中有这些镶嵌画极好的照片和折页图,但其中的评注没有学术价值。特别参见C. Sotinel,Identité civique et christianisme:Aquilée du IIIeau VIesiècle ,Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d’Athènes et de Rome 324 (Rome:École française de Rome,2006),72-89;以及J.-P. Caillet,L’évergétisme monumental chrétien en Italie et à ses marges d’après les pavements de mosaïque (IVe-VIIes .),Collection de l’École française de Rome 175 (Rome:Palais Farnèse,1993),123-41。新的研究参见A. Zettler,Offerenteninschriften auf den frühchristlichen Mosaikfußböden Venetiens und Istriens (Berlin:de Gruyter,2001),138-43;特别参见V. Vuolanto,“Male and Female Euergetism in Late Antiquity:A Study on Italian and Adriatic Church Floor Mosaics,” in Women,Wealth and Power in the Roman Empire ,ed. P. Setälä etal.,Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae 25 (Rome:Finnish Institute,2002),245-302。
1701121351 [36] 因为语法糟糕,这段铭文的意思很模糊。Caillet,L’évergétisme monumental chrétien ,139讨论了这段铭文可能的含义。
1701121353 [37] Caillet,L’évergétisme monumental chrétien ,141.
1701121355 [38] Caillet,L’évergétisme monumental chrétien ,410-11;and Zettler,Offerenteninschriften ,73-75,155-56。我接受了Caillet 的观点,即这段铭文和提奥多卢斯的房型教堂是同时代的。
1701121357 [39] W. Ameling,ed.,Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis ,vol. 2,Kleinasien ,Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism 99 (Tübingen:Siebeck Mohr,2004),no. 19,pp. 229-22.
1701121359 [40] W. Ameling,ed.,Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis ,vol. 2,Kleinasien ,Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism 99 (Tübingen:Siebeck Mohr,2004),no. 90,pp. 261-62;T. Rajak,“The Gifts of God at Sardis,” in Jews in a Graeco-Roman World ,ed. M. Goodman (New York:Oxford University Press,1998),119-39。撒尔迪斯会堂的断代还有争议:其铭文连同其特别的程式可能比阿奎利亚方形教堂的铭文和程式要晚很多,参见J. Magness,“The date of the sardis synagogue in the Light of the Numismatic Evidence,” American Journal of Archaeology 109 (2005):443-75 at p. 443。
1701121361 [41] Sotinel,Identité civique et christianisme ,89-99.
1701121363 [42] Schwartz,Imperialism and Jewish Society ,284-88. 这个主题已被出色地描述,并依据所有已知的犹太会堂的证据被充分地讨论了,参见Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis ,vol. 1,Eastern Europe ,ed. D. Noy,A. Panayatov,and H. Bloedhorn,Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism 101 (Tübingen:Siebeck Mohr,2002);vol. 2,Kleinasien ;and vol. 3,Syriaand Cyprus ,ed. D. Noy and H. Bloedhorn,Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism 102 (Tübingen:Siebeck Mohr,2004)。关于东部地区基督教堂里相似的镶嵌画镶板,参见R.Haensch,“Le financement de la construction des églises pendant l’Antiquité tardive et l’évergétisme antique,” Antiquité tardive 14 (2006):47-58。
1701121365 [43]Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis ,3:139-46.
1701121367 [44] Sotinel,Identité civique et christianisme ,270-74.
1701121369 [45] Caillet,L’évergétisme monumental chrétien ,416,432-33,451-59.
1701121371 [46] Caillet,L’évergétisme monumental chrétien ,372:一座位于艾莫娜(卢布尔雅那)的洗礼堂的镶嵌画铭文。
1701121373 [47] I.Schrüfer-Kolb,Roman Iron Production in Britain:Technological and Socioeconomic Landscape Development along the Jurassic Ridge ,British Archaeological Reports 380 (Oxford:Archaeopress,2004);R.E. Leader-Newby,Silver and Society in Late Antiquity:Functions and Meanings of Silver Plate in the Fourth to Seventh Centuries (Aldershot:Ashgate,2003),82-88.
1701121375 [48] E. Magnani,“Almsgiving,donatio pro anima and Eucharistic Offering in the Early Middle Ages of Western Europe (4th-9th Century),” in Charity and Giving in Monotheistic Religions ,ed.M. Frenkel and Y. Lev,Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des islamischen Orients,n. F. 22 (Berlin:de Gruyter,2009),111-21;以及同一作者的“Du don aux églises au don pour le salut de l’ame enOccident (IVe -XIe siècle):Le paradigme eucharistique,” in Pratiques de l’eucharistie dans les églises d’Orient et Occident (Antiquité et Moyen Âge) ,ed. N. Bériou,B. Caseau,and D. Rigaux (Paris:Institut d’études Augustiniennes,2009),1021-42.
1701121377 [49] P. Brown,Poverty and Leadership in the Later Roman Empire ,Menahem Stern Jerusalem Lectures (Hanover,NH:University Press of New England,2002),16-26.
1701121379 [50] Cyprian,De ecclesiae catholicae unitate 25;De lapsis 6 and 35;De opere et eleemosynis 2.9 and 26.
1701121381 [51] Cyprian,Letters 22.2,5.1,7,10.5,14.2. 对这些书信很好的翻译和评注参见G.W. Clarke,The Letters of St. Cyprian of Carthage ,vol. 1,Ancient Christian Writers 43 (New York:Newman Press,1984)。
1701121383 [52] G.Schöllgen,Ecclesia Sordida?Zur Frage der sozialen Schichtung frühchristlicher Gemeinden am Beispiel Karthagos zur Zeit Tertullians ,Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum:Ergänzungsband 12 (Münster:Aschendorff,1984).
1701121385 [53] M.M. Sage,Cyprian ,Patristic Monographs Series 1 (Cambridge,MA:Philadelphia Patristic Foundation,1975),329;H. Chadwick,The Church in Ancient Society:From Galilee to Gregory the Great (Oxford:Oxford University Press,2001),106. See now J. P. Burns,Cyprian the Bishop (London:Routledge,2002),16-20;C. García Mac Gaw,Le problème du baptêmedans le schisme donatiste ,Scripta Antiqua 21 (Bordeaux:Ausonius,2008):46-49;and P. Bernardini,Un solo battesimo,una sola chiesa:Il concilio di Cartagine del settembre 256 (Bologna:Mulino,2009),65-125.
1701121387 [54] Cyprian,De habitu virginum 11.
1701121389 [55] Cyprian,De dominica oratione 32;Letter 24.1.
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