1701499721 (98) 转引自Misselhorn, “Empathy and Dyspathy with Androids”, 103。
1701499723 (99) Masahiro Mori, “The Uncanny Valley”, trans. Karl F. MacDorman and Norri Kageki, IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine , 19/2 (2012), 98—100 [ Jap. orig., “Bukimi no tani”, 1970].
1701499725 (100) Catrin Misselhorn, “Empathy with Inanimate Objects and the Uncanny Valley”, Mind and Machines , 19/3 (2009), 349—359, here 357.
1701499727 (101) Anne S. Straus, “Northern Cheyenne Ethnopsychology”, Ethos , 5/3 (1977), 326—357,here 341—342.
1701499729 (102) 这种做法在新王国时期(约公元前1569—前1076)最为普遍,见Ann Rosalie David, “Mummification”, in Donald B. Redford (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt , ii (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), 439—444, here 440—441。
1701499731 (103) Joseph LeDoux, “Brains Through the Back Door”, in John Brockman (ed.), Curious Minds: How a Child Becomes a Scientist (New York: Pantheon Books, 2004), 142.
1701499733 (104) Fred R. Myers, Pintupi Country, Pintupi Self: Sentiment, Place, and Politics among Western Desert Aborigines (Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1986), 107.
1701499735 (105) Ning Yu, “Body and Emotion: Body Parts in Chinese Expression of Emotion”,Pragmatics and Cognition , 10/1 (2002), 341—367, here 343.
1701499737 (106) Ning Yu, “Body and Emotion: Body Parts in Chinese Expression of Emotion”,Pragmatics and Cognition , 10/1 (2002), 341—367, here 345.
1701499739 (107) Ning Yu, “Metaphorical Expressions of Anger and Happiness in English and Chinese”,Metaphor and Symbolic Activity , 10/2 (1995), 59—92, here 79.也见Zoltán Kövecses, Metaphor and Emotion: Language, Culture, and Body in Human Feeling (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), 172。
1701499741 (108) Monica Juneja, “Visualising Emotional States in Indian Court Painting of the Early Modern Period”,在柏林马克斯· 普朗克人类发展研究所的演讲(2009年6月8日);Monica Juneja, “Translating the Body into Image: The Body Politic and Visual Practice at the Mughal Court during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries”, in Michaels and Wulf (eds.),Images of the Body in India , 235—260, here 239, 243。
1701499743 (109) William M. Reddy, The Navigation of Feeling: A Framework for the History of Emotions (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), 101.
1701499745 (110) Robert Levy, Tahitians: Mind and Experience in the Society Islands (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1973), 271.
1701499747 (111) René Descartes, The Passions of the Soul , trans. Stehen M. Voss (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1989) [Fr. orig., Les Passions de l’âme , 1649], 50.
1701499749 (112) Gardiner, Metcalf, and Beebe-Center, Feeling and Emotion , 222.
1701499751 (113) 关于这种反馈机制,见Jan Plamper, “The History of Emotions: An Interview with William Reddy, Barbara H. Rosenwein, and Peter Stearns”, History and Theory , 49/2 (2010), 237—265, esp. 242。
1701499753 (114) William Ian Miller, The Anatomy of Disgust (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1997), 31.
1701499755 (115) Gross, Secret History of Emotion , 34.
1701499757 (116) Sarah Tarlow, “Emotion in Archaeology”, Current Anthropology , 41/5 (2000), 713—746.
1701499759 (117) 例如Akira Iriye, “Culture and International History”, in Michael J. Hogan and Thomas G. Paterson (eds.), Explaining the History of American Foreign Relations (2nd edn., Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2004), 241—256; Ursula Lehmkuhl, “Diplomatiegeschichte als internationale Kulturgeschichte: Theoretische Ansätze und empirische Forschung zwischen Historischer Kulturwissenschaft und Soziologischem Institutionalismus”, Geschichte und Gesellschaft , 27/3 (2001), 394—423,第414页明确提到了情感;Jessica C. E. Gienow-Hecht and Frank Schumacher (eds.), Culture and International History (New York: Berghahn Books, 2003); Markus Mösslang and Torsten Riotte (eds.), The Diplomats ’ World: A Cultural History of Diplomacy, 1815—1914 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008)。2010年,在伦敦举行了一次以情感为主题的外交会议,见Heidi Mehrkens, Review of “Persönliche Beziehungen zwischen Staatsmännern als Kategorie der Geschichte des Politischen(1815—1914)”, H-Soz-u-Kult, H-Net Reviews (November 2010) accessed 23 February 2014。
1701499761 (118) 恩斯特一世(Ernst Ⅰ)于1841年11月28日写给阿尔伯特的信,转引自Johannes Paulmann, Pomp und Politik: Monarchenbegegnungen in Europa zwischen Ancien Régime und Erstem Weltkrieg (Paderborn: Schöningh, 2000), 277—278,原文强调。
1701499763 (119) 关于情感在外交中所引起的误解,见Susanne Schattenberg, “The Diplomat as ‘an Actor on a Great Stage before all the People’ ? A Cultural History of Diplomacy and the Portsmouth Peace Negotiations of 1905”, in Mösslang and Riotte (eds.), Diplomats ’ World , 167—194;Susanne Schattenberg, “Die Sprache der Diplomatie oder Das Wunder von Portsmouth:Überlegungen zu einer Kulturgeschichte der Außenpolitik”, Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas,Neue Folge , 56/1 (2008), 3—26; Susanne Schattenberg, “Die Angst vor Erniedrigung: Die U-2-Krise und das Ende der Entspannung”, in Bernd Greiner, Christian Th. Müller, and Dierk Walter (eds.), Angst im Kalten Krieg (Hamburg: Hamburger Edition, 2009), 220—251。
1701499765 (120) Paulmann, Pomp und Politik , 229.
1701499767 (121) Paulmann, Pomp und Politik , 230.
1701499769 (122) 与此同时,将日记和个人回忆录等私密文件存入私人或国家档案馆的做法也越来越普遍。参见弗兰克· 科斯提格利奥拉(Frank Costigliola)根据这种史料对“冷战”的情感史研究,基于以下资料来源:“‘Unceasing Pressure for Penetration’: Gender, Pathology,and Emotion in George Kennan’s Formation of the Cold War”, Journal of American History , 83/4 (1997), 1309—1339; Frank Costigliola, “ ‘I Had Come as a Friend’: Emotion, Culture, and Ambiguity in the Formation of the Cold War, 1943—1945”, Cold War History , 1/1 (2000), 103—128。
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