1701500219 (121) Bettina Hitzer, “Emotionsgeschichte: Ein Anfang mit Folgen”, H-Soz-u-Kult (23 November 2011) accessed 20 February 2014; Susan J. Matt, “Current Emotion Research in History: Or, Doing History from the Inside Out”, Emotion Review , 3/1 (2011), 117—124; Nina Verheyen, “Geschichte der Gefühle[Version: 1.0]”, Docupedia-Zeitgeschichte (18 June 2010) accessed 20 February 2014.又见范围更有限或更早的文献,见William M. Reddy“, Historical Research on the Self and Emotions”, Emotion Review , 1/4 (2009), 302—315; Florian Weber,“ Von der klassischen Affektenlehre zur Neurowissenschaft und zurück: Wege der Emotionsforschung in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften”, Neue PolitischeLiteratur , 53 (2008), 21—42; Alexandra Przyrembel,“ Sehnsucht nach Gefühlen: Zur Konjunktur der Emotionen in der Geschichtswissenschaft”, L’Homme , 16 (2005), 116—124;Schnell“, Historische Emotionsforschung”。
1701500221 (122) Angelika C. Messner,“ Emotions, Body, and Bodily Sensations within an Early Field of Expertise Knowledge in China”, in Paolo Santangelo and Ulrike Middendorf (eds.), From Skin to Heart: Perceptions of Emotions and Bodily Sensations in Traditional Chinese Culture (Wiesbaden:Harrassowitz, 2006), 41—63; Angelika C. Messner,“ Making Sense of Signs: Emotions in Chinese Medical Texts”, in Paolo Santangelo and Donatella Guida (eds.), Love, Hatred, and Other Passions: Questions and Themes on Emotions in Chinese Civilization (Leiden: Brill, 2006), 91—109;Curie Virág,“ Emotions and Human Agency in the Thought of Zhu Xi”, Journal of Song Yuan Studies , 37 (2007), 49—88; Zouhair Ghazzal,“ From Anger on Behalf of God to‘ Forbearance’in Islamic Medieval Literature”, in Barbara H. Rosenwein (ed.), Anger’s Past: The Social Uses of an Emotion in the Middle Ages (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1998), 203—230.
1701500223 (123) Eiko Ikegami,“ Emotions”, in Ulinka Rublack (ed.), A Concise Companion to History (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011), 333—353; Eugenia Lean, Public Passions: The Trial of Shi Jianqiao and the Rise of Popular Sympathy in Republican China (Berkeley and Los Angeles:University of California Press, 2007).
1701500225 (124) Michael Laffan,“ White Hajjis: Dutch Islamophobias Past and Present”, in Laffan and Max Weiss (eds.), Facing Fear: The History of an Emotion in Global Perspective (Princeton:Princeton University Press, 2012), 202—216; Lisbeth Haas,“ Fear in Colonial California and within the Borderlands”, in Laffan and Weiss (eds.), Facing Fear , 74—90.
1701500227 (125) Daud Ali, “Anxieties of Attachment: The Dynamics of Courtship in Medieval India”,Modern Asian Studies , 36/1 (2002), 103—139; Francesca Orsini, “Love Letters”, in Orsini (ed.), Love in South Asia: A Cultural History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), 228—258; Sumathi Ramaswamy, Passions of the Tongue: Language Devotion in Tamil India, 1891—1970 (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1997); Lisa Mitchell, Language, Emotion, and Politics in South India: The Making of a Mother Tongue (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2009); Scott Kugle,Rebel Between Spirit and Law: Ahmad Zarruq, Sainthood and Authority in Islam (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2006); Joseph S. Alter, Gandhi’s Body: Sex, Diet and the Politics of Nationalism (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000).又见从情感史的角度书写的殖民史:Margaret Critchlow Rodman, “The Heart in the Archives: Colonial Contestation of Desire and Fear in the New Hebrides, 1933”, Journal of Pacific History , 38/3 (2003), 291—312。
1701500229 (126) Margrit Pernau, “Male Anger and Female Malice: Emotions in Indo-Muslim Advice Literature”, History Compass , 10/2 (2012), 119—128; Margrit Pernau, “An ihren Gefühlen sollt Ihr sie erkennen: Eine Verflechtungsgeschichte des britischen Zivilitätsdiskurses (ca.1750—1860)”, Geschichte und Gesellschaft , 35/2 (2009), 249—281; Margrit Pernau, “Teaching Emotions: The Encounter between Victorian Values and Indo-Persian Concepts of Civility in Nineteenth-Century Delhi”, in Indra Sengupta and Daud Ali (eds.), Knowledge Production,Pedagogy, and Institutions in Colonial India (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), 227—247;Margrit Pernau, Emotions and Modernity in Colonial India: From Balance to Fervor (Oxford UP, 2019).佩尔瑙还指导了柏林的马克斯· 普朗克人类发展研究所情感史中心的一些博士生,在此过程中产生了以下论文:Monika Freier, “Cultivating Emotions: The Gita Press and Its Agenda of Social and Spiritual Reform”, South Asian History and Culture , 3/3(2012), 397—413; M. Sajjad Alam Rizvi, “Conceptualizing Emotions: Perspectives from South Asian Sufism”, Economic and Political Weekly (forthcoming); Maritta Schleyer, “Ghadr-e Dehli ke Afsane” , Annual of Urdu Studies , 27 (2012), 34—56。
1701500231 (127) Sarah Tarlow, “Emotion in Archaeology”, Current Anthropology , 41/5 (2000), 713—746.
1701500233 (128) Egon Flaig, “Wie man mit Gesten zwingt: Der Einsatz des Emotionalen in der Politik des antiken Rom”, Sozialwissenschaftliche Information: Geschichte Politik Wirtschaft , 30/3 (2001), 72—83.又见Alfred Kneppe, Metus temporum: Zur Bedeutung von Angst in Politik und Gesellschaft der römischen Kaiserzeit des 1. und 2. Jhdts. n. Chr. (Stuttgart: Steiner, 1994); Dirk Barghop, Forum der Angst: Eine historisch-anthropologische Studie zu Verhaltensmustern vonSenatoren im Römischen Kaiserreich (Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 1994); Christian Meier, “Die Angst und der Staat:Fragen und Thesen zur Geschichte menschlicher Affekte”, in Hans Rössner (ed.), Der ganze Mensch (Munich: DTV, 1986), 228—246。从古典文献学的角度来看,见David Konstan and N. Keith Rutter (eds.), Envy, Spite and Jealousy: The Rivalrous Emotions in Ancient Greece (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2003)。关于罗马和西塞罗的《图斯库路姆辩论》(Tusculanae disputationes ),见Robert Kaster, Emotion, Restraint, and Community in Ancient Rome (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005)。
1701500235 (129) Plutarch, Lives , x. Agis and Clemones, Tiberius and Caius Gracchus, Philopoemen and Flaminius ,trans. Bernadotte Perrin (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press: 1988), 171.
1701500237 (130) Plutarch, Lives , x.171.
1701500239 (131) Plutarch, Lives , x.173.
1701500241 (132) Flaig, “Wie man mit Gesten zwingt”, 74.
1701500243 (133) Flaig, “Wie man mit Gesten zwingt”, 76, 77.
1701500245 (134) 显然,对中世纪情感史的研究和在中世纪文学研究中对情感的广泛关注是相辅相成的,见Peter Godman, Paradoxes of Conscience in the High Middle Ages: Abelard, Heloise, and the Archpoet (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009)。
1701500247 (135) Gerd Althoff, “Ira Regis:Prolegomena to a History of Royal Anger”, in Rosenwein (ed.),Anger’s Past , 59—74.
1701500249 (136) Rosenwein, “Worrying about Emotions in History”, 834; Jan Plamper, “The History of Emotions: An Interview with William Reddy, Barbara H. Rosenwein, and Peter Stearns”,History and Theory , 49/2 (2010), 237—265, here 250—252. “液压模型”的概念可以追溯到罗伯特· 所罗门(Robert Solomon)等人,见Robert C. Solomon, The Passions: Emotions and the Meaning of Life (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1993), 77—88。
1701500251 (137) Charles Darwin, The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals , with an introduction,afterword, and commentaries by Paul Ekman (3rd edn., New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), 74,转引自Rosenwein, “Worrying about Emotions in History”, 835。
1701500253 (138) Rosenwein, “Worrying about Emotions in History”.
1701500255 (139) Rosenwein, “Worrying about Emotions in History”, 827.
1701500257 (140) Rosenwein, “Worrying about Emotions in History”, 828.
1701500259 (141) Rosenwein, “Worrying about Emotions in History”, 842.
1701500261 (142) 对于中世纪不同的情感共同体之间在情感规范方面的差异,罗森宛恩有了新的认识。如今,她认为可能的变化幅度没有她在20世纪90年代和21世纪初所认为的那么大,见Plamper, “History of Emotions”, 256—257。
1701500263 (143) Barbara H. Rosenwein, Emotional Communities in the Early Middle Ages (Ithaca, NY:Cornell University Press, 2006), 2.
1701500265 (144) Rosenwein, “Worrying about Emotions in History”, 24.
1701500267 (145) 2009年7月6日,在柏林马克斯· 普朗克人类发展研究所情感史中心的一次演讲中,罗森宛恩提到现代大众传播媒介也使建立成员之间没有直接接触的情感共同体成为可能。
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