1701502847 (185) According to the psychologist Rainer Reisenzein, “Schachter—Singer Theory”, in David Sander and Klaus R. Scherer (eds.), The Oxford Companion to Emotion and the Affective Sciences (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009), 352—353, here 352.
1701502849 (186) 沙赫特将他的模型称为“改良的詹姆斯主义”,见Stanley Schachter, “The Interaction of Cognitive and Physiological Determinants of Emotion State”, Advances in Experimental Social Psychology , 1 (1964), 49—80, here 70;沙赫特作为认知心理学的代表,见Ruth Leys, “The Turn to Affect: A Critique”, Critical Inquiry , 37/3 (2011), 434—472, here 469。
1701502851 (187) Reisenzein, “Schachter—Singer Theory”, 353.
1701502853 (188) Magda B. Arnold and John A. Gasson, “Feelings and Emotions as Dynamic Factors in Personality Integration”,in Arnold and John A. Gasson (eds.), The Human Person: An Approach to an Integral Theory of Personality (New York: Ronald Press, 1954), 294—313, here 294.
1701502855 (189) Magda B. Arnold, Emotion and Personality , i. Psychological Aspects (New York: Columbia University Press, 1960), 171.
1701502857 (190) Arnold, Emotion and Personality , i. 179.也见Randolph R. Cornelius, The Science of Emotion:Research and Tradition in the Psychology of Emotion (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996), 119。
1701502859 (191) Cornelius, Science of Emotion , 114.
1701502861 (192) 也见William M. Reddy, The Navigation of Feeling: A Framework for the History of Emotions (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001)。
1701502863 (193) Arnold, Emotion and Personality , i. 175.
1701502865 (194) 扎荣茨认为:“当代认知心理学直接忽视了情感”,只有社会心理学对情感给予了适当的关注,见R. B. Zajonc, “Feeling and Thinking: Preferences Need no Inferences”, American Psychologist , 35/2 (1980), 151—175, here 152, n. 3。
1701502867 (195) R. B. Zajonc, “Feeling and Thinking: Preferences Need no Inferences”, American Psychologist , 35/2 (1980), 151.
1701502869 (196) R. B. Zajonc, “Feeling and Thinking: Preferences Need no Inferences”, American Psychologist , 35/2 (1980), 152.
1701502871 (197) R. B. Zajonc, “Feeling and Thinking: Preferences Need no Inferences”, American Psychologist , 35/2 (1980), 169.
1701502873 (198) Zajonc, “Feeling and Thinking”, 172.
1701502875 (199) Richard S. Lazarus, “Thoughts on the Relations between Emotion and Cognition”,American Psychologist , 37/9 (1982), 1019—1024, here 1020.
1701502877 (200) Richard S. Lazarus, “Thoughts on the Relations between Emotion and Cognition”,American Psychologist , 37/9 (1982), 1019.
1701502879 (201) 关于“新颅相学”,见William R. Uttal, The New Phrenology: The Limits of Localizing Cognitive Processes in the Brain (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001);关于“大脑色情”和“神经泡沫”,见Christopher F. Chabris and Daniel J. Simons, The Invisible Gorilla: And Other Ways our Intuitions Deceive Us (New York: Crown, 2009), 139—143;关于“斑点学”,见Cordelia Fine, Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference (New York: Norton, 2010), 153。对fMRI扫描及其(生物)政治含义的批判,见Joseph Dumit, Picturing Personhood: Brain Scans and Biomedical Identity (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2004); Kelly A. Joyce, Magnetic Appeal: MRI and the Myth of Transparency (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2008)。
1701502881 (202) 目前,这些数学模型中最流行的是由卡尔· 弗里斯顿(Karl Friston)等人开发的动态因果模型(Dynamic Causal Modelling,简称DCM),见K. J. Friston, L. Harrison,and W. Penny, “Dynamic Causal Modelling”, NeuroImage , 19/4 (2003), 1273—1302。
1701502883 (203) fMRI成像扫描仪的发明者之一彼得· A.班德蒂尼(Peter A. Bandettini)在2004年总结了扫描仪的局限性:“功能性磁共振成像不能以毫秒为单位绘制瞬态活动图。它不能在小于2平方毫米的空间尺度上描绘大脑活动。由于基线漂移,它无法映射非常缓慢的‘状态’变化。它不能区分兴奋性输入和抑制性输入引起的活动。它不能映射基线活动和代谢状态。它不能解决先后激活的大脑区域之间的级联通信。校准程序相对粗糙。它不能推断个体的激活图,因为它们与普通人群的大脑激活图有关。”参见Peter A. Bandettini, Ph.D., Investigator, Neuroscience@NIH accessed 11 March 2014。
1701502885 (204) 对实验设计的外部和技术方面的描述提供了“fMRI Research Project Participant Information”, Sanford School of Medicine at University of South Dakota accessed 11 March 2014。
1701502887 (205) 有关情感的常见实验的描述,见Hugo Critchley,“Emotion and Its Disorders: Imaging in Clinical Neuroscience”, British Medical Bulletin , 65 (2003), 35—47; Tom Johnstone, Carien M.van Reekum, Terrence R. Oakes, and Richard J. Davidson, “The Voice of Emotion: An FMRI Study of Neural Responses to Angry and Happy Vocal Expressions”, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience , 1/3 (2006), 242—249; Kateri McRae, Kevin N. Ochsner, IrisB. Mauss, John J. D. Gabrieli, and James J. Gross, “Gender Differences in Emotion Regulation: An fMRI Study of Cognitive Reappraisal”, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations , 11/2 (2008), 143—162。
1701502889 (206) Xiaojing Xu et al., “Do You Feel My Pain? Racial Group Membership Modulates Empathic Neural Responses”, Journal of Neuroscience , 29/26 (2009), 8525—8529, here 8528.另见意大利的一项研究,该研究表明,如果进行经颅磁刺激(而非fMRI),如果受试者是种族主义者,他们看见黑皮肤的手被针刺破,其大脑中负责共情的区域比看到白皮肤的手被针扎时的激活程度更低,见Alessio Avenanti, Angela Sirigu,and Salvatore M. Aglioti,“ Racial Bias Reduces Empathic Sensorimotor Resonance with Other-Race Pain”, Current Biology , 20/11 (2010), 1018—1022,延伸介绍,见JoanY. Chiao and Vani A. Mathur,“ Intergroup Empathy: How does Race Affect Empathic Neural Responses?”,Current Biology , 20/11 (2010), 478—480。
1701502891 (207) Nikos K. Logothetis,“ What We Can Do and What We Cannot Do with fMRI”, Nature , 453/ 7197 (2008), 869—878, here 869.
1701502893 (208) Nikos K. Logothetis,“ What We Can Do and What We Cannot Do with fMRI”, Nature , 453/ 7197 (2008), 877.
1701502895 (209) Felicity Callard and Daniel S. Margulies, “The Subject at Rest: Novel Conceptualizations of Self and Brain from Cognitive Neuroscience’s Study of the ‘Resting State’”, Subjectivity , 4/3 (2011), 227—257.
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