1701502883 (203) fMRI成像扫描仪的发明者之一彼得· A.班德蒂尼(Peter A. Bandettini)在2004年总结了扫描仪的局限性:“功能性磁共振成像不能以毫秒为单位绘制瞬态活动图。它不能在小于2平方毫米的空间尺度上描绘大脑活动。由于基线漂移,它无法映射非常缓慢的‘状态’变化。它不能区分兴奋性输入和抑制性输入引起的活动。它不能映射基线活动和代谢状态。它不能解决先后激活的大脑区域之间的级联通信。校准程序相对粗糙。它不能推断个体的激活图,因为它们与普通人群的大脑激活图有关。”参见Peter A. Bandettini, Ph.D., Investigator, Neuroscience@NIH accessed 11 March 2014。
1701502885 (204) 对实验设计的外部和技术方面的描述提供了“fMRI Research Project Participant Information”, Sanford School of Medicine at University of South Dakota accessed 11 March 2014。
1701502887 (205) 有关情感的常见实验的描述,见Hugo Critchley,“Emotion and Its Disorders: Imaging in Clinical Neuroscience”, British Medical Bulletin , 65 (2003), 35—47; Tom Johnstone, Carien M.van Reekum, Terrence R. Oakes, and Richard J. Davidson, “The Voice of Emotion: An FMRI Study of Neural Responses to Angry and Happy Vocal Expressions”, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience , 1/3 (2006), 242—249; Kateri McRae, Kevin N. Ochsner, IrisB. Mauss, John J. D. Gabrieli, and James J. Gross, “Gender Differences in Emotion Regulation: An fMRI Study of Cognitive Reappraisal”, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations , 11/2 (2008), 143—162。
1701502889 (206) Xiaojing Xu et al., “Do You Feel My Pain? Racial Group Membership Modulates Empathic Neural Responses”, Journal of Neuroscience , 29/26 (2009), 8525—8529, here 8528.另见意大利的一项研究,该研究表明,如果进行经颅磁刺激(而非fMRI),如果受试者是种族主义者,他们看见黑皮肤的手被针刺破,其大脑中负责共情的区域比看到白皮肤的手被针扎时的激活程度更低,见Alessio Avenanti, Angela Sirigu,and Salvatore M. Aglioti,“ Racial Bias Reduces Empathic Sensorimotor Resonance with Other-Race Pain”, Current Biology , 20/11 (2010), 1018—1022,延伸介绍,见JoanY. Chiao and Vani A. Mathur,“ Intergroup Empathy: How does Race Affect Empathic Neural Responses?”,Current Biology , 20/11 (2010), 478—480。
1701502891 (207) Nikos K. Logothetis,“ What We Can Do and What We Cannot Do with fMRI”, Nature , 453/ 7197 (2008), 869—878, here 869.
1701502893 (208) Nikos K. Logothetis,“ What We Can Do and What We Cannot Do with fMRI”, Nature , 453/ 7197 (2008), 877.
1701502895 (209) Felicity Callard and Daniel S. Margulies, “The Subject at Rest: Novel Conceptualizations of Self and Brain from Cognitive Neuroscience’s Study of the ‘Resting State’”, Subjectivity , 4/3 (2011), 227—257.
1701502897 (210) Craig M. Bennett, Abigail A. Baird, Michael B. Miller, and George L. Wolford, “Neural Correlates of Interspecies Perspective Taking in the Post-Mortem Atlantic Salmon: An Argument for Multiple Comparisons Correction”, Journal of Serendipitous and Unexpected Results , 1/1 (2010), 1—5, here 2.也见Daniel S. Margulies, “The Salmon of Doubt: Six Months of Methodological Controversy within Social Neuroscience”, in Suparna Choudhury and Jan Slaby (eds), Critical Neuroscience: A Handbook of the Social and Cultural Contexts of Neuroscience (Chichester: Wiley- Blackwell, 2011), 273—286。除了鲑鱼的例子外,2009年fMRI扫描仪使用者的另外两篇论文在全球引起了轰动。关于“重复数据提取”(double dipping )的统计问题,见Nikolaus Kriegeskorte,W. Kyle Simmons, Patrick S. F. Bellgowan, and Chris I. Baker, “Circular Analysis in Systems Neuroscience: The Dangers of Double Dipping”, Nature Neuroscience , 12/5 (2009), 535—540。关于所谓的“巫毒相关性”(voodoo correlations ),见Edward Vul et al., “Puzzlingly High Correlations in fMRI Studies of Emotion, Personality, and Social Cognition”, Perspectives on Psychological Science , 4/3 (2009), 274—290。科学社会学家托斯滕· 海涅曼(Torsten Heinemann)解释说,没有任何“巫毒相关性”的负面新闻,通过自觉和“示范性地使用自我批评和自我反思”,足以“动摇神经科学的根基”,尽管这只是表面文章。海涅曼认为,这一事例再次显示了“神经科学的巨大力量:科学知识在不同公众中的普及化。它们甚至善于对本学科内产生的批判性著作进行重新诠释,以此作为自身卓越工作的一部分,并与外部世界保持紧密联系”。见Torsten Heinemann, Populäre Wissenschaft: Hirnforschungzwischen Labor und Talkshow (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2012), 144—145。
1701502899 (211) Logothetis, “What We Can Do and What We Cannot Do with fMRI”, 869.
1701502901 (212) 又见2010年对心理学家艾伦· 巴德利(Alan Baddeley)的采访:“The Promise of Neuroimaging”, Go Cognitive accessed 12 March 2014。
1701502903 (213) Jody C. Culham, “Functional Neuroimaging: Experimental Design and Analysis”, in Roberto Cabeza and Alan Kingstone (eds.), Handbook of Functional Neuroimaging of Cognition (2nd edn, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006), 53—82,here 59,原文强调。
1701502905 (214) 相关介绍,见Gary G. Berntson and John T. Cacioppo (eds.), Handbook of Neuroscience for the Behavioral Sciences (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2009), vol. i, ch. 16; vol. ii, chs. 32—42。
1701502907 (215) LeDoux, Emotional Brain , ch. 8.
1701502909 (216) 与安德烈亚斯· W.道姆(Andreas W. Daum)相比,我使用“普及工作者”和“普及化”这两个词的范围更宽松,分析性更弱,见Andreas W. Daum, Wissenschaftspopularisierungim 19. Jahrhundert: Bürgerliche Kultur, naturwissenschaftlicheBildung und die deutsche Öffentlichkeit, 1848—1914 (2nd enl. edn, Munich: Oldenbourg 2002), 25—29。
1701502911 (217) LeDoux, Emotional Brain , 163.见Luiz Pessoa and Ralph Adolphs, “Emotion Processing and the Amygdala: From a ‘Low Road’ to ‘Many Roads’ of Evaluating Biological Significance”,Nature Reviews Neuroscience , 11/11 (2010), 773—782; Luiz Pessoa, “Emotion and Cognition and the Amygdala: From ‘What Is It?’ to ‘What’s to Be Done?’”, Neuropsychologia , 48/12 (2010), 3416—3429。同样对勒杜持批判观点,见Ian Hacking, “By What Links Are the Organs Excited?”,Times Literary Supplement , 4970 (17 July 1998), 11—12。
1701502913 (218) Antoine Bechara et al., “Insensitivity to Future Consequences Following Damage to Human Prefrontal Cortex”, Cognition , 50/1—3 (1994), 7—15, here 14.
1701502915 (219) Marvin Zuckerman and D. Michael Kuhlman, “Personality and Risk-Taking: Common Biosocial Factors”, Journal of Personality , 68/6 (2000), 999—1029; Antonio Verdejo-García et al., “Executive Dysfunction in Substance Dependent Individuals during Drug Use and Abstinence: An Examination of the Behavioral, Cognitive and Emotional Correlates of Addiction”, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society , 12/3 (2006), 405—415; Margaret C. Wardle et al.,“ Iowa Gambling Task Performance and Emotional Distress Interact to Predict Risky Sexual Behavior in Individuals with Dual Substance and HIV Diagnoses”, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsyschology , 32/10 (2010), 1110—1121.批评见William A. Schmitt, Chad A. Brinkley, and Joseph P. Newman,“ Testing Damasio’s Somatic Marker Hypothesis with Psychopathic Individuals: Risk Takers or Risk Averse?”, Journal of Abnormal Psychology , 108/3 (1999), 538—543。
1701502917 (220) Paolo Cavedini, Tommaso Bassi, Claudia Zorzi, and Laura Bellodi,“ The Advantages of Choosing Antiobsessive Therapy According to Decision-Making Functioning”, Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology , 24/6 (2004), 628—631.
1701502919 (221) 见Martin Reimann and Antoine Bechara,“ The Somatic Marker Framework as a Neurological Theory of Decision-Making: Review, Conceptual Comparisons, and Future Neuroeconomics Research”, Journal of Economic Psychology , 31/5 (2010), 767—776。
1701502921 (222) 对于躯体标记假说的批评,见Barnaby D. Dunn, Tim Dalgleish, and Andrew D. Lawrence,“The Somatic Marker Hypothesis: A Critical Evaluation”, Neuroscience andBiobehavioral Reviews , 30/2(2006), 239—271。又见Eric-Jan Wagenmakers and Sander Nieuwenhuis,“ Damasio’s Error:De somatic marker hypotheseondervuur”, Neuropraxis , 9/6 (2005), 159—163; Hideki Ohira,“The Somatic Marker Revisited: Brain and Body in Emotional Decision Making”, Emotion Review , 2/3 (2010), 245—249。
1701502923 (223) Walle J. H. Nauta, “The Problem of the Frontal Lobe: A Reinterpretation”, Journal of Psychiatric Research , 8/3—4 (1971), 167—187.
1701502925 (224) Dunn, Dalgleish, and Lawrence, “Somatic Marker Hypothesis”, 249.
1701502927 (225) Antonio R. Damasio, Ralph Adolphs, and Hanna Damasio, “The Contributions of the Lesion Method to the Functional Neuroanatomy of Emotion”, in Richard J. Davidson,Klaus R. Scherer, and H. Hill Goldsmith (eds.), Handbook of Affective Sciences (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), 66—92, here 84.
1701502929 (226) 对此评论的总结,见Dunn, Dalgleish, and Lawrence, “Somatic Marker Hypothesis”, 248—249。
1701502931 (227) Dunn, Dalgleish, and Lawrence, “Somatic Marker Hypothesis”, 249.
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