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1702360959 (28) 更详细的讨论,参见Pahl, R. and Wallace, C., “Household Work Strategies and the Polarisations and Divisions of Work Practices” in Redclift, N. and Mingione, E., eds., Beyond Employment, Oxford, 1983。
1702360961 (29) Harloe, M., ed., New Perspectives in Urban Change and Conflict, London, 1981; Ungerson, C., “Women, Work and the ‘Caring Capacity of the Community’,” mimeo, 1981.
1702360963 (30) Pahl, R. and Wallace, C., “Household Work Strategies and the Polarisations and Divisions of Work Practices” in Redclift, N. and Mingione, E., eds., Beyond Employment, Oxford, 1983.
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