1702910470 [269]Posen,“Nationalism, the Mass Army, and Military Power.”
1702910472 [270]Marx, Faith in Nation, p.9.
1702910474 [271]James C.Scott, Seeing Like a State:How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed(New Haven, CT:Yale University Press,1998),pp.72,78.
1702910476 [272]Judith N.Shklar, Political Thought and Political Thinkers, ed.Stanley Hoffmann(Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1998),p.4.也见Markus Fis-cher,“The Liberal Peace:Ethical, Historical, and Philosophical Aspects”(BC-SIA Discussion Paper 2000—2007,Kennedy School of Government, Harvard Uni-versity, April 2000),pp.22—27,56。
1702910478 [273]Arch Puddington and Tyler Roylance,“Populists and Autocrats:The Dual Threatto Global Democracy,”in Freedom in the World,2017(Washington, DC:FreedomHouse,2017),p.4.
1702910480 [274]Jeanne Morefield, Covenants without Swords:Idealist Liberalism and the Spirit of Empire(Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press,2005),p.208.
1702910482 [275]Stephen Holmes, Passions and Constraint:On the Theory of Liberal De-mocracy(Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1995),p.39.
1702910484 [276]Will Kymlicka, Multicultural Citizenship:A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights(New York:Oxford University Press,1995),pp.90—91.
1702910486 [277]Louis Hartz, The Liberal Tradition in America:An Interpretation of A-merican Political Thought since the Revolution(New York:Harcourt Brace,1955);Gunner Myrdal, An American Dilemma:The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy,2 vols.(New Brunswick, NJ:Transaction Publishers,1995,1996);Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America and Two Essays on America, ed.Isaac Kramnick, trans.Gerald Bevan(New York:Penguin,2003).要讨论这两本书与哈茨的《美国的自由主义传统》之间的相似之处,可参见Rogers M. Smith, Civic Ideals:Conflicting Visions of Citizenship in U.S.History(New Ha-ven, CT:Yale University Press,1997),introduction and chap.1。
1702910488 [278]Smith, Civic Ideals, p.14.
1702910490 [279]Smith, Civic Ideals, p.6.
1702910492 [280]Smith, Civic Ideals, p.9.
1702910494 [281]Smith, Civic Ideals, pp.9—12,38—39.
1702910496 [282]Huntington, Who Are We?;Lieven, America Right or Wrong.
1702910498 [283]这段中的所有引用都出自David Armitage,“The Declaration of Inde-pendence:The Words Heard around the World,”Wall Street Journal, July 3,2014。有关这些观点的详细阐述,参见David Armitage, The Declaration of In-dependence:A Global History(Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,2008)。
1702910500 [284]这个观点体现在以下文献中:Hans Kohn, The Idea of Nationalism(New York:Macmillan,1945);John Plamenatz,“Two Types of Nationalism,”in Nationalism:The Nature and Evolution of an Idea, ed.Eugene Kamenka(Lon-don:Edward Arnold,1976),pp.22—36。
1702910502 [285]参见Gregory Jusdanis, The Necessary Nation(Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press,2001),chap.5;Taras Kuzio,“The Myth of the Civic State:A Critical Survey of Hans Kohn’s Framework for Understanding Nationalism,”Ethnic and Racial Studies 25,no.1(January 2002):20—39;Marx, Faith in Na-tion, pp.113—117;Smith, Civic Ideals;Ken Wolf,“Hans Kohn’s Liberal Na-tionalism:The Historian as Prophet,”Journal of the History of Ideas 37,no.4(October-December 1976):651—672;Bernard Yack,“The Myth of the Civic Nation,”Critical Review 10,no.2(Spring 1996):193—211。
1702910504 [286]关于以色列,参见Richard Falk and Virginia Tilley,“Israeli Practices toward the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid,”Palestine and the Israeli Occupation, Issue No.1(Beirut:United Nations,2017);Yitzhak Laor, The Myths of Liberal Zionism(New York:Verso,2009);Gideon Levy,“Israel’s Minister of Truth,”Haaretz, September 2,2017;Yakov M.Rabkin, What Is Modern Israel?,trans.Fred A.Reed(London:Pluto Press,2016)。关于印度,参见Sumit Ganguly and Rajan Menon,“Democracy à la Modi,”National Inter-est, no.153(January/February 2018),pp.12—24;Christopher Jaffrelot, The Hindu Nationalist Movement in India(New York:Columbia University Press,1998);Pankaj Mishra,“Narendra Modi and the New Face of India,”Guardian, May 16,2014;Martha C.Nussbaum, The Clash Within:Democracy, Violence, and India’s Future(Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,2009)。
1702910506 [287]自由主义将个人视为效用最大化者的一个很好的例子,参见S.M.Amadae, Rationalizing Capitalist Democracy:The Cold War Origins of Rational Choice Liberalism(Chicago:University of Chicago Press,2003)。
1702910508 [288]虽然他们本身并不关心民族主义,但克里斯托弗·阿肯(Christopher H.Achen)和拉里·巴特尔斯(Larry M.Bartels)就美国政治的运作作出了论断,这与我关于自由主义和民族主义之间关系的主张相吻合。具体而言,他们认为美国人的投票行为最好用他们的社会和群体身份来解释,而不是每个人如何评价一个政治家对他最关心的议题上的立场,Democracy for Realists:Why Elections Do Not Produce Responsive Government(Princeton, NJ:Princeton Uni-versity Press,2016)。
1702910510 [289]大多数自由主义理论家承认个人有重要的社会关系。例如,约翰·罗尔斯写道:“每个人都会发现自己出生在某个特定社会的某个特定位置,而他的位置的性质会对他的人生前景产生重大影响。”John Rawls, A Theory of Jus-tice(Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,1971),p.13.此外,在The Law of Peoples:With“The Idea of Public Reason Revisited”(Cambridge, MA:Har-vard University Press,1999)一书中,罗尔斯直接关注的是万民,万民是民族的同义词。《万民法》中的许多分析都聚焦于个人,这无疑是他另两本开创性著作中关注的焦点。A Theory of Justice and Political Liberalism, expanded ed.(New York:Columbia University Press,2005).然而,基于个人主义的理论不能同时强调人们是高度社会化的,因为这两种观点是相互矛盾的。事实上,罗尔斯在这一点上受到了批评。例如,参见Andrew Kuper,“Rawlsian Global Justice:Beyond the Law of Peoples to a Cosmopolitan Law of Persons,”Political Theory 28,no.5(October 2000):640—674;Thomas W.Pogge,“The Incoher-ence between Rawls’s Theories of Justice,”Fordham Law Review 72,no.5(April 2004):1739—1759。关于罗尔斯的批评者和拥护者之间的争论的汇总,参见Gillian Brock, Global Justice:A Cosmopolitan Account(New York:Oxford Uni-versity Press,2009),chap.2。
1702910512 [290]参见Paul W.Kahn, Putting Liberalism in Its Place(Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press,2005)。
1702910514 [291]Uday Singh Mehta, Liberalism and Empire:A Study in Nineteenth-Cen-tury British Liberal Thought(Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1999),pp.117—118.
1702910516 [292]它写道:“上述声明中所宣称和主张的权利和自由是这个王国的人民的真实、古老和不可动摇的权利和自由。”“English Bill of Rights 1689,”TheAvalon Project at the Yale Law School, http://avalon.law.yale.edu/17thcentury/england.asp.
1702910518 [293]Hartz, The Liberal Tradition in America;Rawls, The Law of Peoples.
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