1702910871 [469]Jennifer Martinez,“Wyden Warns Data Collection under Patriot Act Is‘Limitless,’”The Hill, July 23,2013.
1702910873 [470]Greenwald, No Place to Hide, pp.27—30,127—130,229—230,251.
1702910875 [471]Siobhan Gorman,“Secret Court’s Oversight Gets Scrutiny,”Wall Street Journal, June 9,2013.
1702910877 [472]Thomas A.Durkin,“Permanent States of Exception:A Two-Tiered System of Criminal Justice Courtesy of the Double Government Wars on Crime, Drugs&Terror,”Valparaiso University Law Review 50,no 2(Winter 2016):419—492.
1702910879 [473]Spencer Ackerman,“Obama Lawyers Asked Secret Court to Ignore Pub-lic Court’s Decision on Spying,”Guardian, June 9,2015;Charlie Savage and Jonathan Weisman,“NSA Collection of Bulk Call Data Is Ruled Illegal,”New York Times, May 7,2015.
1702910881 [474]“Guantanamo by the Numbers,”American Civil Liberties Union, March 2017,https://www. aclu.org/infographic/guantanamo-numbers.为了进行比较,2013年8月12日,关塔那摩有149名在押人员,其中37人被指定无限期拘留,79人被释放但仍被拘留。“By the Numbers,”Miami Herald, August 12,2013,http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/guan-tanamo/article1928628.html.
1702910883 [475]Mark Fallon, Unjustifiable Means:The Inside Story of How the CIA, Pentagon, and US Government Conspired to Torture(New York:Regan Arts,2017).
1702910885 [476]Amrit Singh, Globalizing Torture:CIA Secret Detention and Extraordi-nary Rendition(New York:Open Society Foundation,2013).
1702910887 [477]这并不是否认在某些情况下,逮捕恐怖分子嫌疑人是不可行的,因此美国决策者别无选择,只能暗杀或放手。然而,在此的重点是可能抓获嫌疑人,但由于涉及与被拘留者打交道的所有法律问题,结果的决定却是杀了嫌疑人的案件。
1702910889 [478]Jo Becker and Scott Shane,“Secret‘Kill List’Proves a Test of Obama’s Principlesand Will,”New York Times, May 29,2012;Clive Stafford Smith,“Who’s Getting Killed Today?,”Times Literary Supplement, June 28,2017.
1702910891 [479]Micah Zenko,“How Barack Obama Has Tried to Open Up the One-Si-ded Drone War,”Financial Times, May 23,2013.2016年1月,津科(Zenko)写道:“虽然小布什总统批准了大约50次无人机袭击,在也门、巴基斯坦和索马里造成296名恐怖分子和195名平民死亡,但奥巴马批准了506次袭击,造成3 040名恐怖分子和391名平民死亡。”Micah Zenko,“Obama’s Embrace of Drone Strikes Will Be a Lasting Legacy,”New York Times, January 12,2016.也可参见Micah Zenko,“Do Not Believe the U.S.Government’s Official Num-bers on Drone Strike Civilian Casualties:It’s Way, Way Too Low,”Foreign Policy, July 5,2016;“Get the Data:Drone Wars,”The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, September 13,2016,https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/cate-gory/projects/drones/drones-graphs/。
1702910893 [480]Tom Engelhardt, Shadow Government:Surveillance, Secret Wars, and a GlobalSecurity State in a Single-Superpower World(Chicago:Haymarket Books,2014),pp.88—89.
1702910895 [481]引自Doyle McManus,“Who Reviews the U.S.Kill List?,”Los An-geles Times, February 5,2012。
1702910897 [482]这并不是否认两极或多极体系下的大国竞争让他们别无选择,而只能在和平时期,当然也会在战时保留大量军事力量,这可能对公民自由造成威胁。然而,在单极体系中,单一大国有减少其军事规模和避免战争的选择,只因为它是如此强大。在此情况下,唯一的极国家的外交政策不会威胁到国内的自由主义。另一方面,自由主义霸权确保了单极将最终建立起庞大的军事系统,并沉迷于战争。
1702910899 [483]这一段和下两段中的所有引用都出自James C.Scott, Seeing Like a State:How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed(New Haven, CT:Yale University Press,1998),pp.4—5。
1702910901 [484]也可参见John Gray, Black Mass:Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia(New York:Farrar, Straus and Giroux,2007),他没有提到斯科特,但提出了与我类似的论点。
1702910903 [485]Immanuel Kant, Perpetual Peace(Minneapolis:Filiquarian,2007),pp.13—32.
1702910905 [486]Bruce Russett and John R.Oneal, Triangulating Peace:Democracy, In-terdependence, and International Organizations(New York:Norton,2000).
1702910907 [487]Michael W.Doyle,“Three Pillars of the Liberal Peace,”American Political Science Review 99,no.3(August 2005):463.关于这些理论捆绑在一起的其他例子,参见Dale C.Copeland, Economic Interdependence and War(Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press,2015),pp.24—25。
1702910909 [488]Strobe Talbott,“Why NATO Should Grow,”New York Review of Books, August 10,1995.塔尔博特对北约扩张的看法在克林顿政府的高层中得到广泛认同。参见Warren Christopher,“Reinforcing NATO’s Strength in the West and Deepening Cooperation with the East”(opening statement at the North Atlantic Council Ministerial Meeting, Noordwijk, Netherlands, May 30,1995);Made-leine Albright,“A Presidential Tribute to Gerald Ford”(Ford Museum Auditori-um, Grand Rapids, MI, April 17,1997);Madeleine Albright, Commencement Address, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, June 5,1997。
1702910911 [489]Madeleine Albright,“American Principle and Purpose in East Asia”(1997 Forrestal Lecture, U.S.Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, April 15,1997).也可参见Warren Christopher,“America and the Asia-Pacific Future”(address to the Asia Society, New York City, May 27,1994);“A National Security Strate-gy of Engagement and Enlargement,”The White House, February 1995,pp.28—29;“A National Security Strategy for a New Century,”The White House, October 1998,pp.41—47。在2005年,美国副国务卿罗伯特·佐利克(Robert Zoellick)首次提出了“负责任的利益相关者”一词。Zoellick,“Whither China?From Membership to Responsibility”(remarks to the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, New York City, September 21,2005).
1702910913 [490]Alexander Wendt,“Anarchy Is What States Make of It:The Social Con-struction of Power Politics,”International Organization 46,no.2(Spring 1992):408.
1702910915 [491]John M.Owen,“How Liberalism Produces Democratic Peace,”Interna-tional Security 19,no.2(Fall 1994):87;Bruce Russett, Grasping the Democrat-ic Peace:Principles for a Post-Cold War World(Princeton, NJ:Princeton Univer-sity Kant Press,1993),p.4.
1702910917 [492]Michael W.Doyle,“Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs,”part 1,Philosophy and Public Affairs 12,no.3(Summer 1983):213.在同一页上,他写道:“对于自由主义国家不互相打仗倾向,似乎有一些例外。”
1702910919 [493]Doyle,“Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs,”part 1,pp.205—235;Michael W.Doyle,“Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs,”part 2,Philosophy and Public Affairs 12,no.4(Fall 1983):323—353.也可参见Michael W.Doyle,“Liberalism and World Politics,”American Political Science Review 80,no.4(December 1986):1151—1169。
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