1702914499 [45] Mantegna to Francesco II Gonzaga,Margrave of Mantua,October 12,1494,in Carteggio inedito d’artisti dei secoli ⅩⅠⅤ,ⅩⅤ,ⅩⅤⅠ,eds. Giovanni Gaye et al.(“magis semper proditionibus que justi belli potentia aut strenuitate uti solitos:verum etiam varia fictaque mendatia et litteris et nunciis passim vulgare sollere:quibus suas versutas ac perfidas proditiones ob umbrent:et credulum vulgus inanibus suis nugis atque jactantiis pascant….”).
1702914501 [46] Mantegna to Francesco II Gonzaga,Margrave of Mantua,October 12,1494,in Carteggio inedito d’artisti dei secoli ⅩⅠⅤ,ⅩⅤ,ⅩⅤⅠ,eds. Giovanni Gaye et al.,5r. (“At quis hoc tantum scelus ullo jure dispenset,quod ab omni natura tam alienum est ut nec illius exemplum nec vocabulum proprium habeamus?Qui enim soceri filiam uxoremque detineat,hic et fornicatoris et stupratoris et adulteri et incesti et cujusvis libidinosi nomen vincit ac superat.”)(“但是谁犯下如此滔天罪行,这种罪行是如此天理难容,以至于既没有先例也找不到恰当的词语来描述呢?对于一个囚禁其岳父的妻女的人来说,他的行为已经超越了通奸者、强奸犯、奸夫、乱伦者以及任何荒淫无度者,令他们难以企及。”)
1702914503 [47] The House Committee on Foreign Relations,“Report,or manifesto of the causes and reasons of war with Great Britain:presented to the House of Representatives by the Committee of Foreign Relations” (Washington,DC:A. & G. Way,Printers,1812). 通常情况下,这些声明将在国情咨文中被重复、修改或详述。有关这些咨文和演说的汇编,请参阅Call to Arms,ed. Russell Buhite (Wilmington:Scholarly Resources,2003)。例如,波尔克在1846年向国会发表的关于得克萨斯边界爆发敌对行动的咨文被理解为战争宣言。Statement of Senator Cass,Congressional Globe (May 11,1846),785(“这个咨文显然是刻意当作战争宣言发表的”)。
1702914505 [48] Vattel,The Law of Nations,3.4.64.例如,路易十四在1688年发表“九年战争宣言”时配了这样的标题:“据之国王有义务恢复其武装,且应该据之说服所有具有真诚意愿之基督教界陛下建立社会稳定之理由之纪念。”宣言经常被译成多种语言。弥尔顿宣言用拉丁文写成,并用英文、荷兰文、德文、法文和西班牙文出版。古斯塔夫·阿道夫(Gustavus Adolphus)用来证明瑞典干预三十年战争正当性的宣言是以五种语言(瑞典语、拉丁语、德语、法语和英语)和二十三个版本(发行备用版本的目的是针对不同读者)发布的。请参阅Peter Wilson,The Thirty Years War:Europe’s Tragedy (Cambridge:Belknap Press of Harvard University,2009),462。关于战争法中托词的作用,请参阅James Whitman,The Verdict of Battle (Cambridge:Harvard University Press,2012),125-31。
1702914507 [49] “Message from his Majesty to both Houses of Parliament,May 25,1790;relative to the capture of certain Vessels,by the Spaniards,in Nootka Sound,” reprinted Edmund Burke,The Annual Register,Or a View of the History,Politics,and Literature,For the Year 1790 (London:J. Dodsley,1793),285-86.
1702914509 [50] 请参阅西班牙文和英文出版的纪念册,The Annual Register,294-300。西班牙宫廷知道英国人会出版这些信件。因此,我们认为这些信件是用于发表的,而这恰好满足了我们对于战争宣言定义的需要出版物的要求。
1702914511 [51]The Answer of the States Generall of the United Provinces of the Low Countries to the Declaration of Warr of the King of Great Brittain (Hague 1674),12,18. 也可参阅墨西哥对于波尔克总统宣战的回应。墨西哥的回应充满着讽刺挖苦,声称墨西哥意欲反抗美国带给印第安人的“那种自由、和平和充足”以及它带给“有色人种”的“那种民主”。请参阅Interim President Mariano Paredes y Arrillaga,Manifiesto del Exmo. Sr. Presidente Interino de la Republica Mexicana (Mexico City,July 26,1846),16。(“Si,la libertad,la paz y la abundancia que han llevado a las tribus indigenas,precisandolas a vivir errantes:la democracia de que goza la gente de color en los Estados Unidos,privada de todo derecho civil y politico y excluida de todos los actos publicos,aun los religiosos.”)威廉·霍尔斯蒂(William Holste)译。
1702914513 [52] “The Letter of King Edward to the Nobles and Commons of France,February 8,1340,in John Foxe,The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe,Vol. 2,ed. Stephen Reed Cattley (London:Seeley and Burnside,1837),674-75.
1702914515 [53] 尽管如此,在公共场所公布战争宣言的做法还是持续了几个世纪。请参阅,例如 Ordonnance du Roy,portant Declaration de Guerre contre l’Empereur,l’Angleterre,les Etats Generaux des Provinces-Unies,& leurs Alliez (Paris:Frederic Leonard,July 3,1702);Oona Hathaway,William Holste,Scott Shapiro,Jacqueline Van De Velde,and Lisa Wang,“Just Causes of War:Evidence from War Manifestos”(未出版手稿,2017)。本章关于战争宣言的许多讨论借鉴了这部文献。
1702914517 [54]Declaration of War on Spain of 1719,With a Manifesto,containing the Reasons,and a Postscript of an intercepted LETTER from Cardinal Alberoni to the Prince de Cellamare (London:A. Bell,1719). 在宣言标题页的底部,写着“(定价:6d)”——“d”是“便士(penny)”的缩写。
1702914519 [55] Hathaway et al.,“Just Causes of War.”
1702914521 [56] Gottried Wilhelm Leibniz,Leibniz:Political Writings,trans. Patrick Riley (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press 1972),149.
1702914523 [57] Geoffrey Symcox,War,Diplomacy and Imperalism,1618-1763 (New York:Walker,1974),102. 也可参阅 Partel Piirimae,“Just War in Theory and Practice:The Legitimation of Swedish Intervention in the Thirty Years War,” The Historical Journal 45,no. 3 (Septermber 2002):499-523。
1702914525 [58] 请参阅,例如Anuschka Tischer,Offizielle Kriegsbegrundungen in der Fruhen Neuzeit:Herrscherkommunikation in Europa zwischen Souveranitat und korporativem Selbstverstandnis (Munster:LIT Verlag,2012)。蒂舍尔(Tischer)借鉴了亨利克·雷普根(Henrich Repgen)的作品。Konrad Repgen,“Kriegslegitimationen in Alteuropa:Entwurf einer historischen Typologie,” in Schriften des Historischen Kollegs,Vortrage 9 (1985):5-27. 也可参阅Bernd Klesmann,Bellum Solemne:Formen und Funktionen europaischer Kriegserklarungen des 17. Jahrhunderts (Mainz:Philipp von Zabern Verlag,2007)。吉姆·惠特曼(Jim Whitman)描述了腓特烈入侵西里西亚的战争宣言。请参阅Whitman,Verdict of Battle,130-31。
1702914527 [59] Hathaway et al.,“Just Causes of War.”
1702914529 [60] Hathaway et al.,“Just Causes of War.”
1702914531 [61] 关于19世纪和20世纪早期人道主义干涉的相关讨论,请参阅 Gary Bass,Freedom’s Battle:The Origins of Humanitarian Intervention (New York:Alfred A. Knopf,2008)。
1702914533 [62] John Milton,The Works:Historical,Political,and Miscellaneous. To which is Prefixed,An Account of His Life and Writings. In Two Volumes,vol. 2 (London:Millar,1753),263.
1702914535 [63] Theodore Roosevelt,“Fourth Annual Message,” Speech to the Congress of the United States,Washington,DC,December 6,1904. http://www.ourdocuments.gov/print friendly.php?page= transcript&doc=56&title= Transcript+of+Theodore+Roosevelt%27s+Corollary+to+the+Monr oe+Doctrine+ (1905). 2016年1月31日访问。
1702914537 [64] 本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)说,瓦特尔的这本书“我们在座的国会议员一直在学习”。Francis Wharton,The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States,Vol. 2 (Washington,DC:U.S. Government Printing Office,1889),64;也可参阅第四章(讨论杰弗逊对瓦特尔思想的倚重)。
1702914539 [65] Vattel,The Law of Nations,2.12.164,3.3.26
1702914541 [66]The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787,Max Farrand ed.,Vol. 1 (Norwood,MA:The Plimton Press,1911),316. 此外,约翰·杰伊(John Jay)在倡导采用宪法时指出:“战争的正义理由大部分要么来自对条约的违反,要么来自直接采取暴力。”他认为,新的国家政府在避免提供上述正义理由方面,能比十三个州独立运行做得更好。请参阅The Federalist,No. 3 (John Jay)。
1702914543 [67] U.S. Constitution,Art. 4,Sec. 2.
1702914545 [68] 请参阅Oona A. Hathaway and Scott J. Shapiro,“Outcasting:Enforcement in Domestic and International Law,” Yale Law Journal 121 (2011):253-349。
1702914547 [69] Jerome,Letter CXXVII to Principia 12,quoted in Girolamo Arnaldi,Italy and Its Invaders,trans. Antony Shugaar (Cambridge:Harvard University Press,2005),4.
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