1704343251 我要感激多位经济学家,他们开拓了我的视野,让我看到这个学科传统边界之外的风景:安迪·库马罗开启了这一切;比尔·艾伦培养了我对经济发展人文方面的兴趣;保罗·费舍让我相信,尽管不符合常规模式,但我确实是一位经济学家;德安妮·朱利叶斯让我知道,在公共和私营业之间游走是可行的;默文·金教会我,如果没有找到支撑的证据、想好流畅的句法,就不要动笔写字。
1704343253 还要感谢一些朋友,他们与我出色的编辑罗杰·肖勒和辛迪·陈一起不辞辛劳地深入审阅了本书,在风格和细节方面提供了非常宝贵的反馈意见。他们分别是:丹·比勒弗斯基、莫莉·克罗科特、布莱恩·杜梅恩、奥德利·弗莱彻、凯布·弗兰克林、阿列克斯·哈迪、保罗·休梅克、彼得·斯拉格特、塔拉·斯沃特、尼克·韦布。他们的质疑和评论极大地提高了本书的质量。特别感谢我的神经学伙伴莫莉·克罗科特和塔拉·斯沃特,他们在多方面的支持使我在几个月内变得更加睿智和勇敢。伊丽莎白·菲尔德曼·巴内特和杰西卡·佩恩分别给了我情感神经科学和感知神经科学方面的帮助,其慷慨令我受宠若惊。书中出现任何遗漏和不足都是我的责任。
1704343255 在完成本项目的4年时间里,很多人在关键时刻对本书提供了慷慨的建议、帮助或鼓励,他们是:戴维·艾伦、盖伊·巴恩斯、沃恩·贝尔、劳伦·贝恩、杰夫·伯德、查尔斯·杜希格、琳达·格拉顿、瓦莱莉·凯勒、马克思·兰德斯伯格、马特·利伯曼、安东尼·梅菲尔德、狄波拉·马丁逊、玛格列特·摩尔、加斯·欧多内尔、戴维·罗克、保罗·休梅克、欧文·瑟韦斯、劳伦斯·肖特、格雷科·西蒙、希滕德拉·瓦德华、劳里·杨。谢谢珍妮特·贝多尔教我使用尾注功能,把我从附加注释的辛苦工作中解救出来。同时感谢我特别棒的家人和朋友,你们陪伴我享用了有治愈效果的餐前小食和马蒂尼酒,参加女超人峰会等。你们在我最需要帮助的时候给我打气,包容我抛开你们闭关消失。
1704343257 尼可尔·韦布在我童年时期就为我种下了本书的种子,培养了我对思想探索的兴趣和对写作的热爱,让我理解教学拥有的革命性威力。谢谢您每周都给我鼓励,一直乐意与我敞开心扉,谈论我心里最大的顾虑。(不论是有关多巴胺还是有关晚餐。)
1704343259 最后,我对凯布·弗兰克林的感激之情无以言表,他是我这场冒险中每一步都伴我左右的伟大思想者和战友。我深深折服于你一路以来无数次给予我的最强大的思想和情感支持。毫无疑问,嫁给你是我此生最大的幸运。
1704343264 七堂思维成长课:精英群体的行为习惯 [:1704338955]
1704343265 七堂思维成长课:精英群体的行为习惯 参考文献
1704343267 前言
1704343269 1. For example, Gallup found that only 29 percent of employees in the US feel engaged by their work, and that “engagement rates trend downward slightly with employees’ higher levels of educational attainment.” Worldwide, they found only 13 percent felt engaged: Gallup (2013) State of the American Workplace. (Free download available from http://www.gallup.com/services/176735/state- global-workplace.aspx.) The Conference Board said “for the eighth straight year, les than half of US workers are satisfied with their jobs,” in: Cheng, B., Kan, M., Levnon, G., & Ray, R.L. (2014). Job Satisfaction Survey: The Conference Board
1704343273 科学理论基础
1704343275 1. Milgram, S. (1963). Behavioral study of obedience. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67(4), 371–378.
1704343277 2. Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (1979). Prospect theory: An analysis of decision under risk. Econometrica, 47(2), 263–291.
1704343279 3. Keith Stanovich and Richard West, in particular, wrote an influential pape defining the two systems as System 1 and System 2, terminology that Daniel Kaneman also uses. Stanovich, K.E., & West, R.F. (2000). Individual difference i reasoning: Implications for the rationality debate? Behavioral and Brain Sciences,23, 645–726.
1704343281 4. A version of Daniel Kahneman’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech on December 8, 2002, was published as: Kahneman, D. (2003). A perspective on judgment and choice: Mapping bounded rationality. American Psychologist, 58(9), 697–720.
1704343283 5. Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking Fast and Slow New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
1704343285 6. When a string of data — for example, a group of digits — is sufficiently close connected in our memories that recalling one part of it draws forth the rest, it can count as one “chunk.” So the reason that we might remember a seven- digit phone number is because we’ve turned it into two chunks of three and four digits, respectively — or even, with repetition, one single chunk. See: Cowan, N. (2008). What are the differences between longterm, short-term, and working memory? Progress in Brain Research 169, 323–338. See also: Cowan, N. (2001). The magical number 4 in short-term memory: A reconsideration of mental storage capacity. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24, 87–185.
1704343287 7. Dux, P.E., Ivanoff, J., Asplund, C.L., & Marois, R. (2006). Isolation of a centra bottleneck of information processing with time-resolved FMRI. Neuron, 52(6),1109–1120. (See Chapter 4 for other multitasking references.)
1704343289 8. Baumeister, R., & Tierney, J. (2011). Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength. New York: Penguin.
1704343291 9. Shiv, B., & Fedorikhin, A. (1999). Heart and mind in conflict: The interplay affect and cognition in consumer decision making.Journal of Consumer Research,26, 278–292.
1704343293 10. Treisman, A., & Geffen, G. (1967). Selective attention: Perception or response Quarterly Journal ofExperimental Psychology, 19(1), 1–17.
1704343295 11. Simons and Chabris write entertainingly about this and other selective attention research in their book: Chabris, C.F., & Simons, D.J. (2010). The Invisible Grilla: And Other Ways Our Intuitions Deceive Us. New York: Crown. The origina academic article is: Simons, D.J., & Chabris, C.F. (1999). Gorillas in our midst: Sustained inattentional blindness for dynamic events. Perception, 28(9), 1059–1074.You’ll see that those counting black shirts were more likely to see the gorilla, presumably because the gorilla was also black — so their brains treated the gorilla as slightly more “relevant” than those counting white shirts.
1704343297 12. If you haven’t seen the video, I’ve now blown the surprise. Sorry about that. But if you’re still keen to watch it, here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJG698U2Mvo. You can also try watching this excellent video made by psychologist Richard Wiseman, which I use with my clients now that the gorilla(sorry, I mean basketball) video is so widely known: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3iPrBrGSJM.
1704343299 13. LeDoux, J. (2012). Rethinking the emotional brain. Neuron, 73(4), 653–676.
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