1704343795 第十九章 时刻保持积极的秘密
1704343797 1. Walker, M.P., & van der Helm, E. (2009). Overnight therapy? The role of slee in emotional brain processing. Psychological Bulletin, 135(5), 731–748. See also: van der Helm, E., & Walker, M.P. (2012). Sleep and affective brain regulation.Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 6(11), 773–791.
1704343799 2. Yoo, S.S., Gujar, N., Hu, P., Jolesz, F.A., & Walker, M.P. (2007). The huma emotional brain without sleep — a prefrontal amygdala disconnect. Current Biology, 17(20), R877–R878.
1704343801 3. Mah, C.D., Mah, K.E., Kezirian, E.J., & Dement, W.C. (2011). The effects sleep extension on the athletic performance of collegiate basketball players. Sleep,34(7), 943–950.
1704343803 4. Cunningham, T.J., Crowell, C.R., Alger, S.E., Kensinger, E.A., Villano, M.A.,Mattingly, S.M., & Payne, J.D. (2014). Psychophysiological arousal at encoding leads to reduced reactivity but enhanced emotional memory following sleep. Neurobiology ofLearning and Memory, 114, 155–164.
1704343805 5. Pace- Schott, E.F., Shepherd, E., Spencer, R.M.C., Marcello, M., Tucker, M.,Propper, R.E., & Stickgold, R. (2011). Napping promotes inter- session habituation to emotional stimuli. Neurobiology ofLearning and Memory, 95(1), 24–36.
1704343807 6. Rethorst, C.D., Wipfli, B.M., & Landers, D.M. (2009). The antidepressive effec of exercise: A meta- analysis of randomized trials. Sports Medicine, 39(6), 491–511.
1704343809 7. For example, Kramer, A.F., et al. (1999). Ageing, fitness and neurocognitiv function. Nature, 400(6743), 418–419. Cited in: Ratey, J.J., & Loehr, J.E. (2011). Th positive impact of physical activity on cognition during adulthood: A review of underlying mechanisms, evidence and recommendations. Reviews in the Neurosciences, 22(2), 171–185.
1704343811 8. Brewer, J.A., Worhunsky, P.D., Gray, J.R., Tang, Y.Y., Weber, J., & Kober, H.(2011). Meditation experience is associated with differences in default mode nework activity and connectivity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 108(50), 20254–20259.
1704343813 9. Levy, D.M., Wobbrock, J.O., Kaszniak, A.W., & Ostergren, M. (2012). The efects of mindfulness meditation training on multitasking in a high- stress information environment. Paper presented at the Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2012,Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
1704343815 10. Zeidan, F., Johnson, S.K., Diamond, B.J., David, Z., & Goolkasian, P. (2010).Mindfulness meditation improves cognition: Evidence of brief mental training.Consciousness & Cognition, 19(2), 597–605.
1704343817 11. Moyer, C.A., et al. (2011). Frontal electroencephalographic asymmetry associated with positive emotion is produced by very brief meditation training. Psychological Science, 22(10), 1277–1279.
1704343821 第二十章 动力是自己创造出来的
1704343823 1. Key articles include: Seligman, M.E.P., Steen, T.A., Park, N., & Peterson, C.(2005). Positive psychology progress: Empirical validation of interventions. American Psychologist, 60(5), 410–421; Mongrain, M., & Anselmo-Matthews, T. (2012).Do positive psychology exercises work? A replication of Seligman et al. (2005).Journal of Clinical Psychology, 68(4), 382–389.
1704343825 2. Gander, F., Proyer, R., Ruch, W., & Wyss, T. (2013). Strength-based positive interventions: Further evidence for their potential in enhancing well-being and alleviating depression. Journal ofHappiness Studies, 14(4), 1241–1259.
1704343827 3. Seligman, M.E.P. (2011). Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well- being. New York: Free Press.
1704343829 4. Moll, J., Krueger, F., Zahn, R., Pardini, M., de Oliveira- Souza, R., & Grafman,J.(2006). Human fronto-meso limbic networks guide decisions about charitable donation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 103(42), 15623–15628.
1704343831 5. There is lots of evidence on this in the book by Dunn, E., & Norton, M. (2013) Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spendin. New York: Simon & Schuster. Thi study also showed that people go on to be more generous after recalling their geerosity, so it starts a virtuous circle: Aknin, L., Dunn, E., & Norton, M. (2012).Happiness runs in a circular motion: Evidence for a positive feedback loop between prosocial spending and happiness. Journal ofHappiness Studies, 13(2), 347–355.
1704343833 6. Another finding from the World Happiness Report’s agglomeration of happness surveys. Helliwell, J., Layard, R., & Sachs, J. (2013). World Happiness Report 2013. New York: UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
1704343835 7. Otake, K., Shimai, S., Tanaka-Matsumi, J., Otsui, K., & Fredrickson, B.L.(2006). Happy people become happier through kindness: A counting kindness intervention. Journal of Happiness Studies, 7(3), 361–375; Aknin, L., Dunn, E., &Norton, M. (2012). Happiness runs in a circular motion: Evidence for a positive feedback loop between prosocial spending and happiness. Journal of Happiness Studies, 13(2), 347–355.
1704343837 8. Amabile, T.M., & Kramer, S.J. (2011). The Progress Principle: Using Small Win to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work. Watertown, MA: Harvard Business Review Press.
1704343839 9. Helliwell, J., Layard, R., & Sachs, J. (2013). World Happiness Report 2013. New York: UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
1704343841 10. Powdthavee, N. (2008). Putting a price tag on friends, relatives, and neighbours: Using surveys of life satisfaction to value social relationships. Journal of Socio-Economics, 37(4), 1459–1480.
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