1704628480 [29]Martin S. Feldstein,“Rethinking Social Insurance,” American Economic Review 95 (2005): 1-24,quote p. 12.
1704628482 [30]Brian Abel-Smith and Peter Townsend,The Poor and the Poorest (London: G.Bell,1965); and Anthony B. Atkinson,Poverty in Britain and the Reform of Social Security (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1969).
1704628484 [31]欧洲委员会的网站上介绍了《欧盟2020战略》:http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/targets/eu-targets/;另外请参见Anthony B. Atkinson and Eric Marlier,“Living Conditions in Europe and the Europe 2020 Agenda,” in Anthony B. Atkinson and Eric Marlier,eds.,Income and Living Conditions in Europe (Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union,2010),21-35。
1704628486 [32]欧洲的贫困线定为均等化家庭可支配收入中位数的60%,因此它会随着收入中位数上下浮动。
1704628488 [33]若想了解《欧盟2020战略》的中期情况,请参见Hugh Frazer et al.,“Putting the Fight against Poverty and Social Exclusion at the Heart of the EU Agenda: A Contribution to the Mid-Term Review of the Europe 2020 Strategy,” OSE Paper 15 (2014),Observatoire Social Européen,Brussels。
1704628490 [34]Social Protection Committee,Social Europe: Many Ways,One Objective (Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union,2014),quote p.7。
1704628492 [35]John Donne,Meditations XVII,Devotions upon Emergent Occasions (London: Nonesuch Press,1962),quote P.538.Richard H. Tawney,“Poverty as an Industrial Problem,” in Memoranda on the Problems of Poverty (London: William Morris Press,1913).
1704628494 [36]Adam Smith,An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (London: Routledge,1903,first published 1776),quote p. 78. Milton Friedman and Simon Kuznets,Income from Indepen dent Professional Practice (New York: National Bureau of Economic Research,1945),quote p.84.
1704628496 [37]若了解更多关于等价尺度的信息,请参见Anthony B. Atkinson,Bea Cantillon,Eric Marlier,and Brian Nolan,Social Indicators (Oxford: Oxford University Press,2002),98-101。
1704628498 [38]See Rolf Aaberge,Audun Langrgen,and Petter Lindgren,“The Distributional Impact of Public Services in European Countries,” Statistics Norway Research Department Discussion Paper 746 (2013),http://www.ssb.no/en/forskning/discussion-papers/_attachment/123883?_ts=13f50d54ab8.
1704628500 [39]这些数据来源于世界顶级收入数据库(World Top Incomes Database,WTID): http://topincomes.gmond.parisschoolofeconomics.eu/.
1704628502 [40]George Eliot,Silas Marner: The Weaver of Raveloe (Edinburgh: William Blackwood,1861).
1704628504 [41]Bill Gates,“Why Inequality Matters,” review of Piketty,Capital in the Twenty-First Century (2014),http://www.gatesnotes.com/Books/Why-Inequality-Matters-Capital-in-21st-Century-Review.
1704628506 [42]Dirk Krueger and Fabrizio Perri,“Does Income Inequality Lead to Consumption Inequality?” Review of Economic Studies 73 (2006): 163-193,quote p. 163. Dale Jorgenson,“Did We Lose the War on Poverty?” Journal of Economic Perspectives 12 (1998): 79-96,quote p. 79. Bruce D. Meyer and James X. Sullivan,“Winning the War: Poverty from the Great Society to the Great Recession,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (Fall 2012): 163-193,quote p. 163.
1704628508 [43]Orazio Attanasio,Erik Hurst,and Luigi Pistaferri,“The Evolution of Income,Consumption,and Leisure Inequality in the US,1980-2010,” NBER Working Paper No. 17982,April 2012,http://papers.nber.org/tmp/69610-w17982.pdf.
1704628510 [44]Mark A. Aguiar and Mark Bils,“Has Consumption Inequality Mirrored Income Inequality?” NBER Working Paper No. 16807,http://papers.nber.org/tmp/69610-w17982.pdf,quote p. 2.
1704628512 [45]John Sabelhaus et al.,“Is the Consumer Expenditure Survey Representative by Income?” Finance and Economics Discussion Series,Divisions of Research & Statistics and Monetary Affairs,Federal Reserve Board,Washington,D.C.
1704628514 [46]Jonathan D. Fisher,David S. Johnson,and Timothy M. Smeeding,“Measuring the Trends in Inequality of Individuals and Families: Income and Consumption,” American Economic Review,Papers and Proceedings 103 (2013): 184-188,quote p. 187.
1704628516 [47]B. Seebohm Rowntree,Poverty: A Study of Town Life (London: Longmans,Green and Co.,1901,new ed. 1922),quote p. 117.
1704628518 [48]Mollie Orshansky,“Counting the Poor: Another Look at the Poverty Profile,” Social Security Bulletin 28 (1965): 3-29,Table E on p. 28.
1704628520 [49]James Tobin,“On Limiting the Domain of Inequality,” Journal of Law and Economics 13 (1970): 263-277,引自第264页。 Tobin的文章现在非常值得一读。他在耶鲁大学工作,获得过诺贝尔奖。Tobin曾供职于肯尼迪总统的经济顾问委员会。当政府邀请他担任这一职位时,他起先拒绝了邀约,认为自己只是一名“象牙塔里的经济学家”。肯尼迪回复说:“教授,这没什么问题,我这个总统就是你所说的‘象牙塔里的总统’。” (Obituary for James Tobin in Yale Bulletin and Calendar,vol. 30,no. 22,15 March 2002)。
1704628522 [50]Alessio Fusco,Anne-Catherine Guio,and Eric Marlier,“Characterising the Income Poor and the Materially Deprived in European Countries,” in Atkinson and Marlier,Income and Living Conditions in Europe,pp. 133-153.
1704628524 [51]Brian Barry,“Social Exclusion,Social Isolation and the Distribution of Income,” CASEpaper 12,Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion,London School of Economics,quote p. 8.
1704628526 [52]Barbara Wootton,The Social Foundations of Wage Policy (London: Allen and Unwin,1955).
1704628528 [53]有些网站很有意思,你只要输入自己的收入,它们就可以告诉你在本国的收入分配中处于什么位置。GivingWhatYouCan建立的这个网站适用于很多国家: https://www.givingwhatwecan.org/get-involved/how-rich-am-i;美国读者可参考这个网站http://www.whatsmypercent.com/;英国财政研究所也建立了类似网站http://www.ifs.org.uk/wheredoyoufitin/。
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