1704628630 [35]Thomas Piketty,“Income,Wage,and Wealth Inequality in France,1901-98,” inAnthony B. Atkinson and Thomas Piketty,eds.,Top Incomes,quote p. 50.
1704628632 [36]这些数据来源于Anthony B. Atkinson,“Increased Income Inequality inOECD Countries and the Redistributive Impact of the Government Budget,”in Giovanni A. Cornia,ed.,Inequality,Growth,and Poverty in an Era of Liberalization and Globalization (Oxford: Oxford University Press,2004),221-248;另外,还请参见Anthony B. Atkinson,“What Is Happening to the Distribution of Income in the UK?” Proceedings of the British Academy 82 (1992): 317-351; Anthony B. Atkinson and John Micklewright,“Turning the Screw: Benefits for the Unemployed 1979-88,” in Andrew Dilnot and Ian Walker,eds.,The Economics of Social Security (Oxford: Oxford University Press,1989),17-51。
1704628634 [37]Richard Hauser,“Personal Primr-und Sekundrverteilung der Einkommenunter dem Einfluss sich ndernen wirtschaftlicher und sozialpolitisch Rahmenbedingungen,” Allgemeines Statistisches Achiv 83 (1999): 88-110 (my translation).
1704628636 [38]Hannu Uusitalo,“Changes in Income Distribution During a Deep Recessionand After” (Helsinki: National Institute for Health and Welfare,STAKES,1999).
1704628638 [39]Secretary-General,“Editorial,” in OECD,Divided We Stand (Paris: OECD,2011),quote p. 18.
1704628640 [40]Michael F. Frster and István G. Tóth,“Cross-Country Evidence of the Multiple Causes of Inequality Changes in the OECD Area,” in Anthony B. Atkinsonand Franois Bourguignon,Handbook of Income Distribution,vol. 2B (Amsterdam: Elsevier,2015),quote p. 1803.
1704628642 [41]OECD,Divided We Stand,quote p. 292;关于覆盖率的数据来源于图7.5,其中包括了一系列失业保险和补助福利,如想了解更多细节,请参见Herwig Immervoll,Pascal Marianna,and Marco Mira D’Ercole,“Benefit Coverage Rates and Household Typologies: Scope and Limitations ofTax-Benefit Indicators,” OECD Social,Employment and Migration Working Paper 20,OECD,Paris,2004。
1704628644 [42]Nicholas Kaldor,“Alternative Theories of Distribution,” Review of Economic Studies 23 (1955-6): 83-100,and “A Model of Economic Growth,”Economic Journal 67 (1957): 591-624。需要指出的是薪酬比重的恒定性没有列入“新”卡尔多事实,请参见 Charles I. Jones andPaul M. Romer,“The New Kaldor Facts: Ideas,Institutions,Population,andHuman Capital,” American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 2 (2010): 224-245。相反,他们提出了大学毕业/高中毕业工资溢价的恒定性。下一章将探讨这个问题。
1704628646 [43]Klaus Heidensohn,“Labour’s Share in National Income: A Constant?” Manchester School 37 (1969): 295-321,quote p. 304. 下面给出的数据来源于表1。
1704628648 [44]Piketty,Capital,quote p. 221.
1704628650 [45]Loukas Karabarbounis and Brent Neiman,“The Global Decline of the Labor Share,” Quarterly Journal of Economics 129 (2014): 61-103.
1704628652 [46]David Ricardo,Preface to Principles of Political Economy (London: Dent,1911,first published 1817).
1704628654 [47]然而,它的发展趋势并不是一直朝着这个方向。1981年后,随着社会住房的出售,租房居住的比重开始下降。在过去20年里,越来越多人购房出租,由此提升了私人房东的比重,使其在2011年达到18%。
1704628656 [48]那么,基尼系数等于工人在总人口中的比重与工人收入在总收入中的比重之差——请参见Anthony B.Atkinson and John Micklewright,Economic Transformation in Eastern Europe and the Distribution of Income (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1992),Ch. 2.
1704628658 [49]Daniele Checchi and Cecilia Garcia Pealosa,“Labour Market Institutions and the Personal Distribution of Income in the OECD,” Economica 77 (2010): 413-450,quote to Table 7.基尼系数下探至0.4时,置信区间为95%.
1704628660 [50]Jesper Roine and Daniel Waldenstrm,“Long Run Trends in the Distribution of Income and Wealth,” in Atkinson and Bourguignon,Handbook of Income Distribution,vol. 2A,Table 7.A2。卢森堡收入研究所已经扩大并合并了卢森堡财富研究所,但最早的数据可追溯到1994年。
1704628662 [51]其中考虑了1959年至1960年间缺失的数据——请参见Anthony B. Atkinson,James P. F. Gordon,and Alan Harrison,“Trends in the Shares of Top-Wealth-Holders in Britain,1923-81,” Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 51 (1989): 315-332.
1704628664 [52]在美国,不同来源的数据对20世纪年代以后这段时期的描述指向不同的方向。请参见:Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman,“Wealth Inequality in the United States since 1913: Evidence from Capitalized Income Tax Data,” Working Paper 20625,National Bureau of Economic Research; and Wojciech Kopczuk,“What Do We Know about Evolution of Top Wealth Sharesin the United States?”Journal of Economic Perspectives,forthcoming.
1704628666 [53]Christopher L. Erickson and Andrea Ichino,“Wage Differentials in Italy: Market Forces,Institutions and Inflation,” in Richard B. Freeman and Lawrence F.Katz,eds.,Differences and Changes in Wage Structures (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1995): 265-306,quote p.265.Andrea Brandolini,“The Distribution of Personal Income in Post-War Italy: Source Description,Data Quality,and the Time Pattern of Income Inequality,”Giornale degli Economisti e Annalidi Economia 58 (1999): 183-239; Ignacio Visco,“The Indexation of Earnings inItaly: Sectoral Analysis and Estimates for 1978-79,” Rivista di Politica Economica 13 (1979): 151-183; Marco Manacorda,“Can the Scala Mobile Explain the Fall and Rise of Earnings Inequality in Italy? A Semiparametric Analysis,1977-1993,”Journal of Labor Economics 22 (2004): 585-613,Magnus Gustavsson,“Trends in the Transitory Variance of Earnings: Evidence from Sweden 1960-1990 and a Comparison with the United States,” Working Paper 2004:11,Department of Economics,Uppsala Universitet; Tor Eriksson and Markus Jntti,“The Distribution of Earnings in Finland 1971-1990,” European Economic Review 41 (1997): 1736-1779.
1704628668 [54]Checchi and Garcia Pealosa,“Labour Market Institutions,”引自表7,其中引用的数据基于所估算基尼系数的95%置信区间。
1704628670 [55]Piketty,Les hauts revenus en France,quote p. 165 (my translation).
1704628672 [56]Joop Hartog and Nick Vriend,“Post-War International Labour Mobility: TheNetherlands,” in Ian Gordon and Anthony P. Thirlwall,eds.,European FactorMobility (London: Macmillan,1989)。关于法国的情况请参见Piketty,Les hauts revenus en France,第3章。
1704628674 [57]“Incomes Policy,”维基百科,下载于2014年10月5日。
1704628676 [58]Jenkins et al.,The Great Recession,pp. 14-16.
1704628678 [59]International Labour Office,Year Book of Labour Statistics 1961 (Geneva: International Labour Office,1961),quote p. 202.
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