1704629390 图6.2:Money interest rate from Bank of England,Statistical Interactive Database,Interest and exchange rates data,Quoted household interest rates,Deposit rates,Fixed rate bonds,and Time (notice accounts),http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/boeapps/iadb/.Rate of inflation from UK Office for National Statistics (ONS),United Kingdom National Accounts online data-set,Consumer Price Index (all items),variable CDID.
1704629392 图6.3:UK Office for National Statistics (ONS),United Kingdom National Accounts online dataset,variables CGRX for the net worth of general government (since 1987) and YBHA for GDP.Net worth of general government and public corporations before 1987 from UK National Accounts 1990,Table 12.12 (1979 to 1986),UK National Accounts 1987,Tables 11.6-11.8(1975 to 1978); C.G.E.Bryant,“National and Sector Balance Sheets 1957-1985,”Economic Trends 403 (May 1987),Table A1 (1966,1969 and 1972); and Alan R.Roe,The Financial Interde-pendence of the Economy 1957-1966 (Cambridge:Chapman and Hall,1971),Table 34 (1957 to 1963).
1704629394 图6.4:Assets under management from website of Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute,http://www.swfinstitute.org/fund-rankings/,downloaded 15 November 2014.GDP figures from World Bank,World Development Indicators,GDP by country,http://data.worldbank.org/products/wdi.Figures for Alaska and Texas from US Bureau of Economic Analysis,Quar-terly Gross Domestic Product by State,2005-2013, news release 20 August 2014,Table 3.
1704629396 图6.5:See sources for Figure 6.3:Total government revenue from UK oil and gas.production (not including gas levy) from Statistics of Government Revenues from Oil and Gas Production,Table 11.1,adjusted to real values using the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS)long-term indicator of prices of consumer goods and services,CDKO.
1704629398 图7.1:Share of top 0.1% from the World Top Incomes Database,downloaded 15 October 2014.Marginal retention rate calculated as 1 minus the top income tax (and super-tax or surtax) rate,from annual reports of the Inland Revenue/HM Revenue and Customs and HMRC website,https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/rates-and-allowances-in come-tax/rates-and-allowances-income-tax.
1704629400 图7.2:Income shares are from the World Top Incomes Database,http://topincomes.gmond.parisschoolofeconomics.eu/,downloaded 15 October 2014.Top marginal retention rate data are from Alvaredo et al.,“The Top 1 Per Cent,” Figure 4,with new data added for Denmark supplied by Jakob Sgaard (the Danish tax rate for the earlier period is taken as that for 1967,in view of the major tax reform in 1966).The data start later for Ireland (1975),Italy (1974),Portugal (1976),and Spain (1981).For Switzerland,the data end in 1995.The data have been updated since the publication of Alvaredo et al.,but a linear regression in logarithmic form yields a coefficient of 0.45,close to their reported value of 0.47.
1704629402 图7.3:Author’s calculations.The property values are related to Council Tax bands in April 1991 using the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) average house price series,monthly and quarterly tables,Table 12,for England and Wales,all dwellings,http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/hpi/house-price-index/september-2014/stb-september-2014.html,downloaded 19 December 2014,taking quarter 2 for 1991 and quarter 2 for 2014.
1704629404 图8.1:UK Office for National Statistics (ONS),United Kingdom National Accounts online dataset,http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/naa1-rd/united-kingdom-national-accounts/theblue-book—2013-edition/tsd—blue-book-2013.html,using variables ACHH,EKY3,and NZGO.The data in that source for 1999 to 2003 for Child Benefit include tax credits and have been replaced by the data for Child Benefit in Table 5.2.4S of the National Accounts Blue Book for 2006.The data for Child Benefit before 1987 are from the Family Benefits entry in the National Accounts Blue Books for 1987,Table 7.2; 1982,Table 7.2; and 1963-1973,Table 39.
1704629406 图8.2:US data from U.S.Bureau of the Census,Income,Poverty,and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States:2013, Table B-2; UK data from Department for Work and Pensions,Households Below Average Income 1994/95-2010/11 (London:Department for Work and Pensions,2012),Table 4.2tr.
1704629408 图8.3:LIS Key Figures,http://www.lisdatacenter.org/data-access/key-figures/downloadkey-figures/,downloaded 30 November 2014.Figures are for 2010 except Brazil (2011),Japan (2008),Guatemala and South Korea (2006),Hungary and Sweden (2005),Austria,Czech Republic,India,Peru,Switzerland,and Uruguay (2004),China (2002),and Belgium (2000).
1704629410 图8.4:Household consumption expenditure series ABPB and the total population series EBAQ from 1954 from the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS),Blue Book tables online,http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/naa1-rd/united-kingdom-national-accounts/the-blue-book—2013-edition/tsd—blue-book-2013.html,downloaded 4 November 2014.Population data for 1948 to 1954 are from C.H.Feinstein,Statistical Tables of National Income,Expenditure and Output of the U.K.,1855-1965 (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1976),Table 55,where the (minor) break in the series in 1950 has been ignored.Unemployment rates are from the Institute for Fiscal Studies website,Unemployment benefit rates,downloaded 4 November 2014.The benefit rate is that ruling on 1 July of each year.
1704629412 图8.5:OECD,Divided We Stand (Paris:OECD,2011),Figure 7.5.
1704629414 图8.6:OECD Compare your country—Official Development Assistance 2013 website,downloaded 2 November 2014.Aid is expressed as a percentage of GNI.
1704629416 图9.3:Gini coefficients from LIS Key Figures,http://www.lisdatacenter.org/data-access/key-figures/download-key-figures/,downloaded 23 November 2014.GDP annual growth rates from World Bank,World Development Indicators,http://databank.worldbank.org/data/views/reports/tableview.aspx#,annual percentage rate of growth of GDP per capita based on constant local currency.These have been cumulated from 1990 (in some cases later years) to 2013 and the average growth calculated.
1704629418 图10.1:OECD Social Expenditure Database (SOCX),Table “From gross public to total net social spending,2011,” http://www.oecd.org/social/expenditure.htm,downloaded 25 November 2014.
1704629420 图11.2:Calculations using the UK module of EUROMOD (see text).
1704629425 不平等,我们能做什么 [:1704626121]
1704629426 不平等,我们能做什么 图书在版编目(CIP)数据
1704629428 不平等,我们能做什么 / (英)阿特金森著;王海昉,曾鑫,刁琳琳译.—北京:中信出版社,2016.5
1704629430 (比较译丛)
1704629432 书名原文:Inequality:What Can Be Done?
1704629434 ISBN 978-7-5086-5946-6
1704629436 Ⅰ.①不…Ⅱ.①阿… ②王… ③曾… ④刁…Ⅲ.①平等(经济学)-研究Ⅳ.①F036
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