1704864505 News critique forms a strong tradition of media critique.Many of the examples given in this paper relate to news,but the objects of media critique obviously extend to all genres and technologies of media.
1704864507 Feedback Loop of Media Critique
1704864512 One major goal of media critique is change.The effectiveness of media critique in achieving change depends heavily on the relative power of the regulators.The regulators are connected to the critic and producer of media in a feedback loop(Figure one),in which the regulators selectively respond to media critique(produced by critics)and takes action on the object of critique(produced by producers).
1704864514 Figure one.Feedback Loop of Media Critique
1704864516 Regulator
1704864518 In this paper,the regulator is conceptualized as an entity that has the power to make the media work in a particular way.It could be a formal regulator vested with institutional power of applying sanctions,or an informal regulator that relies on un-institutional power.Among the formal regulators are the government,work organization,and conceivably in some countries,professional body and industry association,as well as the potential consumers.The formal sanctions that they could enforce could include imprisonment for violators of law,withdrawal of license from media operators,financial penalty on a media organization,recording an offence for the license holder of a media operation,professional disqualification of the media worker,or censure by the professional or industry body.Potential consumers are included here as formal regulators as they hold the power to consumer or not consumer the media in the market institutions.
1704864520 Informal regulators include the individual producers themselves,peers in the profession and industry,as well as society at large.The informal sanctions could be guilt and shame,or sense of achievement on the part of the individuals,disapproval/approval by other practitioners or organizations,or disapproval/approval by members of the public.
1704864522 In any case of media critique,more than one regulator is relevant.This means individuals and organizations are susceptible to formal and informal sanctions from multiple regulators at the same time.Media critique is the most effective when both formal and informal regulators respond,and act consistently with each other.
1704864524 Critic
1704864526 The role of the critic lies in providing the evaluation on which regulators could act.Whether the regulators would respond to the critique depends on the power of the critic in relation to that of the regulators,and access of the critique by the regulators.
1704864528 The media critic could be an individual or an organization.Individual critics could be professional critics or citizens who perform acts of critiquing from time to time.Professional critics who form part of a media organization,such as ombudsmen and public editors in news organizations,are more likely to command response from the regulators,such as the chief editor,due to the power built into their positions.Other professional critics could be affiliated with professional magazines,or media concern groups.
1704864530 Ordinary citizens express views about various aspects of the media from time to time,but these views count as critique only when they are evaluative in nature,and are communicated publicly.Usually this public communication is directed towards formal media regulators or members of the public,for example,as complaints,or letters to the editors.Experts,such as university professors,when acting as critics,may enjoy greater attention from media regulators than other citizens.
1704864532 Organizational critics could be professional bodies or industry associations,such as journalist associations and press councils.Like ombudsmen,they act as critics when they initiate assess of performance,and as regulators when they respond to critiques made by others.
1704864534 Producer
1704864536 The producers of media involve multiple levels of personnel situated in institutions:Individual producers are likely to form part of a team,which constitutes part of a section under a department in a work organization.The work organization could be a commercial company that is privately-run or publicly listed,or it could be a public service organization or simply a part of the government.The nature of the organization sets the constraints and capabilities within which the multiple levels of producers could respond to the regulators.At the same time,individual producers are members of a profession,and work organizations are part of the relevant media industry.
1704864538 If the producer or organization responds to the regulators,change could be made to the object being critiqued,which could take the form of retrospective apology,modification or suspension of the product.
1704864540 Three Levels of Media Critique
1704864545 Recently,scholars in China have made efforts to map the field of media critique/criticism(e.g.Huang Hsinsheng,1991;Lei Yuejie,2007;Wang Junchao,2001).This paper attempts to contribute to such effort by proposing a typology of media critique composed of three levels:(1)media review,(2)media watch,and(3)media criticism(Table one).The typology is a development that takes into account,but goes beyond,the distinction usually made between media critique and radical media critique.
1704864547 A textbook on media criticism lists these functions of the critic(Orlik,2009):
1704864549 1.Serving as guide
1704864551 2.Bridge building between producers and consumers
1704864553 3.Entertaining
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