1704864547 A textbook on media criticism lists these functions of the critic(Orlik,2009):
1704864549 1.Serving as guide
1704864551 2.Bridge building between producers and consumers
1704864553 3.Entertaining
1704864555 4.Suggesting new directions to producers
1704864557 5.Serving as a proxy or watchdog
1704864559 6.Proposing system-cognizant change
1704864561 These functions differ in the degree of change that is aimed at.When media critique serves the first of the above three functions-as a guide,bridge between producers and consumers,and entertainment-it accepts fundamentally the media system and arrangements as they are,and whatever influence that media exerts on the audience and society.If there is any change that these functions may bring about,it is most likely the choice of the potential consumers-of consuming or not consuming the product.
1704864563 As for the function“suggesting new directions,”it includes suggesting new subjects,new techniques,and showing the audience“formal interrelationships which bind the work together,meanings which make up its truth,and expressive significance which gives it resonance and depth”(Stolnitz,Orlik,2009,p.24).The changes sought in this function of media critique relate to programmatic techniques(Orlik,2009).
1704864565 When serving as a proxy or watchdog,the media critic“fairly describe[s] the operations of media and spotlight[s] mistakes when they occur.”She also“discover[s] the concerns of citizens and define[s] what the public needs to know in very expansive terms,”including“ways our high-profile enterprise interacts in society”(Orlik,2009,p.28).Whatever change that is proposed to the actual system organization or priorities,however,it must be workable within the(capitalist)system(Orlik,2009).
1704864567 By emphasizing that changes proposed must be possible within the parameters of the social and political environment,Orlik(2009)left out from the list the most radical function of media critique.Rescuing what is left out would complete the range of media critique.The full range of media critique would encompass three levels,corresponding to the three regions of media practice described by Hallin(1989):
1704864569 1.Media review is situated in the sphere of consensus,which encompasses norms and values generally accepted in society.
1704864571 2.Media watch is situated in the sphere of legitimate controversy,the region of debates of issues that are recognized by the major established actors.
1704864573 3.Media criticism exists in the sphere of deviance,the realm of those political actors and views which are rejected as unworthy of being heard.
1704864575 Simplification is built into the typology.It would be easy to find works of media critique that incorporate elements from more than one level.The objects critiqued shown in Table one also suggest that the boundary between the levels is fuzzy.However it is likely that pieces of critique could still be categorized into one of the levels according to their key concerns.
1704864577 Table one.Typology of Three Levels of Media Critique
1704864579 Media Review
1704864581 This level of critique serves potential consumers and media workers by providing guidance using standards that are widely shared by them.By diminishing bad and championing good professional practices,while diminishing works of weakness and celebrating works of achievement,this level of critique is concerned with professional and market performance.Its goals include the maintenance or elevation of professional standards,and quality of works.
1704864583 Media review responds to practices in the media of the time,and tends to be directed towards content and work processes of defined scope.Content under critique could range from as small as an entry to as big as a product series.A particular news report,for example,is an entry of an episode,the latter of which in this case is the newspaper of the day or the evening television news program broadcast on a certain day.That particular television news program is part of a series of similar programs broadcast at the same hour every day.News reports about the same story or theme,for example,coverage of the Iraq War,would make a series of entries.Alternatively the object of critique could be a one-off product,like a single movie,or a product series,like the series of James Bond movies.
1704864585 Apart from content,work processes are more likely than institutions to come under critique.It is common that media reviews touch on the production processes of specific content.In such cases,the units of production-individuals,team,section,department or organization are easily identified.Sometimes a specific aspect of conduct or production practice of the profession or industry becomes the object of critique.
1704864587 In the context of news,the key questions asked by media reviewers would be:
1704864589 1.Do media contents conform to journalistic norms and ethics in matters such as privacy and dignity and obtaining standards of taste and decency?
1704864591 2.Are media fair and objective or biased in the political and ideological leaning of news and comment offered?
1704864593 3.Does media conduct and content conform to norms that have been developed for the handling of international relations and issues of peace and development(McQuail,1999)?
1704864595 4.Is the news content properly sourced and verified?
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