1704864597 5.Are the news stories well written,photographed,and laid out?
1704864599 6.Do journalists conduct themselves in good ethics in the process of newsgathering?
1704864601 Examples of media reviews about journalism in the U.S.could be found in:
1704864603 ·the Columbia Journalism Review Magazine(http://www.cjr.org/magazine/),
1704864605 ·the monthly magazine,Extra!,and the weekly radio show,Counterspin,published by the media watch group,Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting(FAIR)(http://www.fair.org/index.php),and
1704864607 ·the Media Monitor of the Accuracy in Media(AIM)group(http://www.aim.org/media-monitor/).
1704864609 Despite applying widely accepted standards,media review could be conducted from different political positions.FAIR and AIM,for example,reveal different political positions in their critiques.
1704864611 Book reviews,such as the London Review of Books,and movie reviews-including those published in consumer magazines-belong to critiques of this level.The program“Media Watch”produced by the television department of Radio Television Hong Kong also falls into this category.
1704864613 As media reviews,critique is made from the perspective of professionalism or merely common sense.Methods of analysis commonly used are description,comparisons with works produced before and around the same time,and various approaches of textual reading.
1704864615 Media Watch
1704864617 This level of critique reveals the inadequacies in the representations and values manifested in the media world.The standards used for evaluation are adopted by the media critics,which are not necessarily widely shared by producers or society at large.Media watch is concerned with the social and cultural performance of the media(McQuail,2005).
1704864619 The concern for social and cultural implications often brings media watchers to focus on objects of critique of relatively large scope.Product series,genres,media formats,media technologies,and media production practices are rightful objects of critique.Where production practices are the object of critique,the institutions involved tend to be larger units,as in a work organization,profession or industry as a whole.However,the primary interest of media watch is on evaluating the social and cultural influence of the media.Change to such influence could appear within the existing structures of media institutions.A prominent example of this level of critique in journalism is the body of critiques associated with the public journalism movement in the U.S.from the late 1980s onwards.
1704864621 Some of the questions asked by media watchers of journalism are:
1704864623 1.Is the quality of information offered adequate to the needs of citizens/audiences according to such criteria as amount,range,depth,accuracy,or balance?
1704864625 2.Do media deal equally and fairly with ethnic,cultural,and other minorities in their representation and access?
1704864627 3.Do media give access to a full range of relevant voices in the society?
1704864629 4.Do media contribute adequately to(national)cultural identity and autonomy?
1704864631 5.Are given media in practice diverse in their information and ideas,representative of the balance of opinion in the society(McQuail(1999)?
1704864633 6.Are news products distributed to ensure extensive reach?
1704864635 Examples of media watch in the U.S.could be found at:
1704864637 ·the Media Monitor of The Center for Media and Public Affairs(http://www.cmpa.com/monitor.htm),and
1704864639 ·the PR watch from the Center for Media and Democracy(http://prwatch.org/),which seeks to“expose corporate spin and government propaganda.”
1704864641 Where content is the object of critique,content analysis and critical textual analysis(inclusive of formalist analysis,semiotic analysis,discourse analysis,narrative analysis,and genre analysis)are methods more recently used.It is informed by critical media studies(e.g.Hall,1972)and critical linguistics(e.g.Fowler,1991,1996).
1704864643 Critique of media technology is informed by the media ecology perspective,which is also known as medium theory(Meyrowitz,1986,1994).Postman(1985)offered a well-known critique of television news as a media genre in the U.S.from this perspective.A media genre is constituted by a particular mix of content and media format elements,the latter of which are linked to the characteristics of the media technology.
1704864645 Media Criticism
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