1704907901 第六章 绅士的没落
1704907903 1. 见Marshall Smelser: “The Federalist Period as an Age of Passion,” American Quarterly, Vol. X (Winter, 1958), pp. 391-419.
1704907905 2. 引文出自William Loughton Smith: The Pretensions of Thomas Jefferson to the Presidency Examined (1796), Part I, pp. 14-15. 没有人认为杰斐逊反对“真正的”知识与智慧,他只是对于那些虚假扭曲的知识不以为然。史密斯认为杰斐逊是伪哲学家,不是“真正的”哲学家。他只具有哲学家的外表与一些不重要的特征,因此,他在政治上的表现“缺乏稳定,不果断,未能同时具备视野与思考等各方面能力”。 Ibid., p. 16. 记得史蒂文森竞选总统情景的人,应该不会对这些话感到陌生。
1704907907 3. Ibid., pp. 4, 6, 16; Part II, p. 39.
1704907909 4. 对杰斐逊最激烈批评的总结,见Charles O. Lerche, Jr.: “Jefferson and the Election of 1800: A Case Study of the Political Smear:” William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd scr., Vol. V (October, 1948), pp. 467-91.
1704907911 5. William Linn: Serious Considerations on the Election of a President (New York, 1800).
1704907913 6.Connecticut Courant, July 12, 1800, quoted in Lerche: op. cit., P. 475.
1704907915 7.Address to the Citizens of South Carolina on the Approaching Election of a President and Vice-President of the United States. By a Federal Republican (Charlestown, 1800), pp. 9, 10, 15.
1704907917 8. Seth Ames, ed.: The Life and Works of Fisher Ames (Boston, 1854), Vol. II, p. 134.
1704907919 9.The Lay Preacher, ed. by Milton Ellis (New York, 1943), p. 174; 这篇文章最早出现在Port Folio, Vol. I (1801).
1704907921 10. 见一封写给亚历山大·汉密尔顿的信,收录于J. C. Hamilton, ed.: The Works of Alexander Hamilton (New York, 1850-51), Vol. VI, pp. 434-5. 汉密尔顿认为杰斐逊绝对不是一个有核心思想的人,而是一个机会主义政客。
1704907923 11. 关于这个联盟的本质与最终解体后的影响,见Sidney E. Mead的一篇富有洞见的文章:“American Protestantism during the Revolutionary Epoch,” Church History, Vol. XII (December, 1953), pp. 279-97.
1704907925 12. Jonathan Elliot: Debates (Philadelphia, 1863), Vol. II, p. 10.2.
1704907927 13. Samuel Eliot Morison, ed.: The Key of Liberty (Billerica, Mass., 1922). 这个作品重新发表于William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd ser., Vol. XIII (April, 1956), pp. 202-54,以及后面几段话中的引文出自pp. 221, 222, 226, 231-2.
1704907929 14. In an address at Hamilton College, January 23, 1844, quoted in Merle Curti: American Paradox (New Brunswick, 1956), p. 20; cf. pp. 19-24.
1704907931 15. Writings, A. E. Bergh, ed., Vol. VI (Washington, 1907), pp. 257-8, August 10, 1787. 杰斐逊这是在针对他外甥的教育问题提建议,他主要是想说明,研读道德哲学是没有用的。如果道德是一种学问而不是一种情操的话,那么千千万万没读过书的人都会比少数读过书的人更不讲道德。很明显,上帝在造人的同时给了他道德感,故而只要少许理性与常识就可以实践道德。当然,这是老生常谈的道理。杰斐逊也许是经由凯姆斯爵士(Lord Kames)的著作知道此点。但是我们不禁要怀疑,如果研读道德哲学没有用,那为何杰斐逊自己阅读了这么多相关书籍。有关杰斐逊思想中对道德是不是知识这个问题的纠结,可参见Adrienne Koch: The Philosophy of Thomas Jefferson (New York, 1943), chapter 3.
1704907933 16. 关于这一点,把话说得最明白的是距杰斐逊一个世纪以后的威廉·詹宁斯·布莱恩:“伟大的政治问题分析到最后都是伟大的道德问题。”Paxton Hibben: The Peerless Leader (New York, 1929), p. 194.
1704907935 17. 对于杰克逊式民主与知识分子间的关系,可参见Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.: The Age of Jackson (Boston, 1945), especially chapter 29.
1704907937 18. 关于亚当斯的计划,见J. R. Richardson: Messages and Papers of the Presidents (New York, 1897), Vol. II, pp. 865-83, 以及相关评论,见A. Hunter Dupree: Science in the Federal Government (Cambridge, 1957), pp. 39-43; cf. Samuel Flagg Bemis: John Quincy Adams and the Union (New York, 1956), pp. 65-70.
1704907939 19. 我这里引用的杰克逊主义著作来自John William Ward: Andrew Jackson: Symbol for an Age (New York, 1955), pp. 31, 49, 52, 53, 68. 沃德教授(Professor Ward)对杰克逊主义的研究令我获益匪浅。
1704907941 20. Ward: op. cit., p. 73.
1704907943 21.Address of the Republican General Committee of Young Men of the City and County of New York (New York, 1828), p. 41.
1704907945 22. Ward: op. cit., p. 63
1704907947 23. 双方竞选的口号都与事实相违,禁不起推敲;而且亚当斯从未否认他的宣传者对杰克逊夫妇生活的中伤。亚当斯似乎认为这么做并无不妥。1831年,他在日记中写道:“杰克逊和他的妻子公开搞婚外情。”上层社会的许多人无法接受杰克逊当总统。哈佛确实在1833年的开学典礼上向亚当斯授予了法律博士的荣誉学位,但是他拒绝出席仪式。他写道:“我可不想看到我亲爱的哈佛为了我屈尊给一个连自己的名字都拼不对的粗人冠上博士学位。”Bemis: op. cit., p. 250; 也请见Adams’s Memoirs, Vol. VIII (Philadelphia, 1876), pp. 546-7. 哈佛校长乔赛亚·昆西(Josiah Quincy)告诉亚当斯,他非常清楚“杰克逊有多么配不上文化人的荣耀”,但既然之前门罗曾被授予过荣誉学位,那就有必要也给杰克逊一个,以免显得哈佛“党同伐异”。在这起事件中,杰克逊似乎以他的魅力征服了讨厌他的观众。但谣言四起,而且波士顿和剑桥的人对之深信不疑,谣言说,杰克逊在这场用拉丁文举行的仪式上站起来说:“Caveat emptor: corpus delicti: ex post facto: dies irae: e pluribus unum: usque ad nauseam: Ursa Major: sic semper tyrannis: quid pro quo: requiescat in pace.”见昆西的回忆录:Figures of the Past (Boston, 1926), pp. 304-7.
1704907949 24. 请对比对该情况的分析,见Glyndon G. Van Deusen: Thurlow Weed: Wizard of the Lobby (Boston, 1947), pp. 4.2-4; and Whitney R. Cross: The Burned-Over District (Ithaca, 1950), pp. 114-17.
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