1704908341 29. Charles Dobbs关于“大脑”的作品,见International Socialist Review, Vol. VIII (March, 1908), p. 533. 在这篇文章中,他注意到“批评‘知识分子’的是‘知识分子’,骂‘领导’骂得最狠的也是‘领导’”。
1704908343 30. David Shannon: The Socialist Party of America (New York, 1955), p. 57; Robert R. La Monte: “Efficient Brains versus Bastard Culture,” International Socialist Review, Vol. VIII (April, 1908), pp. 634, 636. 关于社会主义运动中的知识分子,见Shannon: op. cit., pp. 8, 12, 19, 53-8, 281-2; Daniel Bell: “The Background and Development of Marxian Socialism in the United States,” in Donald Drew Egbert and Stow Persons, eds.: Socialism and American Life (Princeton, 1952), Vol. I, pp. 294-8; Ira Kipnis: The American Socialist Movement, 1897-1972 (New York, 1952), pp. 307-11, and Bell’s review of this work in The New Leader, December 7, 1953.
1704908345 31. Bell: “Background and Development,” p. 294. 请对比右翼领袖Max Hayes于1912年的党代会上对空谈社会主义者和理论家的批评。Socialist Party of America, Convention Proceedings, 1912 (Chicago, 1912), p. 124.
1704908347 32. “The Revolutionist,” International Socialist Review, Vol. IX (December, 1908), pp. 4.2930. 关于斯莱登,见Shannon: op. cit., p. 40; 一位社会主义者回应了斯莱登,认为无产者很欢迎知识分子,见Carl D. Thompson: “Who Constitute the Proletariat?” International Socialist Review, Vol. IX (February, 1909), pp. 603-12.
1704908349 33. “Sound Socialist Tactics,” International Socialist Review, Vol. XII (February, 1912), pp. 483-4.德布斯说过这些话三年后,Robert Michels出版了他的Political Parties,分析了欧洲左翼党派走向寡头的趋势。
1704908351 34. 引自Daniel Aaron: Writers on the Left (New York, 1961), pp. 254-5. 我在这里的论点和叙述主要来自这项全面透彻的研究,引文和事件摘自pp. 25, 41, 65, 93-4, 132n., 162, 163-4, 168, 209, 210-12, 216, 227, 240-2, 254, 308, 337-8, 346, 409, 410, 417, 425.
1704908353 35. 很讽刺地,戈尔德就跟20世纪50年代的那些麦卡锡主义者一样痛恨哈佛,他也被迫否认他曾经短暂地在那儿就学的过往。他说:“有一些敌人散布谣言说我曾在那儿读书,这不是真的。我曾在波士顿哈佛区的一个垃圾场工作过,仅此而已。”
1704908355 第十二章 学校与老师
1704908357 1. Henry Steele Commager: The American Mind (New Haven, 1950), p. 10; cf. pp. 37-8. Rush Welter: Popular Education and Democratic Thought in America (New York, 1962),这本书通透地研究了美国人对教育的期待。
1704908359 2. Washington, in Richardson, ed.: Messages and Papers of the Presidents, Vol. I, p. 220; Jefferson: Writings, P. L. Ford, ed., Vol. X (New York, 1899), p. 4; Lincoln: Collected Works, Roy P. Basler, ed., Vol. I (New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1953), p. 8.
1704908361 3. R. Carlyle Buley: The Old Northwest Pioneer Period, 1815-1840 (Indianapolis, 1950), Vol. II, p. 416.
1704908363 4. 对于这些失败的犀利批判,见Robert M. Hutchins: Some Observations on American Education (Cambridge, 1956).
1704908365 5. 关于美国大学内外的阅读,见Lester Asheim: “A Survey of Recent Research,” in Jacob M.Price, ed.: Reading for Life (Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1959); Gordon Dupee: “Can Johnny’s Parents Read?” Saturday Review, June 2, 1956.
1704908367 6.Essays upon Popular Education (Boston, 1826), p. 41.
1704908369 7. Horace Mann: Lectures and Annual Reports on Education, Vol. I (Cambridge, 1867), pp. 396, 403-4, 408, 413, 422, 506-7, 532, 539. 霍勒斯·曼在1843年有一篇报告非常重要,其中他比较了普鲁士的教育现况。他说:“那边的社会对于老师比较尊敬,不像在美国一样,那些在其他行当或是商场上失败的人不会以当老师作为最后的避难所。”Life and Works, Vol. III (Boston, 1891), pp. 266 ff. and especially pp. 346-8. 哈佛的伦理学教授弗朗西斯·鲍恩(Francis Bowen)也同意这看法,他说:“1857年的新英格兰学校体系似乎很落后,不但设施陈旧不足,校舍也简陋破败,教科书不尽理想,而老师的素质更差,农夫都可以来当。”American Journal of Education, Vol. IV (September, 1857), p. 14.
1704908371 8. NEA Proceedings, 1870, pp. 13, 17. 还有一些与此相似的抱怨,分布于1865年至1915年,见Edgar B. Wesley: N. E. A.: The First Hundred Years (New York, 1957), pp. 138-43.
1704908373 9.The Public School System of the United States (New York, 1893).
1704908375 10. Marian G. Valentine: “William H. Maxwell and Progressive Education,” School and Society, LXXV (June 7, 1952), p. 354. 此时对于新教育的抱怨开始出现。见Lys D’Aimee 的话,引于R. Freeman Butts and Lawrence Cremin: A History of Education in American Culture (New York, 1953), pp. 385-6.
1704908377 11. Thomas H. Briggs: The Great Investment: Secondary Education in a Democracy (Cambridge, Mass., 1930), pp. 124-8.
1704908379 12. 在这类研究中,我最喜欢的是1951年洛杉矶对三万名学童的研究。八年级学生中,每七人就有一人无法在地图上找到大西洋,十一年级学生中(十六到十八岁)也有着近似比例的人算不出三十六的一半是多少。Time, December 10, 1951, pp. 93-4.
1704908381 13. 关于教育改革者之论点的讨论,见Lawrence Cremin: The American Common School (New York, 1951); Merle Curti: The Social Ideas of American Educators (New York, 1935); and Sidney L. Jackson: America’s Struggle for Free Schools (Washington, 1940). 美国社会史研究中最具洞见的是Robert Carlton [Baynard Rush Hall]: The New Purchase, or Seven and a Half Years in the Far West (1843; Indiana Centennial ed., Princeton, 1916); 这本书中记录了大量以前美国中西部的普通民众对教育的看法。
1704908383 14. 给我巨大启发的一篇文章:Mrs. Elson: “American Schoolbooks and ‘Culture’ in the Nineteenth Century,” Mississippi Valley Historical Review, Vol. XLVI (December, 1959), pp. 411-34; 后面几段的引文就出自这篇文章,具体在pp. 413, 414, 417, 419, 421, 422, 425, 434.
1704908385 15.The New York Times, November 3, 1957.
1704908387 16. Ibid., March 24, 1957.
1704908389 17. Myron Lieberman: Education as a Profession (New York, 1956), p. 383; 这本书的第十二章细致讲述了美国教师的经济地位。这些数字体现出的美国教师的相对弱势并未涵盖其他国家各种不以薪水为形式的有价补偿,比如退休金和免费的医疗。
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