1705001336 ● at all=in any way:用任何方式,总是用在否定或疑问的句子里。
1705001338 ● vague:模糊的。fumbling:笨拙的(动词fumble:乱摸)。plump:肥厚的。
1705001340 ● it did not matter:也没有什么关系。Singer只管自己把话“说”出来,不管对方“听”不“听”。
1705001342 They shared the upstairs of a small house near the business section of the town. There were two rooms. On the oil stove in the kitchen Antonapoulos cooked all of their meals. There were straight, plain kitchen chairs for Singer and an over-stuffed sofa for Antonapoulos. The bedroom was furnished mainly with a large double bed covered with an eiderdown comfort for the big Greek and a narrow iron cot for Singer.
1705001344 ● shared:合住。business section:商业区。stove:炉子。
1705001346 ● 胖子好吃,菜是他煮的。但是在别的事情上,他总是占便宜。Singer坐的是硬板厨房椅子(straight:直挺挺的。plain:没有垫子椅套等装饰的),胖子坐的是软厚沙发(over-stuffed:垫得满满的),胖子睡大双人床,Singer睡小铁床。
1705001348 ● comfort:床上的被子,普通拼作comforter。eiderdown:鸭绒(eider是一种野鸭,down是鸟的软毛)。cot:小床,如帆布行军床、可折叠的铁床之类。
1705001350 Dinner always took a long time, because Antonapoulos loved food and he was very slow. After they had eaten, the big Greek would lie back on his sofa and slowly lick over each one of his teeth with his tongue—while Singer washed the dishes.
1705001352 ● lick:舔。牙齿一只一只舔过,足见吃得津津有味。胖子非但好吃贪舒服,而且行动迟缓。本段内两见slow。
1705001354 Sometimes in the evening the mutes would play chess. Singer had always greatly enjoyed this game, and years before he had tried to teach it to Antonapoulos. At first his friend could not be interested in the reasons for moving the various pieces about on the board. Then Singer began to keep a bottle of something good under the table to be taken out after each lesson. The Greek never got on to the erratic movements of the knights and sweeping mobility of the queens, but he learned to make a few set, opening moves. He preferred the white pieces and would not play if the black men were given him. After the first moves Singer worked out the game by himself while his friend looked on drowsily. If Singer made brilliant attacks on his own men so that in the end the black king was killed, Antonapoulos was always very proud and pleased.
1705001356 ● 哑巴以下棋为消遣,chess大致与中国象棋相类。
1705001358 ● 棋子叫pieces或men,棋盘叫board。moving the various pieces about:把不同的棋子(车、马、卒等)各处搬动。about(副词)=here and there。那希腊人对于各种棋子走法(如车可走好多格,而卒只可走有限的格子)的理由不感兴趣。
1705001360 ● a bottle of something good:一瓶好东西,指好酒。棋教完以后,Singer拿酒出来给希腊人喝。要把希腊人训练成他的棋友,Singer不惜用酒来引诱。
1705001362 ● got on to:学会。erratic:不规则的。knights:chess中的一种棋子,相当于象棋里的“马”,走法也是一步一拐,并非不规则,但是在一个没有弄懂的人看来,好像是不规则的。queen:地位相当于象棋里的“士”,但是威力强大得多,可以像“车”那样横走直走,又可以像“象”那样斜飞(不限格数)。mobility:机动性。sweeping:一扫而过的,横冲直撞的。set, opening moves:固定的开局法,如“当头炮,马来跳”之类(按:chess中没有“炮”)。set是过去分词。
1705001364 ● preferred:挑选,喜欢使用。
1705001366 ● Singer worked out the game by himself:他一个人来下完这盘棋。他的对手只会开头几下,以后便应付不了,Singer就代他走,把黑子白子一手包办下来。drowsily:打瞌睡似地。
1705001368 ● 胖子本来爱打瞌睡,对下棋又没有兴趣,只是迷迷糊糊地看着而已。可是胖子的好胜心还是很强。Singer代他下白子,把自己的黑子“将”死了,胖子还很得意呢。brilliant:精彩的。
1705001370 The two mutes had no other friends, and except when they worked they were alone together. Each day was very much like any other day, because they were alone so much that nothing ever disturbed them. Once a week they would go to the library for Singer to withdraw a mystery book and on Friday night they attended a movie. Then on payday they always went to the ten-cent photograph shop above the Army and Navy Store so that Antonapoulos could have his picture taken. These were the only places where they made customary visits. There were many parts in the town that they had never even seen.
1705001372 ● alone together:只有两个人在一起。disturbed:扰乱。
1705001374 ● withdraw:抽出,即借出。mystery book:侦探小说,没有别的“神秘”的意义。
1705001376 ● payday:发薪水的那一天。ten-cent photograph shop:一角钱照一次的照相馆。above:在楼上。customary:经常的。
1705001378 But the two mutes were not lonely at all. At home they were content to eat and drink, and Singer would talk with his hands eagerly to his friend about all that was in his mind. So the years passed in the quiet way until Singer reached the age of thirty-two and had been in the town with Antonapoulos for ten years.
1705001380 Then one day the Greek became ill. He sat up in bed with his hands on his fat stomach and big, oily tears rolled down his cheeks. Singer went to see his friend’s cousin who owned the fruit store, and also he arranged for leave from his own work. The doctor made out a diet for Antonapoulos and said that he could drink no more wine. Singer rapidly enforced the doctor’s orders. All day he sat by his friend’s bed and did what he could to make the time pass quickly, but Antonapoulos only looked at him angrily from the corners of his eyes and would not be amused.
1705001382 ● 他们在那城里一共住了十年。忽然有一天那希腊人生病了。
1705001384 ● big, oily tears:那胖子本来脸上有油汗(见第一段),眼泪滚下来也像油了。
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