1705001436 The Greek cousin for whom Antonapoulos worked did not enter into these troubles at all. Charles Parker (for that was the name this cousin had taken) let Antonapoulos stay on at the store, but he watched him always with his pale, tight face and he made no effort to help him. Singer had a strange feeling about Charles Parker. He began to dislike him.
1705001438 ● 上文讲Antonapoulos是在他的一个亲戚所开的糖果铺里做事的,亲戚也是希腊人,名字拼起来大约也很长,Charles Parker是他到美国后新起的名字。
1705001440 ● 那亲戚坐视Antonapoulos屡蹈法网,而不加援手。Singer渐表不满。
1705001442 Singer lived in continual turmoil and worry. But Antonapoulos was always bland, and no matter what happened the gentle, flaccid smile was still on his face.
1705001444 ● turmoil:(心里的)动乱,意义同前面的agitation差不多。worry:担忧。
1705001446 ● no matter what happened:不论出了什么事。flaccid:(肌肉)松松的。
1705001448 And then the final trouble came to Singer.
1705001450 One afternoon he had come to meet Antonapoulos at the fruit store when Charles Parker handed him a letter. The letter explained that Charles Parker had made arrangements for his cousin to be taken to the state insane asylum two hundred miles away. Charles Parker had used his influence in the town and the details were already settled. Antonapoulos was to leave and to be admitted into the asylum the next week.
1705001452 ● made arrangements:办手续。state:州立的。insane asylum:疯人院(第一个字的解释是“疯人的”,第二个字的解释是“收容所”)。
1705001454 ● influence:势力(面子、朋友交情等)。随随便便送一个人进疯人院,恐怕不容易。Charles Parker利用了他在镇上的一点势力,才办妥的。details were already settled:各项手续都已办妥。
1705001456 Singer read the letter several times, and for a while he could not think. Charles Parker was talking to him across the counter, but he did not even try to read his lips and understand. At last Singer wrote on the little pad he always carried in his pocket:
1705001458 You cannot do this. Antonapoulos must stay with me.
1705001460 ● counter:(糖果铺里的)柜台。
1705001462 ● read:仔细地看,端详。普通人如用英语说话,Singer看嘴唇动作,亦能会意。pad:拍纸簿。
1705001464 Charles Parker shook his head excitedly. He did not know much American. “None of your business,” he kept saying over and over.
1705001466 Singer knew that everything was finished. The Greek was afraid that some day he might be responsible for his cousin. Charles Parker did not know much about the American language—but he understood the American dollar very well, and he had used his money and influence to admit his cousin to the asylum without delay.
1705001468 ● None of your business:不用你管。Parker不大会说美国话(American),就拿这四个字重复地说。
1705001470 ● responsible for his cousin:替他负责;受他的累。怕受累,因此赶快把Antonapoulos送走。
1705001472 There was nothing Singer could do.
1705001474 Then came the day when Antonapoulos must leave. Singer brought out his own suitcase and very carefully packed the best of their joint possessions. Antonapoulos made himself a lunch to eat during the journey. In the late afternoon they walked arm in arm down the street for the last time together. It was a chilly afternoon in late November, and little huffs of breath showed in the air before them.
1705001476 ● suitcase:轻便衣箱。joint possessions:(两人)共有的物品。
1705001478 ● huff=puff:一口一口的气。空气寒冷,吐气成雾。
1705001480 Charles Parker was to travel with his cousin, but he stood apart from them at the station. Antonapoulos crowded into the bus and settled himself with elaborate preparations on one of the front seats. Singer watched him from the window and his hands began desperately to talk for the last time with his friend. But Antonapoulos was so busy checking over the various items in his lunch box that for a while he paid no attention. Just before the bus pulled away from the curb he turned to Singer and his smile was very bland and remote—as though they were many miles apart.
1705001482 ● Singer送他们表兄弟二人到长途汽车站。Charles Parker冷酷如旧,Antonapoulos还是只顾他个人的舒服,只有Singer真感到痛苦。
1705001484 ● crowded into:挤进去(不一定表示车子里人多,可能只表示门小人肥,走进去很费力)。settled himself:坐下。with elaborate preparations:做些细心的准备工作(如掸掸灰尘、提提裤子、检点一下手里的包裹等)。
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