1705003724 ● intolerable:令人不能忍受。
1705003726 ● lets go of my mother’s arm:把她手臂放走(注意中间的of)。strides out:大踏步跨将出去。stunned:怔住了。
1705003728 ● pleads with me:恳求我。
1705003730 ● 父亲求婚成功不久,就同母亲吵架了,此人看得大为着急,大嚷起来。“What are they doing?”“他们二人在干些什么呢?他们不知道他们在干什么吗?母亲为什么不追出去呢?她不追出去,她还想打算什么呢?父亲做事如此狠心,他自己知道不知道呢?”
1705003732 ● 最后一句叙事很多,但是主要的连接词只用and一个,句子虽长,句法并不复杂。
1705003734 But the usher has seized my arm and is dragging me away and as he does so, he says: “What are you doing? Don’t you know that you can’t do whatever you want to do? Why should a young man like you, with your whole life before you, get hysterical like this? Why don’t you think of what you’re doing?” and he said that dragging me through the lobby of the theatre into the cold light, and I woke up into the bleak winter morning of my 21st birthday, the windowsill shining with its lip of snow, and the morning already begun.
1705003736 ● 带座的已经抓住了他的臂膀,把他拖出去,一面拖,一面说道:“你在干什么?你知道不知道一个人做事不能爱闹就闹,爱嚷就嚷的?像你这样一个小伙子,前途正是远大得很,为什么偏这样疯疯癫癫(hysterical)的呢?为什么你不想你在干些什么呢?”他说着,把他拖过电影院穿堂(lobby),一直把他送到门外,门外既冷且亮(cold light:冷的光明?)和电影院的温暖黑暗大不相同。
1705003738 ● 到了外面,人就惊醒了。醒来正是此人的二十一岁生辰,冬天的早晨,景物萧索(bleak),窗槛上面堆了一层雪(lip of snow),闪闪发光,黑夜已尽,时间已经早晨了。(begun:过去分词,形容morning。又请注意said和woke改用过去式,表示梦醒以后已进入另一境界。梦醒以前用的都是historical present。)
1705003740 ● 一个人二十一岁初度,做这样一个怪梦,大约不算太离奇吧。弱冠之年已过,人生前途正是远大得很,但是人到那时,会起什么样的感慨呢?欢乐和希望,心里当然多少也有一点,但是主要的恐怕还是觉得童年之一去不复返,人生的担子非硬着头皮挑下去不可了。怅惘和恐惧之感恐怕是难免的。在这样情形之下,此人梦见了自己父母当年恋爱的情形。父母恋爱结婚,生儿育女,这事也平常得很,但是转瞬之间,儿子已经二十一岁。要说奇怪,人生的神秘恐莫大于此。这个青年,在生日前夕做了这样一个怪梦,一觉醒来,窗外积雪,晨曦初上,眼前为之一亮,但是被人从戏院里硬拖出来,身上又感觉得一阵寒冷。醒来了就不必做梦了,在此寒冷清明的清晨,还是坐起来吧。
1705003745 现代英文选评注 [:1705000319]
1705003746 现代英文选评注 A Mountain Adventure登山遇险记
1705003748 Gerald Warner Brace (1901—1978)
1705003750 本文选自《贾氏家传》(The Garretson Chronicle, by Gerald Warner Brace, W. W. Norton & Co., 1947)之第二十六章。《贾氏家传》是一部传记体的长篇小说,作者白瑞斯,是美国作家,其文字明净洗炼,瘦硬遒劲,铸字炼句,具见功力,堪与本世纪任何大家相比。《贾氏家传》全书于描写人物,讨论思想之处,亦皆陈义深远、语句精警,论者比之于Santayana的The Last Puritan(按:两书题材体例亦颇相近)。
1705003752 My friend Tommy Tucker was a senior at Harvard. I used to go to some of the football games with him, and one day we made a plan to go off together with Tommy’s roommate John Somes, to climb Mount Washington. John Somes was a veteran mountaineer and had been up Washington several years before. He said that out west they’d hardly call it a mountain.
1705003754 ● senior:大学四年级生。Mount Washington:在美国东北部之New Hampshire,为白山山脉(White Mts.)之最高峰,高达6,293尺,约台湾玉山最高峰之半。
1705003756 ● veteran:老资格。mountaineer:登山专家。out west:在(美国)西部。they:泛指美国西部的人。照文法的规定,“代名词”一定要明确地代表“名词”,像这样含混的they是悬为禁忌的;但是这种说法在日常会话中常听得到,写小说的要传状说话的人的口吻,只好不顾文法书的规定了。
1705003758 ● 美国西部一万尺以上的高峰很多,这种六千多尺的山,算不了什么山。they’d之’d为would之缩写,隐含虚拟语气:假如他们看见了这座山,也不会叫它是山的。
1705003760 We loaded sweaters and windbreakers and knapsacks into the Ford and started north on a bright October afternoon. Motoring twenty years ago was a more rugged adventure than it is now: we had to force a passage through cobbled streets and jammed-up traffic and then jounce everlastingly over the high-crowned washboard roads in the open country, determined to maintain a twenty-five-mile-an-hour average.
1705003762 ● loaded:装,放。sweaters:羊毛衫。windbreakers:厚夹克(jacket),防风御寒运动外套。knapsacks:背包,可背在肩上的帆布包或皮包。
1705003764 ● Motoring:坐汽车长途旅行。rugged:艰苦。
1705003766 ● 在二十年代坐汽车旅行,比今日苦得多。(这里的adventure,不作“探险”解,只是一种不平凡的经历而已。)他们三人坐车从波士顿出发,先经过的是市区,市区的街道是用石卵铺的(cobbled),行人车马(traffic)很挤(jammed-up),我们非冲出一条路来不可(force a passage)。市区过后,进入乡区,乡区开阔(in the open country),然而道路崎岖,路中间凸起(high-crowned),若有棱骨,好像搓衣服的板(washboard)似的。jounce:颠簸。everlasting:不停的。
1705003768 ● determined是过去分词,形容主语we。车子假如慢慢地开,也许可以平稳得多,但是他们决心要保持平均(average)每小时廿五英里的速度,只好先在市区里直冲,后在乡区颠簸着走了。
1705003770 To achieve a hundred miles in four hours in a Model T was fine work, but exhausting. Yet on this day the air lay sweetly over the golden countryside, full of balm and peace and the faint taste of leaf smoke. We sang and laughed and drank the rare and mellow distillations of Indian summer, our hearts grew light, our heads giddy with joy: the flames of the northern maples made great chords of splendid music in our spirit. We hailed the northward adventure, the lifting of each higher hill, the spreading miles of forest, the coming of dark spruce, the first glint of rock peaks in the silvery blue, and then the long slow waning of the sun, the golden flow of light from the southwest level across the colored land, the intensity of it, deepening and brightening toward night, the palpable gold on the leaves and grasses, the blue wells of shadows, valleys lost now in dusk and high hills still glowing in smokeless mantles of fire. We turned silent and watched the slow evening climb the slopes of brightness. In the far north a peak gleamed like a luminescent spearhead of pearl, purer than white itself.
1705003772 ● Model T:福特公司的T型车,三四十年前在美国很流行。achieve:做成功。exhausting:使人筋疲力尽。
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