1705034926 decades . A decade is a ten-year period.
1705034928 prohibited, prevented or forbade the practice of foot-binding.
1705034930 curse, a thing whose effects are disastrous.
1705034932 a thousand years . When was foot-binding introduced?
1705034934 hereditary absolute monarchy, a government where all authority was in the hands of an emperor who, when he died, passed the power over to a successor, most usually his eldest son.
1705034936 overthrown, cast out from power; put an end to.
1705034938 centuries . One hundred years make a century .
1705034940 paraphernalia, accessories, institutions which have grown up with and have been closely allied with the hereditary absolute monarchy; odds and ends of equipment that went along with that system of government.
1705034942 the imperial household, the domestic establishment of the emperor.
1705034944 concubines, secondary wives.
1705034946 eunuchism . A eunuch is a castrated male person, originally as one in charge of a harem or employed in a palace as a chamberlain or manager. Eunuchism is the practice of instituting such persons.
1705034948 parasitic nobility, the class of nobles who by birth or rank inherit certain privileges which Dr. Hu Shih claims they do not deserve and ought not have. Because these nobles have a living which they do not have to labor for, because these nobles live on the fat of the land merely because they are nobles and without having to work for that living, Dr. Hu calls them parasites, animals living in or on other animals from which they draw their nutriment or food.
1705034950 revision, changing by amending or correcting.
1705034952 legal procedure, mode of conducting matters in a law court.
1705034954 exacting, demanding strictly correct observance of certain rules.
1705034956 Octopartite, consisting of eight parts. The 八股 is referred to here, in which the candidate, after introducing his theme, must treat it in four paragraphs, each consisting of two members, made up of an equal number of words and sentences. The theme was always chosen from the Four Books (四书) or the Five Classics (五经). The writer could not express any opinion of his own or at variance with those opinions expressed by Chu Hsi and his school. This form of evil was instituted by the Emperor T‘ai Tsu of the Ming dynasty in 1371.
1705034958 past six centuries, since 1371.
1705034960 sacrificed , given up for. The educated class had given up everything else, had not done anything else, because they had to prepare for this particular form of state examination.
1705034962 departures, going away; deviations from; setting out on a course of action different from that of the past.
1705034964 isolated items of reform, items of improvement or change for the better that stand apart or are not connected with other changes. Dr. Hu claims that all these changes are not unconnected.
1705034966 indicators, indications or signs that show or point out.
1705034968 rectify, make or set right; correct from a wrong, erroneous, or false state; amend.
1705034970 veritably, truly; deserving the name apart from all exaggeration.
1705034972 co-education, joint education, especially of both sexes in the same institution.
1705034974 Confucianist humanitarianism . Confucius (551-478 B.C.) was concerned with human (not divine) interests; hence his doctrine may be called humanitarianism. Confucius taught 仁义道德.
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