1705037788 Faubourg Saint Germain, in the suburban part of Paris, the aristocratic quarter of Paris.
1705037790 pugnacious, disposed to fight; quarrelsome.
1705037792 cultivated eighteenth-century gentlemen . English eighteenth-century gentlemen developed the nice graces of conduct, avoided passionate outburst, tried to be cultivated, civilized.
1705037794 advent, arrival.
1705037796 Commodore Perry, Matthew Calbraith (1794-1858), American naval officer who sailed his squadron of ships into the Bay of Tokyo in 1852 and opened Japan to western influence.
1705037798 culpable, blameworthy; can be held to blame.
1705037800 imminent, about to happen soon; impending.
1705037802 Shinto religion, “way of the gods,” Japanese religion partly ousted by Buddhism, but now the national religion.
1705037804 dubious, unreliable; questionable.
1705037806 Genesis, the first book of the Christian Bible, deals with the formation of the earth and of all the living things. This explanation of the genesis or origin of things we do not agree with to-day.
1705037808 the Dayton trial . A teacher was arrested and put on trial for teaching the theory of evolution in a class in biology in a high school in Dayton, in the southwestern part of the state of Ohio, one of the central states of the United States of America. Because of the nature of the accusation against the teacher, the trial attracted nation-wide interest in America, and some of the ablest legal authorities of America took part in the court trial. The teacher was found guilty of teaching doctrines contrary to the laws of that part of the country, laws which insisted that only the explanation as given in the Book of Genesis of the Bible should be taught to the young.
1705037810 Mikado-worship, worship of the Mikado, the emperor of Japan.
1705037812 etc., the abbreviation for the Latin et cetera , meaning “and others.”
1705037814 cast-iron system, a system that is as rigid, unadaptable, hard to change or mold, as cast iron.
1705037816 acquiescence, an agreement that is understood without being said; a tacit agreement.
1705037818 rectified, put right; corrected; amended.
1705037820 emotional atrophy, wasting away the emotions through imperfect nourishment; emotional emaciation.
1705037822 Doctor Arnold’s system . Dr. Thomas Arnold (1795-1842), English historian and teacher, master of Rugby, one of the select middle schools of English (public schools, these select middle schools of England are called) was in the main responsible for the path that these public schools of England have followed all these years.
1705037824 the Empire, the British Empire.
1705037826 imparted, taught; communicated.
1705037828 stoical, possessed of great self-control or fortitude or austerity.
1705037830 the Spartans, natives of Sparta, especially with allusion to the supposed characteristics of Spartans, their endurance, their simplicity, their stoicism.
1705037832 the battle of Waterloo, fought on June 18, 1815, at Waterloo, 9 miles southeast of Brussels, Belgium, where Napoleon was so decisively defeated and finally captured. The Duke of Wellington led the victorious armies, and the English officers under him were all graduates of the public schools of England, the Duke himself being a graduate from Eton Public School. The English officers attributed their success to their early training in rugby and cricket, especially to the lessons in fair play and courage.
1705037834 bulldog courage . The bulldog, a powerful and courageous large-headed smooth-haired breed of dog, is noted for being tenacious and courageous. The English claim that they possess that sort of bulldog courage and tenacity.
1705037836 bane, poison or cause of ruin.
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