1705041070 The answer is not wholly to our discredit. We do not develop all parts of our nature because we are not allowed to do so. Walt Whitman might exult over the Spontaneous Me. But nobody is paid for being spontaneous. A spontaneous switchman on the railway would be a menace to the traveling public. We prefer someone less temperamental.
1705041072 As civilization advances and work becomes more specialized, it becomes impossible for anyone to find free and full development for all his natural powers in any recognized occupation. What then becomes of the other selves? The answer must be that playgrounds must be provided for them outside the confines of daily business. As work becomes more engrossing and narrowing the need is more urgent for recognized and carefully guarded periods of leisure.
1705041074 The old Hebrew sage declared, “Wisdom cometh from the opportunity of leisure.” It does not mean that a wise man must belong to what we call the leisure classes. It means that if one has only a little free time at his disposal, he must use that time for the refreshment of his hidden selves. If he cannot have a Sabbath rest of twenty-four hours, he must learn to sanctify little Sabbaths, it may be of ten minutes’ length. In them he shall do no manner of work. It is not enough that the self that works and receives wages shall be recognized and protected; the world must be made safe for our other selves. Does not the Declaration of Independence say that every man has an inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness?
1705041076 To realize that men are not satisfied with themselves requires imagination, and we have had a terrible example of what misfortunes come from the lack of imagination. The Prussian militarists had a painstaking knowledge of facts, but they had a contempt for human nature. Their tactlessness was almost beyond belief. They treated persons as if they were things. They treated facts with deadly seriousness, but had no regard for feelings. They had spies all over the world to report all that could be seen, but they took no account of what could not be seen. So, while they were dealing scientifically with the obvious facts and forces, all the hidden powers of the human soul were being turned against them. Prussianism insisted on highly specialized men who have no sympathies to interfere with their efficiency. Having adopted a standard, all variations must be suppressed. It was against this effort to suppress the human variations that the world fought. We did not want men to be reduced to one pattern. And against the effort to produce a monotonous uniformity we must keep on fighting. It was of little use to dethrone the Kaiser if we submit to other tyrants of our own making.
1705041078 Notes
1705041080 illumination, spiritual or mental enlightenment.
1705041082 forebodings, forewarnings; presentiments.
1705041084 omniscience, all-knowing; knowing everything.
1705041086 relapse, slip or fall back into the former state or condition.
1705041088 Human Nature, man’s natural endowment or essential character.
1705041090 make such a mess, do so badly; muddle up; make such mistakes.
1705041092 tactless, characterized by want of tact. Tact is the nice discernment of the best course of action under given conditions, especially ability to deal with others without giving offense.
1705041094 the obvious, that which is easily discovered, seen, or understood; that which is in full view.
1705041096 census-taker, is he who is delegated to make an official enumeration of the population of a locality, generally with classified social and economic statistics.
1705041098 disparity, difference; inequality.
1705041100 in years, in age.
1705041102 at a certain period in life, at an advanced age; when one is old in years.
1705041104 sedentary, inactive; confined to the chair.
1705041106 callow, unfledged; immature; green.
1705041108 precocious maturity, matured much more rapidly than is natural;abnormal development in physical and mental traits, so that the youth is beyond what is natural.
1705041110 literalist, one who is inclined to follow the letter, or literal sense, or literal interpretations.
1705041112 talk shop, talk about one’s business or occupation, especially when introduced unseasonably.
1705041114 royalty, kings and emperors, and their immediate family.
1705041116 domesticity, conforming to domestic or household life.
1705041118 practitioner, one actually engaged in the practice of a profession.
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