1705041120 cogent, appealing forcefully to the reason; convincing; telling; effective.
1705041122 Frederick the Great, Frederick II (1712-1786), king of Prussia (1740-1786), the man who made Prussia one of the great powers of the world. He encouraged art and architecture; he wrote much in prose; all of his writing is in French. He invited Voltaire to stay in the Prussian court, an unhappy experience it proved for Voltaire.
1705041124 courtier, one in attendance at the court of a prince.
1705041126 His Majesty’s campaigns, Frederick the Great’s success in battle.
1705041128 Voltaire, Jean François Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694-1778), the celebrated French philosopher and author.
1705041130 Napoleon in Elba . After the Treaty of Paris in 1814, Napoleon was exiled to the Island of Elba off the coast of Tuscany, from which he escaped in 1815, only to be defeated in Waterloo after his too brief Hundred Days’ Reign.
1705041132 British frigates, the British warships were there to keep Napoleon from escaping.
1705041134 Dromios, two Dromios, twin servants to twin brothers in Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors .
1705041136 Mr. Stifflekin, any other name would do as well.
1705041138 Stanley, Henry M. (1841-1904) and David Livingstone (1813-1873) were both African explorers. Stanley, as correspondent of the New York Herald , found Livingstone in 1869 in the heart of Africa, after Livingstone had been reported lost for many years. Stanley tells the story vividly in his book How I Found Livingstone (1872).
1705041140 equatorial, belonging near the equator.
1705041142 source of the Nile, the head of the Nile River, which flows through Egypt and empties into the Mediterranean Sea.
1705041144 minor irritations, the small matters that cause momentary impatience or anger.
1705041146 theologians, persons well-versed in theology, the science of God or of religion; preachers.
1705041148 “works or supererogation,” doing more than duty requires.
1705041150 unexpended balance of energy, enough energy left over.
1705041152 titular master, in name the master, implying that he may not be the real master, because his wife may be the actual ruler of the home.
1705041154 familiar chaos . His desk was formerly in a bad mess, but he knew where everythihg was to be found. Hence, familiar chaos.
1705041156 hateful order . Everything was now in proper order after the housemaid had straighten things out, but to the master that orderliness was hateful, because now he knew not where to look for his things.
1705041158 reactionary, one who seeks to undo political, here household, progress; one who seeks to turn order into disorder.
1705041160 ethical culture, for teaching the passengers the proper moral feelings and conduct.
1705041162 counsel of perfection, advice on how to be perfect.
1705041164 Junius, the pseudonym of an English political writer (1768-1777) considered by many to be Sir Philip Francis (1740-1818). Mr. Tang Leang-li (汤良礼) calls himself Junius Sinicus (Chinese Junius) in the People’s Tribune .
1705041166 Duke of Grafton, Henry Augustus Fitzroy, third Duke of Grafton, censured by Junius, in the article quoted, for escorting a woman of questionable morals to the theater and thus insulting all the sisters, wives, and mothers of the regular patrons of the theater.
1705041168 client, the customer who is employing the services of the barber.
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