1705042007 Windhorst, leader of the Center Party, formed of Catholics and Clericals, in the Reichstag. Richter , leader of the South German Popular Party in the Reichstag.
1705042009 political maxims, political principles then held in highest respect.
1705042011 behind the red flag of Communism. Had Bismarck been born of the poorer classes, he would have become one of the leaders of social revolt to-day.
1705042013 flattery and craft as in the school of Metternich . Metternich (1773-1859), Austrian statesman, minister of foreign affairs for Austria from 1809. The period 1815-1848 has been called “the age of Metternich,” for during this time he was not only master of Austria, but chief arbiter of Europe. His skilful diplomacy depended upon his adroit use of flattery. His system depended upon political and religious censorship, espionage, and the suppression of revolutionary movements.
1705042015 saw him in the true perspective, saw him as he really was;understood him well.
1705042017 His blood, his descent; his lineage; his ancestry; his aristocratic ancestry.
1705042019 young Freddy, Frederick the Great (1712-1786), king of Prussia from 1740-1786.
1705042021 “Herr Junker,” a young German noble or squire, especially a member of the Conservative Aristocratic Party in Prussia.
1705042023 mummified prejudices of the nobility, the preconceived judgments or opinions of the nobility that had been adhered to all these years although they were antiquated and out of fashion.
1705042025 the Hohenzollerns, the family name of the then ruling family in Prussia. Frederick I (died 1400) acquired the margraviate of Brandenburg and built up the real greatness of the family. For 500 years (down to 1918, when the Kaiser had to abdicate in Germany) the Hohenzollerns ruled, gradually building up a powerful state. Frederick the Great, by his victory over Austria in 1740, made Prussia a major power. He is perhaps the greatest of the Hohenzollerns.
1705042027 had tenanted the realm longer than they, had lived in Germany as a family longer than the Hohenzollern family.
1705042029 truncated, cut off at the top or end.
1705042031 nihilism, a name first applied by Turgenev in his novel Fathers and Sons (1862)to the theory held by many Russian revolutionists that it was necessary to destroy existing economic and social institutions, whatever was to be the nature of the better social order for which the destruction was to prepare.
1705042033 transvaluations, changing values.
1705042035 fifty years later, to-day.
1705042037 inveterately, deep-rootedly; habitually; pronouncedly.
1705042039 interleaved, bound with blank sheets inserted between other leaves of the book.
1705042041 fealty, faithfulness to one’s lord; fidelity.
1705042043 bit the golden chain, rebelled against his royal master. All through, Ludwig keeps up the comparison of Bismarck with his mastiffs.
1705042045 not his going, but his way of going, Bismarck and the new Kaiser had come into open conflict over many matters; Bismarck was determined to embarrass the Emperor; the Emperor was as determined to humble the aged imperial chancellor; Bismarck finally resigned. He refused to accept any favors from the throne.
1705042047 intransigence, refusal to compromise; refusing to be reconciled, to be agreeable or to remain a faithful follower.
1705042049 liegeman, sworn or faithful follower.
1705042051 winced, shrank as from a blow; drew back; hesitated.
1705042053 twenty-eight years Bismarck had governed, from 1862 to 1890,when Bismarck’s resignation was asked for.
1705042055 twenty-eight years after, from 1890 to 1918, the end of the World War.
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