1705130517 Monica:What?You are way off, lady!
1705130519 Phoebe:Am I?Really?Am I?Well, why don’t you cook Thanksgiving dinner and prove me wrong!Well, think about it, think about it, you’ll be trying to top than you did last year. You’d be in competition…with yourself.
1705130521 Monica:That’s my favourite kind!Okay, we are doing this!
1705130523 Chandler:Don’t let yourself get manipulated this way!
1705130525 Monica:Hey, stay out of this, Chandler This is between me…and ME!
1705130527 Chandler:We are supposed to make these decisions together!Did you not watch the Doctor Phil I taped for you?
1705130529 上面这段对白难度不高,喜剧效果也不错,作为这个阶段的外语学习来讲,的确是个难度适合的材料。但对现阶段的单词学习来说,却不是理想的学习材料。因为这种材料从主题到内容,词汇关联性非常低,各句子之间的词汇有机联系不多。而且这种对话语言中,特殊的本土文化成分很高,对文化背景缺乏了解就会直接影响到对语言的理解。比如最后一句”Did you not watch the Doctor Phil I taped for you?”,这句话直译是“你难道没看我给你录的Doctor Phil的电视节目吗?”Doctor Phil是美国著名的在电视上大讲男女关系“心灵鸡汤”的一个家伙。这句话在这里是因为Chandler抗议Monica自作主张、没和自己商量,违背了Doctor Phil经常在电视上讲的“两人要一起做决定才能和睦相处”的观点。对此背景缺乏了解就会对这些句子不知所云,但并非是语言难度造成的理解问题。所以这段对话从句子内容到句子结构都比较不太适合在目前阶段的学习。
1705130531 一般来说,所谓“原汁原味”的自然对话中,适合外语学习的“精华”含量会比较少。如果希望文字中出现相关单词的联用形式的比例比较高,那么对学习内容不但要限制难度,还要规范内容。建议选择词汇关联度高的、紧密围绕一个概念或主题展开的“主题内容”(thematic context)。无论是学校使用的外语教材,还是市场上流行的国际知名的经典外语教材(比如《新概念》《走遍美国》等),都包含了经过加工的“主题内容”,非常不错。然而此时如果仅局限于使用一套教材,最严重的问题就是某一难度下的材料内容数量有限,往往都是短短几篇课文就转到其他难度和内容上去了。所以一些学生很辛苦地集中啃一套教材,造成在每个阶段的输入量都远远不够。而再拿起另一套教材时,很多难度又已经不适合当前学习了。
1705130533 学单词,就是要对同一个主题反复啰嗦效果才好。
1705130535 所以如果希望锁定一套学习材料又要求其中含有大量的“主题内容”,那么无论从难度到内容,从质量到数量,一个典型的非常适合学习的最佳学习材料样板,又要说是《美国之音》英语学习节目。从内容主题的角度来说,《美国之音》英语教学中包括了科技、时事、教育、社会、人文和经济等非常丰富的各种主题版块,比如:Technology Report, This is America, Agriculture Report, Science in the News, Health Report, Explorations, Education Report, The Making of a Nation, Economics Report, American Mosaic, In the News, American Stories, People in America等等。
1705130537 比如下面《美国之音》英语学习节目科学报道中有关“地震”主题的内容:
1705130541 Scientists Predicting Strength of Future Earthquakes
1705130543 Scientists know where earthquakes are likely to take place. But it is difficult for them to predict how strong an earthquake will be.Now, American researchers have found that it may be possible to predict the strength of future quakes.
1705130545 The Earth’s crust—the outermost surface—is made up of large tectonic plates. As many as 20 tectonic plates cover the Earth.They move slowly, sometimes sliding under one another.Where that happens, earthquakes can take place.
1705130547 Timothy H. Dixon is with the University of South Florida.He is a geologist—a scientist who studies rocks and soil to understand the Earth.He and other scientists are using global positioning system, or GPS, equipment to measure what he calls”slow-slip”events.By that, he means slow-moving earthquakes that cannot be measured by other instruments.
1705130549 Timothy Dixon says that while such movements may not be felt, they can lead to large, sometimes deadly earthquakes.“They’re the kind of earthquake that made the big Japan earthquake in 2011 and the Sumatra earthquake and tsunami in 2004. So they can be, they can be the real killers.So what we think these slow-slip events are telling us is, they’re letting off steam, so to speak, in areas of the fault.And if they let off enough steam, that part of the fault won’t rupture.“The more of the fault that ruptures, or breaks, he says, the more powerful the earthquake is.
1705130551 The scientists set up a number of GPS receivers 15 years ago in Costa Rica to measure the”slow-slip”events, which take place only every year or two. The last one was three months before an earthquake in 2012.
1705130553 People always want to know when an earthquake is going to happen. This technology cannot predict that.But Timothy Dixon says knowing how strong the quake might be gives officials time to improve building codes and make other preparations.
1705130555 “You know the earthquake is more-or-less inevitable. Even if you don’t know exactly when it’s going to happen, since you know it’s going to happen, and you know how big it’s going to be, you can prepare accordingly.”
1705130557 A scientific paper presenting his findings was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
1705130559 Ashley Thompson wrote it for VOA Learning English.December,2014
1705130561 上面一段中,各种与核心主题相关的词汇连接和与生词的搭配都出现在什么地方呢?
1705130565 ●earthquakes take place strong/strength difficult to predict inevitable
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