1705133634 2 See for instance, Hill, Bill and Richard W. Leeman. The Art and Practice of Argumentation and Debate. New York: McGraw-Hill Humanities, 1996.; Johannesen, Richard L. Ethics in Human Communication. 4th ed. Prospect Heights: Waveland Press, Inc., 1996. ; Jonsen, Albert R., and Stephen Toulmin. The Abuse of Casuistry: A History of Moral Reasoning. Berkeley: the University of California Press, 1988. ; Stafford, Charles, ed. Ordinary Ethics in China. London: Bloomsbury, 2013.
1705133636 3 For an example of an early utilitarian thinker, see Bentham, Jeremy. An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. London: Clarendon Press, 1789.
1705133638 4 See for instance, Kant, Immanuel. Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals. 2nd ed. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002.
1705133640 5 Of course, the counter argument is that by enhancing one’s own educational and employment prospects, one is diminishing these same prospects of other students who do not cheat.
1705133642 6 Zigelmueller and Kay also include a 5th stock issue of jurisdiction which has been omitted as is not relevant to WorldsStyle debate.
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1705133648 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 Part TwoWorlds-Style Debate
1705133650 Part Two presents a cursory description of the specific format used in Worlds-Style debate. To accomplish that interplay between reading the textbook information and performing debates, students should begin immediately to discuss the topics from the textbook with their debate colleagues while also participating in debate tournaments. Chapter 5 explains the format of Worlds-Style debate, providing information on such as how many debaters serve on a team, how many teams engage the debate, the order in which speakers present, how speeches are timed, and so on. Chapters 6 and 7 explain how to construct arguments, first for the First Government Team and then for the First Opposition Team. Chapters 8 and 9 cover Member Speeches and Whip Speeches. Even as students are completing Part Two, they may wish to attend tournaments where they will begin to apply the concepts they have studied.
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1705133656 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 Chapter 5Worlds-Style Debate as a Model of Educational Debate
1705133658 Robert Trapp and Yang Ge
1705133660 Chapter Outline
1705133662 5.1 Parliamentary Systems and Worlds-Style Debate
1705133664 5.2 Worlds-Style Debate Format
1705133666 5.3 Responsibilities for Speakers in Worlds-Style Debate
1705133668 5.4 Summary
1705133670 5.5 Terms and Concepts from Chapter 5
1705133672 5.6 Discussion Questions for Chapter 5
1705133674 5.7 Exercise for Chapter 5
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1705133677 5.1 Parliamentary Systems and Worlds-Style Debate
1705133679 Educational debate is usually modeled on some legislative system such as a congress or a parliament. In some cases, it is based on a legal model. The format of educational debate on which this book will focus is modeled on debate in parliamentary systems of government and is called Worlds-Style debate and sometimes, not surprisingly, British Parliamentary debate. This format is the most popular form of educational debate in the world. Beyond its popularity, it has been chosen as the format for this book for a variety of reasons. First, Worlds-Style debate is a lively and energetic format involving four teams of two people not only giving persuasive speeches, but also interacting with each other through questions and comments throughout the debate.1 Second, Worlds-Style debate is a format in which students can practice a variety of advocacy skills ranging from argument construction to refutation to organization to delivery. Third, because each Worlds-Style debate involves four two-person teams, eight people have the opportunity to actively participate in each debate. Eight participants stand in contrast to the two to four people who participate in other forms of debate. So, for educational and practical reasons, Worlds-Style debate provides an excellent format for educational debating and for that reason, is the focus of this book.
1705133681 The Parliament of the United Kingdom, on which Worlds-Style debate is most closely modeled, consists of members of various political parties. Currently the major parties in the British Parliament are the Conservative Party, the Liberal Democrats, and the Labour Party. Sometimes, one party or the other will hold a majority of seats and, therefore, will be able to better control the outcome of debates and of policy in general. In other situations, no party may hold a majority, and a coalition may arise wherein two or more parties agree to cooperate in order to achieve a majority of the seats in the Parliament. The most recent coalition was after the 2010 general election. The Conservatives, led by David Cameron, which had won the largest number of seats, formed a coalition with the Liberal Democrats in order to gain a parliamentary majority. The coalition has not been particularly cooperative, but they have formed a majority to control the government.
1705133683 In the British Parliament, the party or parties that command a majority of seats (whether a single party or a coalition) are generally referred to as the Government. The party or parties in the minority are referred to as the Loyal Opposition. As stated earlier, the parliamentary form of government including both the Government and the Loyal Opposition is the model on which the educational style of debate called Worlds-Style debate is based.
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