1705132346 7.1 Chapter 5 Worlds-Style Debate as a Model of Educational Debate [:1705133655]
1705132347 7.1.1 5.1 Parliamentary Systems and Worlds-Style Debate [:1705133676]
1705132348 7.1.2 5.2 Worlds-Style Debate Format [:1705133693]
1705132349 7.1.3 5.3 Responsibilities for Speakers in Worlds-Style Debate [:1705133719]
1705132350 7.1.4 5.3.1 Prime Minister [:1705133734]
1705132351 7.1.5 5.3.2 Leader of Opposition [:1705133747]
1705132352 7.1.6 5.3.3 Deputy Prime Minister [:1705133762]
1705132353 7.1.7 5.3.4 Deputy Leader of Opposition [:1705133773]
1705132354 7.1.8 5.3.5 Member of Government [:1705133786]
1705132355 7.1.9 5.3.6 Member of Opposition [:1705133801]
1705132356 7.1.10 5.3.7 Government Whip [:1705133814]
1705132357 7.1.11 5.3.8 Opposition Whip [:1705133825]
1705132358 7.1.12 5.4 Summary [:1705133832]
1705132359 7.1.13 5.5 Terms and Concepts from Chapter 5 [:1705133843]
1705132360 7.1.14 5.6 Discussion Questions for Chapter 5 [:1705133890]
1705132361 7.1.15 5.7 Exercise for Chapter 5 [:1705133903]
1705132362 7.2 Chapter 6 Arguments by First Government Teams [:1705133911]
1705132363 7.2.1 6.1 Role of the Prime Minister [:1705133938]
1705132364 7.2.2 6.1.1 Analyze the Motion [:1705133943]
1705132365 7.2.3 6.1.2 Create a Case for the Motion [:1705133956]
1705132366 7.2.4 6.2 Outline of a Prime Minister Speech Supporting a Value Motion [:1705134005]
1705132367 7.2.5 6.3 Outline of a Prime Minister Speech Supporting a Policy Motion [:1705134046]
1705132368 7.2.6 6.4 Role of the Deputy Prime Minister [:1705134085]
1705132369 7.2.7 6.5 Summary [:1705134098]
1705132370 7.2.8 6.6 Terms and Concepts from Chapter 6 [:1705134109]
1705132371 7.2.9 6.7 Discussion Questions for Chapter 6 [:1705134128]
1705132372 7.2.10 6.8 Exercises for Chapter 6 [:1705134135]
1705132373 7.3 Chapter 7 Arguments by First Opposition Teams [:1705134171]
1705132374 7.3.1 7.1 Role of Leader of Opposition [:1705134198]
1705132375 7.3.2 7.1.1 Provide a Clear Statement of the Opposition Stance in the Debate [:1705134203]
1705132376 7.3.3 7.1.2 Refutation of the Case of the Prime Minister [:1705134236]
1705132377 7.3.4 7.1.3 Construct Arguments to Oppose the Prime Minister’s Interpretation of the Motion [:1705134243]
1705132378 7.3.5 7.2 Role of the Deputy Leader of Opposition [:1705134288]
1705132379 7.3.6 7.3 Common Kinds of Opposition Arguments [:1705134299]
1705132380 7.3.7 7.3.1 Arguments Against a Policy Motion [:1705134304]
1705132381 7.3.8 7.3.2 Arguments Against a Value Motion [:1705134467]
1705132382 7.3.9 7.4 Summary [:1705134478]
1705132383 7.3.10 7.5 Terms and Concepts from Chapter 7 [:1705134489]
1705132384 7.3.11 7.6 Discussion Questions for Chapter 7 [:1705134512]
1705132385 7.3.12 7.7 Exercises for Chapter 7 [:1705134521]
1705132386 7.4 Chapter 8 Extending the Debate in Member Speeches [:1705134539]
1705132387 7.4.1 8.1 Refuting Arguments in Member Speeches [:1705134566]
1705132388 7.4.2 8.2 Extending Arguments [:1705134575]
1705132389 7.4.3 8.2.1 Qualities of a Good Extension [:1705134588]
1705132390 7.4.4 8.2.2 Types of Extensions [:1705134599]
1705132391 7.4.5 8.2.3 Extending the Debate: Important Considerations [:1705134629]
1705132392 7.4.6 8.3 Using Preparation Time to Prepare for Member Speeches [:1705134640]
1705132393 7.4.7 8.4 Summary [:1705134653]
1705132394 7.4.8 8.5 Terms and Concepts from Chapter 8 [:1705134660]
1705132395 7.4.9 8.6 Discussion Questions for Chapter 8 [:1705134671]
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