1705990820 (16) Philip C.Almond,The British Discovery of Buddhism,p.126.
1705990822 (17) Elizabeth A.Gordon,Syriac Christianity and the Daijō Bukkyō,reprinted in Asian Christology and the Mahāyāna,Tokyo:Maruzen & Company,Ltd.,1921.
1705990824 (18) J.Jeffrey Franklin,The Lotus and the Lion:Buddhism and the British Empire,Ithaca:Cornell University Press,2008,pp.11-12.早期现代很多英国作品中均可发现他们对亚洲的想象,如莎士比亚、培根等人;有关分析亦可参见一本论文集,Debra Johanyak,and Walter S.H.Lim eds.The English Renaissance,Orientalism,and the Ideas of Asia,New York:Palgrave MacMillan,2010.
1705990826 (19) 即Introduction àl’Histoire du Buddhisme,此书的英译本业已出版,见Introduction to the History of Indian Buddhism,translated by Katia Buffetrille and Donald S.Lopez Jr.,Chicago:University of Chicago Press,2010;英译本书评见Jonathan A.Silk,“A Missed Opportunity,”HR,Vol.51,No.3(Februrary,2012),pp.262-272,对Lopez的导言和翻译进行了批评,认为其导言并未真正指出此书的地位,翻译也没有提供足够的译注以便读者了解此书出版以后的学术进步。有关这一时期佛教史研究的后殖民主义批判亦参见 Richard King,Orientalism and Religion:Postcolonial Theory,India and the Mystic East,London:Routledge,1999,pp.143-160.
1705990828 (20) 对东印度公司在梵文研究中所扮演的角色,见Ludo Rocher and Rosane Rocher,The Making of Western Indology:Henry Thomas Colebrooke and the East India Company,London:Routledge,2009,especially chapter six:Paragon of Scholarship(London,1815-1837).
1705990830 (21) 有关欧美对佛教的早期研究,亦请参见李四龙:《欧美佛教学术史:西方的佛教形象与学术源流》,北京,北京大学出版社,2009。
1705990832 (22) 基彭博格称之为“欧洲诸宗教的早期历史(The early history of the religions of Europe)”,参见Hans G.Kippenberg,Discovering Religious History in the Modern Age,translated by Barbara Harshav,Princeton:Princeton University Press,2002,pp.24-50.
1705990834 (23) 有关琼斯的研究很多,这里仅举出较近的琼斯学术评传,见Michael J.Franklin,Orientalist Jones:Sir William Jones,Poet,Lawyer,and Linguist,1746-1794,Oxford:Oxford University Press,2011.
1705990836 (24) 该书最初在1808年出版,Friedrich Schlegel,Über die Sprache und die Weisheit der Indier:Ein Beitrag zur Begründung der Altertumskunde,Heidelberg:Mohr und Zimmer,1808;在1849年出版英文版,Friedrich Schlegel,On the Language and Wisdom of the Indians.In the Aesthetic and Miscellaneous Works of Friederick von Schlegel,edited by E.J.Millington,London:Henry G.Bohn,1849.受他影响的书可能包括Robert Turnbull,Christ in History;or the Central Power among Men.Boston:Philips,Sampson,and Company,1857.作者在书中称受到近代学者赫尔德、Bossuet 、维柯等人研究艺术、科学、语言、文学、宗教在人类历史上的地位的启发,也受到F.W.Schlegel 对东方国家的研究的启发。这个Schlegel应该就是梵文学者Schlegel。
1705990838 (25) Franz Bopp,über das Conjugationsystem der Sanskritsprache in Vergleichung mit jenem der griechischen,lateinischen,persischen und germanischen Sprache,Frankfurt,1816.
1705990840 (26) Lourens P.van den Bosch,Friedrich Max Müller:A Life Devoted to the Humanities,Leiden:E.J.Brill,2002.
1705990842 (27) Deputy Taylorian Professor of Modern European Languages.
1705990844 (28) Friedrich Max Müller,A History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature So Far As It Illustrates the Primitive Religion of the Brahmans.London:Williams and Norgate,1860;Lectures on the Science of Language.London:Longmans,Green,& Co.,1885,new edition;Introduction to the Science of Religion.London:Longmans,Green,& Co.,1899.Jon R.Stone ed.,The Essential Max Müller:On Language,Mythology,and Religion,New York:Palgrave,2002.
1705990846 (29) Peter van der Veer,Imperial Encounters:Religion and Modernity in India and Britain,Princeton:Princeton University Press,2001,pp.106-133.
1705990848 (30) Monier Monier-Williams,Buddhism:In its Connexion with Brāhmanism and Hindūism,and in its Contrast with Christianity,London:John Murray,1889,p.537.以及Tomoko Masuzawa,The Invention of World Religions,or How European Universalism was Preserved in the Language of Pluralism,pp.128-130.
1705990850 (31) Tomoko Masuzawa,The Invention of World Religions,or How European Universalism was Preserved in the Language of Pluralism,p.136.
1705990852 (32) Dictionarium Sacrum Seu Religiosum,即英文版A Dictionary of All Religions,Ancient and Modern,Whether Jewish,Pagan,Christian,or Mahometan.
1705990854 (33) Bibliotheca Historico-Sacra,即An Historical Library of the Principal Matters Relating to Religion,Ancient and Modern;Pagan,Jewish,Christian,and Mohammedan.
1705990856 (34) A Dictionary of All Religions and Religious Denominations,Jewish,Heathen,Mahometan and Christian,Ancient and Modern,1784年出第一版,1817年出第四版。
1705990858 (35) The Religious World Displayed,or A View of the Four Grand Systems of Religion,Judaism,Paganism,Christianity and Mohammedanism.Robert Adams 主张:“宗教世界可分为以下四大系统:犹太教Judaism、异教Paganism、基督教、穆罕默德主义Mahommedeism。犹太教期待救世主弥赛亚实现其承诺。异教徒指没有认识到神而仍然崇拜偶像者。基督徒指那些相信救世主已经到来,耶稣基督即是救世主弥赛亚的人。而穆罕默德主义者指那些认为穆哈默德是预言家的人。”见Robert Adam,The Religious World Displayed,or A View of the Four Grand Systems of Religion,Judaism,Paganism,Christianity and Mohammedanism;And of the Various Existing Denominations,Sects and Parties,in the Christian World;To which is Subjoined,a View of Deism and Atheism,Edinburgh:Printed by James Ballantyne for Longman,Hurst,Rees,and Orme,1808,Vol.3;参见Tomoko Masuzawa,The Invention of World Religions,or How European Universalism was Preserved in the Language of Pluralism,Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,2005,p.49,ft 28.
1705990860 (36) A History of All Religions,as Divided into Paganism,Mahometanism,Judaism and Christianity.
1705990862 (37) 参见Tomoko Masuzawa,The Invention of World Religions,or How European Universalism was Preserved in the Language of Pluralism,p.60.Calmet的书首先在1712年出版,题为Dictionnaire historique,critique,chronologique,géographique et littéral de la Bible:Enrichi d’un grand nombre de figures en taille-douce,qui représent les antiquitez judaïques,Paris:Eméry père Eméry fils,Saugrain äîné,P.Martin,1712;1732年首次被译成英文,在伦敦出版;1827年出了第四版英文版,题为 Grand Dictionary of the Holy Bible:Historical,Critical,Geographical,and Etymological;Wherein Are Explained the Proper Names in the Old and New Testaments;The Natural Productions,Animals,Vegetables,Minerals,Stones,Gems,&.;The Antiquities,Habits,Buildings,and Other Curiosities of the Jews;With a Chronological History of the Bible,the Jewish Calendar,Tables of the Hebrew Coins,Weights,Measures,&.,London:B.J.Holdsworth,1827.
1705990864 (38) Immanuel Wallerstein et al.,Open the Social Sciences:Report of the Gulbenkian Commission on the Restructuring of the Social Sciences,Stanford:Stanford University Press,1996,pp.9-14.
1705990866 (39) Tomoko Masuzawa,The Invention of World Religions,or How European Universalism was Preserved in the Language of Pluralism,pp.15-18.
1705990868 (40) Nicolas B.Dirks,“Colonialism and Culture,”introduction to Colonialism and Culture,edited by Nicolas B.Dirks,Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1992,p.9.
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