1706282318 NYPL Manuscripts and Archives Division, New York Public Library, Astor, Lennox, and Tilden Foundations, New York City
1706282320 PAHRC Philadelphia Archdiocesan Historical Research Center, Wynnewood, Pa.
1706282322 RBMSC Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library. Duke University, Durham, N.C.
1706282324 SCHS South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston
1706282326 SCL South Caroliniana Library, University of South Carolina, Columbia
1706282328 SHC Southern Historical Collection, Wilson Library, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
1706282330 VHS Virginia Historical Society, Richmond
1706282332 VMIA Virginia Military Institute Archives, Lexington
1706282334 WFCHS Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society, Winchester, Va.
1706282336 WHS Wisconsin Historical Society Archives, Madison
1706282338 序言
1706282340 [1][Stephen Elliott],Obsequies of the Reverend Edward E. Ford, D.D., and Sermon by the Bishop of the Diocese…(Augusta, Ga.: Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel, 1863), p. 8.
1706282342 [2]James David Hacker,“The Human Cost of War: White Population in the United States, 1850—1880”, Ph.D. diss. (University of Minnesota, 1999), pp. 1, 14. Hacker认为,由于对南部邦联死于疾病人数估计不足,内战死亡人数可能被严重低估。内战伤亡及死亡率数据是全盘有问题的,南部邦联记录的不完整使这些数据尤其不可信。参阅该书第八章。Maris A. Vinovskis的结论是,北部13至45岁白人男性有大约6%死于战争,而在南部,相同年龄段的白人男性则有18%死去。但因为在南方白人中军事动员程度更高,南部士兵死亡率是北方的两倍而非三倍。詹姆斯·麦克弗森所引用的死亡率是南部邦联士兵31%,联邦士兵16%。Gary Gallagher认为,Vinovskis估计的南部总体死亡率太低了;他估计,四个而非五个达到参军年龄的南部白人男子中,便有一个人在战火中丧生。我所引用的是更为保守的总数。参见Vinovskis,“Have Social Historians Lost the Civil War?”载于Maris A.Vinovskis, ed.,Toward a Social History of the American Civil War: Exploratory Essays(New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990), pp. 3—7; James M. McPherson, personal communication to author, December 27, 2006; Gary Gallagher, personal communication to author, December 16, 2006。
1706282344 [3]James M. McPherson,Crossroads of Freedom: Antietam(NewYork: Oxford University Press, 2002), pp. 3, 177, n. 56.
1706282346 [4][Francis W. Palfrey],In Memoriam: H.L.A.(Boston: Printed for private distribution, 1864), p. 5; Richard Shryock,“A Medical Perspective on the Civil War,”American Quarterly 14(Summer1962): 164; H. Clay Trumbull,War Memories of an Army Chaplain (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1898), p. 67.这段时间的关键数据非常少,最完整的数据只涵盖马萨诸塞州。我感谢天普大学(Temple University)的历史人口学家Gretchen Condran同我讨论这些问题。参见U.S. Bureau of the Census,Historical Statistics of the United States, Part I (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1975), pp. 62—63。关于19世纪中叶的英格兰“一个成年孩子的过早死亡”之为“尤其令人痛心的事情”,参见Patricia Jalland,Death in the Victorian Family(New York: Oxford University Press, 1996), p. 39。
1706282348 [5]“死亡之丰收”意象一次引人注目的呈现,出现于Timothy O’Sullivan的一张关于葛底斯堡战场满地死人的照片被加的标题中,此照片出自Alexander Gardner, Gardner’sPhotographic Sketchbook of the War(1866; rpt. New York: Dover, 1959), plate 36; Kate Stone, Brokenburn:The Journal of Kate Stone, 1861—1868, ed. John Q. Anderson (Baton Rouge: Louisiana University Press, 1955), p. 264; C. W. Greene to John McLees, August 15, 1862, McLees Family Papers, SCL。
1706282350 [6][Frederick Law Olmsted],Hospital Transports: A Memoir of the Embarkation of the Sick and Wounded from the Peninsula of Virginia in the Summer of 1862(Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1863), p. 115.
1706282352 [7]关于死亡的文献非常丰富浩瀚。这本书在其他处未引用的一些关键文本,包括Thomas Lynch,The Undertaking: Life Studies from the Dismal Trade(New York: W. W.Norton, 1997); Thomas Lynch,Bodies in Motion and at Rest: On Metaphor and Mortality (New York: W. W. Norton, 2000); Sandra Gilbert,Death’s Door: Modern Dying and the Way We Grieve(NewYork: W. W. Norton, 2006); Paul Monette, Borrowed Time:An AIDS Memoir(San Diego, Calif.: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988); Paul Monette,Last Watch of the Night(New York: Harcourt Brace, 1994); Jessica Mitford,The American Way of Death(New York: Simon & Schuster, 1963); Sherwin B. Nuland,How We Die: Reflections on Life’s Final Chapter(New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1994); Maurice Bloch and Jonathan Parry, eds.,Death and the Regeneration of Life(New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982); Peter Metcalfand Richard Huntington,Celebrations of Death: The Anthropology of Mortuary Ritual, 2nd ed. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991)。
1706282354 [8]Mrs. Carson to R. F. Taylor, September 14, 1864, Carson Family Papers, SCL.关于自我观念的变迁,参见Charles Taylor,Sources of the Self: The Making of Modern Identity(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1989),与Jerrold Seigel,The Idea of the Self: Thought and Experience in Western Europe Since the Seventeenth Century(New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005)。
1706282356 [9]New York Times, October 20, 1862.参见William A. Frassanito,Antietam: The Photographic Legacy of America’s Bloodiest Day (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1978); Franny Nudelman,John Brown’s Body: Slavery, Violence and the Culture of War(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2004), pp. 103—131; and Alan Trachtenberg,Reading American Photographs: Images as History, Mathew Brady to Walker Evans(New York: Hill & Wang, 1989)。即使我们承认内战摄影的影响,我们也需要意识到,真正看过布雷迪或其他人关于死人的摄影的美国人非常少。报纸与杂志尚无法复制照片,只能用它们的雕版来印刷,例如本书所包含的《哈珀周刊》插图便是如此。
1706282358 [10]Maude Morrow Brown Manuscript, z/0907.000/S, Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Jackson, Miss.;关于19世纪的科学与变化了的死亡之意义,参见Adam Phillips,Darwin’s Worms: On Life Stories and Death Stories(New York: Basic Books, 2000)。
1706282360 [11]宪法真正的捍卫者”。根据詹姆斯·沃克(James Walker)的一幅素描制成的雕版画,《哈珀周刊》,1865年11月11日。
1706282362 [12]1862年9月,安蒂特姆的南部邦联死难者”。亚历山大·加德纳摄。国会图书馆。
1706282364 第一章 死亡
1706282366 [1]Chesnut的话引自James Shepherd Pike, The Prostrate State(New York: D. Appleton, 1874), pp. 74—75。
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