[2]致Mattie J. McGaw的信, 1863年5月5日, McGaw Family Papers, SCL。关于美国革命时期大陆军的规模及其死亡率的分析,参见Charles H. Lesser,The Sinews of Independence (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976), pp. 84—86,与Howard H. Peckham,The Toll of Independence(Chicago
:University of Chicago Press, 1974)。关于内战军队规模,参见James M. McPherson,Battle Cry of Freedom(New York: Oxford University Press, 1988), p. 306n。
[3]Alonzo Abernethy,“Incidents of an Iowa Soldier’s Life, or Four Years in Dixie,”Annals of Iowa, 3rd ser. 12 (1920): 411; William A.Hammond,“Medical Care, Battle Wounds, and Disease,”online at www.civilwarhome.com/civilwarmedicine.htm; George Worthington Adams,Doctors in Blue: The Medical History of the Union Army in the Civil War(New York: H. Schuman, 1952), pp. 222, 242, 125.关于南部邦联军队腹泻与痢疾,参见Horace Cunningham, Doctors in Gray
:The Confederate Medical Service (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1958), p. 185; Paul E. Steiner,Disease in the Civil War: Natural Biological Warfare in 1861—1865(Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas, 1968), p. 14。营地水槽部分引自U.S. Sanitary Commission,Two Reports on the Condition of Military Hospitals(New York: W. C. Bryant, 1862), p.6。另参见Joseph Janner Woodward,Outlines of the Chief Camp Diseases of the United States Armies as Observed During the Present War(Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1863); Robert E. Denney,Civil War Medicine: Care and Comfort of the Wounded (New York: Sterling, 1994); John W. Schildt,Antietam Hospitals (Chewsville, Md.: Antietam Publications, 1987); Frank R. Freemon,Gangrene and Glory: Medical Care During the American Civil War (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1998); James I. Robertson Jr.,Soldiers Blue and Gray(Columbia: University of South CarolinaPress, 1988), pp. 145—169。另参见Lisa Herschbach,“Fragmentation and Reunion: Medicine, Memory and Body in the American Civil War,”Ph.D. diss. (Harvard University, 1997)。
[4]The Sentinel: Selected for the SoldiersNo. 319 (Petersburg, Va.
:n.p., 1861), p. 1.
[5]E. G. Abbott to Mother, February 8, 1862, Abbott Family, Civil War Letters, MS Am 800.26(5), Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
[6]A. D. Kirwan, ed.,Johnny Green of the Orphan Brigade: The Journal of a Confederate Soldier (Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1956), p. 93.
[7]John Weissert to Dearest wife and children, October 17, 1862. Box1, Correspondence Sept.–Oct. 1862, John Weissert Papers, BHL.
[8]Jeremy Taylor,The Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying(London: R.Royston, 1651); Jeremy Taylor,The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living(London: Francis Ash, 1650); Sister Mary Catherine O’Connor,The Art of Dying Well: The Development of the Ars Moriendi (New York: Columbia University Press, 1942), pp. 11, 208.另参见L. M. Beier,“The Good Death in Seventeenth Century England”, in Ralph Houlbrooke, ed.,Death, Ritual and Bereavement(New York: Routledge, 1989); Ralph Houlbrooke,Death, Religion, and the Family in England, 1480—1750 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998); Ralph Houlbrooke,“The Puritan Death-Bed, c. 1560–c. 1600”, in C. Durston and J. Eales, eds.,The Culture of English Puritanism, 1560—1700(New York: St. Martin’s, 1996), pp. 122—144; M. C. Cross,“The Third Earl of Huntingdon’s Death-Bed: A Calvinist Example of the Ars Moriendi,”Northern History21 (1985): 80—107; R. Wunderle and G. Broce,“The Final Moment Before Death in Early Modern England,”Sixteenth Century Journal20 (1989): 259—275; David Cressy,Birth, Marriage and Death: Ritual, Religion and the Life-Cycle in Tudor and Stuart England(New York: Oxford University Press, 1997)。
[9]Frances Comper, ed.,The Book of the Craft of Dying and Other Early English Tracts Concerning Death(London, 1917); Nancy Lee Beaty,The Craft of Dying: A Study in the Literary Tradition of the Ars Moriendi in England(New Haven: Yale University Press, 1970); Jeremy Taylor,The Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying(London: R.Royston, 1651).在19世纪上半叶,Taylor的书至少有8个版本在伦敦出版,在波士顿有1864年版与1865年版;费城有1835年、1859年、1869年版;纽约有1864年版。关于建议与行为指导类图书中的“死亡之艺术”概念,参见Margaret Spufford,Small Booksand Pleasant Histories: Popular Fiction and Its Readership in Seventeenth Century England(Athens: University of GeorgiaPress, 1981), pp. 200—208。关于一则布道的一个例子,参见Eleazer Mather Porter Wells,Preparation for Death…Trinity Church, Boston (n.p., 1852)。关于公众健康,参见John Willison,The Afflicted Man’s Companion(Pittsburgh: Luke Loomis & Co., 1830)一书的许多美国版本,该书被纽约的美国小册子协会(American Tract Society)于1851年重印。Dickens的连载小说The Old Curiosity Shop如此受欢迎,以至于纽约人在码头排队等待新一分册的到来,以得知Little Nell的命运。Harriet Beecher Stowe的Uncle Tom’s Cabin是19世纪美国最畅销的书。Charles Dickens,The Old Curiosity Shop(London, 1841); William Makepeace Thackeray,The Newcomes(London: Bradbury & Evans, 1844—1845); Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Boston: John P.Jewett, 1851).另参见Samuel Richardson’sClarissa, or, the History of a Young Lady(London: Published for S. Richardson, 1748)一书对死亡所作的分析。
[10]William Corby,Memoirs of Chaplain Life(Notre Dame, Ind.: Scholastic Press, 1894), p. 184.关于这一时刻的纪念碑,位于圣母(Notre Dame)与葛底斯堡战场。据估计,天主教徒占联邦军队士兵的7%。而南部邦联士兵中天主教徒的比例应小得多。参见Randall M. Miller,“Catholic Religion, Irish Ethnicity, and the Civil War,”in Randall M. Miller, Harry S. Stout, and Charles Reagan Wilson, eds.,Religion and the American Civil War (New York
:Oxford University Press, 1998), p. 261。
[11]Bertram Korn,American Jewry and the Civil War(Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1951), p. 59; D. DeSola Pool,“The Diary of Chaplain Michael M. Allen, September 1861,”Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society39 (September 1949): 177—182; L. J. Lederman, letter to parents of David Zehden upon his death, quoted in Mel Young,Where They Lie: The Story of the Jewish Soldiers…(Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1991), p. 149; Rebecca Gratz,Letters of Rebecca Gratz, ed. Rabbi David Philipson (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1929), pp. 426—427.参见From This World to the Next: Jewish Approaches to Illness, Death and the After life(New York: Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1999), and Jack Riemer, ed.,Jewish Insights on Death and Mourning(New York: Schocken Books, 1995), pp. 309—353.关于泛基督教主义(ecumenism),参见Korn,American Jewry and the Civil War, p. 59; Warren B. Armstrong,For Courageous Fighting and Confident Dying: Union Chaplains in the Civil Wa(Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1998), pp. 53—54; Kurt O. Berends,“‘Wholesome Reading Purifies and Elevates the Man’: The Religious Military Press in the Confederacy,”in Miller, Stout, and Wilson, eds.,Religion and the American Civil War, pp. 134, 157; Peter Paul Cooney,“The War Letters of Father Peter Paul Cooney of the Congregation of the Holy Cross,”ed.Thomas McAvoy, Records of the American Catholic Historical Society44 (1933): 223, 164; Louis-Hippolyte Gache,A Frenchman, a Chaplain, a Rebel: The War Letters of Louis-Hippolyte Gache(Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1991), pp. 176—177, 118—119; Sara Trainer Smith, ed.,“Noteson Satterlee Hospital, West Philadelphia,”Records of the American Catholic Historical Society8 (1897): 404。关于那种泛基督教主义的局限性,参见Gache, Frenchman, pp. 190—191。
[12]Once to Die(Richmond, Va.: Presbyterian Committee of Publication, 186—), p. 3;另参见Karl S. Guthke,Last Words
:Variations on a Theme in Cultural History(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992), p. 36。
[13]Confederate States Christian Association for the Relief of Prisoners (Fort Delaware), Minutes, March 31, 1865, Francis Atherton Boyle Books, 1555 Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (hereafter SHC); James Gray to Sister, June 12, 1864, in Mills Lane, ed., Dear Mother
:Don’t Grieve About Me. If I Get Killed, I’ll Only Be Dead: Letters from Georgia Soldiers in the Civil War(Savannah, Ga.: Beehive Press, 1990), p. 300.另参见William Stilwell to Molly, September 18, 1862, in Lane, Dear Mother, p. 185; letter to Mollie J. McGaw, May5, 1863, McGaw Family Papers, SCL; Desmond Pulaski Hopkins Papers, July 17, 1862, CAH。死亡地点的统计数据,来自Robert V. Wells,Facing the “King of Terrors”: Death and Society in an American Community(New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p. 195。
[14][Frederick Law Olmsted],Hospital Transports(Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1863), p. 80.将奴隶贩卖至西南诸州对非洲裔美国人的家庭纽带的破坏,当然是另一回事情 ——它是强迫性的,而且是长期性的。参见Michael Tadman,Speculators and Slaves: Masters, Traders and Slaves in the Old South(Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1989)。
[15]Patricia Jalland,Death in the Victorian Family(New York: Oxford University Press, 1996), p. 2.在1861年Albert亲王去世后,这位英国女王自己的长期哀痛,使人们更加关注死亡 ——这个盎格鲁—美国人的家庭与文化生活的关键因素。
[16]The Dying Officer(Richmond, VA.: Soldiers’Tract Society, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 186—), p. 6; Hiram Mattisonquoted in Michael Sappol,“A Traffic in Dead Bodies”: Anatomy and Embodied Social Identity in Nineteenth-Century America (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002), p. 31.关于临终遗言意义的陈述,参见:Susie C. Appell to Mrs. E. H. Ogden, October 20, 1862, Sarah Perot Ogden Collection, GLC6556.01.106, Gilder Lehrman Collection, The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, NYHS。在没有得到其书面同意的情况下,文中所引Gilder Lehrman Institute的材料,不可被直接引用。关于临终遗言重要性的分析,参见:Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Weekly, December 7, 1861, p. 44。
[17]参见Gregory Coco,Killed in Action: Eyewitness Accounts of the Last Moments of 100 Union Soldiers Who Died at Gettysburg (Gettysburg, Pa.: Thomas Publications, 1992); Gregory Coco, Wasted Valor: The Confederate Dead at Gettysburg (Gettysburg, Pa.: Thomas Publications, 1990); Warren B. Armstrong,For Courageous Fighting and Confident Dying
:Union Chaplains in the Civil War(Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1998)。
[18]“Reminiscence of Gettysburg,”Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, January 2, 1864, p. 235.关于照片,参见Steve R.Stotelmyer,The Bivouacs of the Dead: The Story of Those Who Died at Antietam and South Mountain(Baltimore: Toomey Press, 1992), p. 6; Godey’s Lady’s Book, March 1864, p. 311; Mark H.Dunkelman,Gettysburg’s Unknown Soldier: The Life, Death, and Celebrity of Amos Humiston(Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1999); William Stilwell to Molly, September 18, 1862, in Lane, ed., Dear Mother, p. 186。
[19]Clara Barton, Lecture Notes [1866], Clara Barton Papers, LC.
[20]Elmer Ruan Coates, “Be My Mother Till I Die” (Philadelphia: A. W.Auner, n.d.), Wolf 115; “Bless the Lips That Kissed Our Darling
:Answer to: Let Me Kiss Him for His Mother” (Philadelphia: Auner, n.d.); J. A. C. O’Connor, “Bless the Lips That Kissed Our Darling” (New York: H. De Marsan, n.d.), Wolf 115.另参见George Cooper, “Mother Kissed Me in My Dream” (Philadelphia: J. H.Johnson, n.d.), Wolf 1468.所有这些歌篇都来自American Song Sheet Collection, LCP。
[21]William J. Bacon,Memorial of William Kirkland Bacon: Late Adjutant of the Twentysixth Regiment of New York State Volunteers(Utica, N.Y.: Roberts Printer, 1863), p. 50.
[22]关于悼唁信,参见Michael Barton, “Painful Duties: Art, Character, and Culture in Confederate Letters of Condolence”, Southern Quarterly 17 (1979): 123—134; and Barton,Goodmen: The Character of Civil War Soldiers(University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1981), pp. 57—62。另参见William Merrill Decker,Epistolary Practices: Letter Writing in America Before Telecommunications(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1998); Janet Gurlin Altman,Epistolarity: Approaches to a Form(Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1982).当时关于书信作者的指南,参见The American LetterWriter and Mirror of Polite Behavior(Philadelphia: Fisher & Brother, 1851)与A New LetterWriter, for the Use of Gentlemen (Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, 1860)。对内战大众文化中悼唁信传统的确认,参见Daily South Carolinian, February 26, 1864;另参见June 22, 1864, and the song by E. Bowers, “Write a Letter to My Mother!” (Philadelphia: n.p., [1860s]), Wolf 2677, LCP。
[23]Williamson D. Ward diary quoted in Joseph Allan Frank and George A. Reaves,“Seeing the Elephant”: Raw Recruits at Shiloh (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1989), p. 98; Minutes, July1864—June 1865, Confederate States Christian Association for the Relief of Prisoners (Fort Delaware), Francis Atherton Boyle Books, 1555 SHC.
[24]W. J. O’Daniel to Mrs. [Sarah A.] Torrence, quoted in Haskell Monroe, ed., “The Road to Gettysburg: The Diary and Letters of Leonidas Torrence of the Gaston Guards,”North Carolina Historical Review 36 (October 1959): 515; William Fields to Mrs. Fitzpatrick, June 8, 1865, Maria Clopton Papers, Medical and Hospital Collection, ESBL; I. G. Patten to Mrs. Cadenhead, August 5, 1864, in I. B. Cadenhead, “Some Letters of I. B. Cadenhead,”Alabama Historical Quarterly18 (1956): 569; Henry E. Handerson,Yankee in Gray: The Civil War Memoirs of Henry E. Handerson with a Selection of His Wartime Letters(Cleveland: Case Western Reserve University Press, 1962), p. 62.
[25]William Fields to Mrs. Fitzpatrick, June 8, 1865, Maria Clopton Papers, Medical and Hospital Collection, ESBL; Clara Barton, Manuscript Journal, 1863, Clara Barton Papers, LC.另参见Elizabeth Brown Pryor,Clara Barton: Professional Angel (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1987), pp. 94, 148; “Our Army Hospitals,” unidentified and undated newspaper clippings, Louis C. Madeira Civil War Scrapbooks, vol. A, pp. 111—126, LCP。一个关于一位护士暗示一名士兵为其妻子留下信息的事例,参见William H. Davidson, ed.,War Was the Place: A Centennial Collection of Confederate Soldier Letters (Chattahoochie Valley Historical Society, Bulletin no. 5 [November1961]): 115。关于医院工作人员在“善终”中的重要作用,参见Gary Laderman,The Sacred Remains: American Attitudes Toward Death, 1799—1883(New Haven: Yale UniversityPress, 1996), p. 131; Gerald Linderman,Embattled Courage: The Experience of Combat in the American Civil War(New York
:FreePress, 1987), p. 29; Corby,Memoirs of Chaplain Life, p. 93。另参见Jestin Hampton to Thomas B. Hampton, January 25, 1863, Thomas B. Hampton Papers, CAH; S. G. Sneed to Susan Piper, September 17, 1864, Benjamin Piper Papers, CAH。
[26]Christian Recorder, November 12, 1864.
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