[33]Alexander Twombly,The Completed Christian Life: A Sermon Commemorative of Adjt. Richard Strong(Albany, N.Y.: J. Munsell, 1863), p. 10; David Mack Cooper,Obituary Discourse on Occasion of the Death of Noah Henry Ferry, Major of the Fifth Michigan Cavalry(New York: J. F. Trow, 1863), p. 30.
[34]Bacon,Memorial of William Kirkland Bacon, p. 57.关于预感,另参见Alonzo Abernethy, “Incidents of an Iowa Soldier’s Life, or Four Years in Dixie,”Annals of Iowa, 3d ser. 12(1920): 408。一个犹太士兵的例子,参见Gustave Poznanski的死亡报告,载于Charleston Daily Courier, June 18, 1862.关于预感以及更宏观的士兵死亡问题,参见James M. McPherson,For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War(New York: Oxford University Press, 1997), pp. 63—70。另参见Reid Mitchell,Civil War Soldiers(New York: Viking, 1988), pp. 63—64; L. L. Jones to Harriet Beach Jones, Herbert S.Hadley Papers, MOHS; W. D. Rutherford to Sallie Fair, July 26, 1861, W. D. Rutherford Papers, SCL。另参见E. S. Nash to HattieJones, August 19, 1861, Herbert S. Hadley Papers, MOHS; Wells, Facing the “King of Terrors,” pp. 162—163。
[35]J. C. Curtwright to Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace, April 24, 1862, in Lane, ed.,Dear Mother, p. 116. T. Fitzhugh to Mrs. Diggs, June 23, 1863, Captain William W. Goss File, 19th Virginia Infantry, CSA Collection, ESBL; Sallie Winfree to Mrs. Bobo, October 9, 1862, Henry Bobo Papers, CSA Collection, ESBL.
[36]T. J. Hodnett的话引自Davidson, ed.,War Was the Place, pp. 80, 76—77; Walter Pharr,Funeral Sermon on the Death of Capt. A. K.Simonton(Salisbury, N.C.: J. J. Bruner, 1862), p. 11; Elijah Richardson Craven,In Memoriam, Sermon and Oration…on the Occasion of the Death of Col. I. M. Tucker(Newark, N.J.: Protection Lodge, 1862), pp. 5—6。
[37]James B. Rogers,War Pictures: Experiences and Observations of a Chaplain in the U.S. Army, in the War of the Southern Rebellion(Chicago: Church & Goodman, 1863), p. 182; Guy R. Everson and Edward W. Simpson Jr.,Far, Far from Home: The Wartime Letters of Dick and Talley Simpson, 3rd South Carolina Volunteers(New York: Oxford University Press, 1994), p. 287; J. Monroe Anderson to the Sisters of Gen. Gregg, January 9, 1863, Maxcy Gregg Papers, SCL; John Weissert to Dearest Wife and Children, October 17, 1862, John Weissert Papers, Box 1, Correspondence Sept.–Oct. 1862, BHL.一个关于在遗体上寻找灵魂状态标志的天主教例子,参见Sister Catherine to Father Patrick Reilly, December 5, 1862, Patrick Reilly Papers, PAHRC。这封信将Bonaventure修女之死,描述为“甜蜜、平静且愉快”,并报告说,“她灵魂的平静与沉着在她的面容上有明显的体现”。
[38]L. S. Bobo to Dear Uncle, July 7, 1862, August 14, 1862, Bobo Papers, CSA Collection, ESBL; Cadenhead, “Some Confederate Letters of I. B. Cadenhead,” p. 568; E. and E. Nash to Respected Nephews in Camp, November 11, 1862, Alpheus S. Bloomfield Papers,LC.
[39]Frank Perry to J. Buchannon, September 21, 1862, in Lane, ed.,Dear Mother, p. 189.
[40]Frank Batchelor to Dear Wife, inBatchelor-Turner Letters: 1861—1864: Written by Two of Terry’s Texas Rangers, annotated by H. J. H. Rugeley (Austin, Tex.: Steck Co., 1961), p. 80.
[41]Sanford Branch to his mother, July 26, 1861, in Lane,Dear Mother, p. 36; Coco,Killed in Action, p. 91; Alonzo Hill,InMemoriam. A Discourse…on Lieut. Thomas Jefferson Spurr (Boston: J. Wilson, 1862); Davidson, ed.,War Was the Place. Chaplain Corby指出,几乎所有士兵在临死时都在呼唤着母亲。这一点被珍藏在了内战时期广为传唱的歌曲中:参见,例如Thomas MacKellar, “The Dying Soldier to His Mother”(New York: Charles Magnus, n.d.) Wolf 551, and C. A. Vosburgh, “Tell Mother, I Die Happy” (New York: Charles Magnus, n.d.), Wolf 2290。一首南部的歌曲,参见Charles C. Sawyer, “Mother Would Comfort Me!” (Augusta, Ga.: Blackmar & Bro., 186—).以从战场寄给母亲的消息为内容写成的歌曲如此之多,以致它们引起了一些诙谐的模仿与讽刺的回应。参见John C. Cross, “Mother on the Brain” (New York: H. De Marsan, n.d.), Wolf 1470, and Cross, “Mother Would Wallop Me” (New York: H. De Marsan, n.d.), Wolf 1437。除了那个南部的歌曲之外的全部这些歌曲,都载于American Song Sheet Collection, LCP。参见第六章。
[42]William W. Bennett,A Narrative of the Great Revival Which Prevailed in the Southern Armies(Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1877), pp. 243—244. T. Fitzhugh to Mrs. Diggs, June 23, 1863, Captain William W. Goss File, 19th Virginia Infantry, CSA Collection, ESBL.一封几乎用同样语言写成的信,参见:E.W. Rowe to J. W. Goss, December 16, 1863, CSA Collection, ESBL。
[43]Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.,Touched with Fire: Civil War Letters and Diary of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., 1861—1864, ed. Mark DeWolfe Howe (New York: Da Capo Press, 1969), p. 27; Holmes, Civil War Diary, Harvard Law School Library, Harvard University.
[44]A. D. Kirwan, ed.,Johnny Green of the Orphan Brigade: The Journal of a Confederate Soldier(Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1956), p. 37; David Cornwell的话引自Earl J. Hess,The Union Soldier in Battle: Enduring the Ordeal of Combat(Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1997), p. 143。
[45]Army and Navy Messenger, April 1, 1864, quoted in Berends, “Wholesome Reading”, p. 154.另参见Fales Henry Newhall,National Exaltation: The Duties of Christian Patriotism(Boston: John M. Hewes, 1861); William Adams, Christian Patriotism (New York: A. D. F. Randolph, 1863); Joseph Fransioli, Patriotism:A Christian Virtue (New York: Loyal Publication Society, 1863)。这些作品中的最后一个是天主教的。请注意Matilda Coskey修女对那位父亲的驳斥。后者拒绝让他受伤的儿子接受洗礼,坚称:“他已经为国而战了,这就足够了 ——他不应为他灵魂的命运担忧。”Sister Matilda Coskey to Father Patrick Reilly, October 18, 1864, Patrick Reilly Papers, PAHRC.
[46]William Preston Johnston to Wade Hampton, November 3, 1864; James Connor to Wade Hampton, November 6, 1864, Wade Hampton Papers, ESBL; N. A. Foster to William K.Rash, 52nd North Carolina, CSA Collection, ESBL.另一个关于勇气的讨论,参见Eleanor Damon Pace, ed., “The Diary and Letters of William P. Rogers, 1846—1862”,Southwestern Historical Quarterly 32 (April 1929): 299。
[47]George Barton,Angels of the Battlefiel(Philadelphia: Catholic Art Publishing Co., 1897), p. 181.
[48]Linderman提出了这个关于强迫的观点,参见Linderman,Embattled Courage, p. 30; Smith, ed., “Notes on Satterlee”, pp. 433—434; Berends, “Wholesome Reading”, p. 137。
[49]Hugh McLees to John, December 20, 1863, John McLees Papers, SCL; Berends, “Wholesome Reading,” p. 139, n21; Gache, Frenchman, 164.关于恶终,另参见Ralph Houlbrooke,Death, Religion and the Family, p. 207。
[50]Laderman,Sacred Remains, p. 99; Robert I. Alotta,Civil War Justice: Union Army Executions Under Lincoln(Shippensburg, Pa.: White Mane Press, 1989); Charleston Mercury, September 18, 1863; John Ripley Adams,Memorial and Letters of John R.Adams, D.D. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1890), p. 123; Guilburton于1863年9月4日写的信,与Henry Robinson给妻子的信,均载于Lane, ed.,Dear Mother, pp. 263—264, 107。
[51]Corby,Memoirs, p. 248; Frances Milton Kennedy Diary, M-3008, entry for September 26, 1863, SHC.一些对于行刑的描述,参见Cooney, “War Letters of Father Peter PaulCooney”, p. 57。关于恶终,参见Edward Acton, “‘Dear Mollie’: Letters of Captain Edward Acton to His Wife, 1862,” ed. Mary Acton Hammond,Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography89 (January 1965): 28。
[52]Robert Kenzer, “The Uncertainty of Life: A Profile of Virginia’s Civil War Widows”,in Joan E. Cashin,The War Was You and Me: Civilians in the American Civil War(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002), p. 120; Clarke County Will Book E, 1860—1867, pp.129—130, Clarke County Courthouse, Berryville, Va.; Lane, ed.,Dear Mother, 108.参见N. Crosby, Financial Plans in Case of Death, GLC03046. N. Crosby to son, April 23, 1862, Gilder Lehrman Collection, The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, NYHS。
[53]John Edwards, Noncuptative Will, April 3, 1862, dictated to Hill at the hospital of the 53rd Virginia Infantry regiment at Suffolk, VHS.感谢Frances Pollard引起了我对这一材料的关注。
[54]Burns Newman to Mr. Shortell, May 24, 1864, Michael Shortell Papers, WHS.另参见Disposition of Personal Effects of Dead Wisconsin Soldiers, 1863, Wisconsin Governor’s Papers, WHS。
[55]Daily South Carolinian, May 29, 1864.其他一些例子,参见W. W. Watts的讣告, August 23, 1864; H. L. Garlington的讣告, August13, 1864; Milton Cox的讣告, August 9, 1862; Joseph Friedenberg的讣告, September 15, 1862,以上均载于Daily South Carolinian; George Nichols的讣告载于Richmond Daily Whig, December 24, 1862; Walter Matthews的讣告载于Richmond Daily Dispatch, December 25, 1862; Isaac Valentine的讣告载于Charleston Daily Courier, June 18, 1862; Thomas B. Hampton [March 1865] in Thomas B. Hampton Papers, CAH。
[56]Roland C. Bowen to Friend Ainsworth, September 28, 1862, in Gregory A. Coco, ed., From Ball’s Bluff to Gettysburg…and Beyond: The Civil War Letters of Private Roland E. Bowen, 15th Massachusetts Infantry, 1861—1864 (Gettysburg, Pa.: Thomas Publications, 1994), p. 124.
[57]Washington Davis的话引自Linderman, Embattled Courage, p.241。关于麻木,参见Drew Gilpin Faust, “A Riddle of Death”
:Mortality and Meaning in the American Civil War, 34th Annual Robert Fortenbaugh Memorial Lecture (Gettysburg, Pa.: Gettysburg College, 1995), p. 21。
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