1706282400 [18]“Reminiscence of Gettysburg,”Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, January 2, 1864, p. 235.关于照片,参见Steve R.Stotelmyer,The Bivouacs of the Dead: The Story of Those Who Died at Antietam and South Mountain(Baltimore: Toomey Press, 1992), p. 6; Godey’s Lady’s Book, March 1864, p. 311; Mark H.Dunkelman,Gettysburg’s Unknown Soldier: The Life, Death, and Celebrity of Amos Humiston(Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1999); William Stilwell to Molly, September 18, 1862, in Lane, ed., Dear Mother, p. 186。
1706282402 [19]Clara Barton, Lecture Notes [1866], Clara Barton Papers, LC.
1706282404 [20]Elmer Ruan Coates, “Be My Mother Till I Die” (Philadelphia: A. W.Auner, n.d.), Wolf 115; “Bless the Lips That Kissed Our Darling:Answer to: Let Me Kiss Him for His Mother” (Philadelphia: Auner, n.d.); J. A. C. O’Connor, “Bless the Lips That Kissed Our Darling” (New York: H. De Marsan, n.d.), Wolf 115.另参见George Cooper, “Mother Kissed Me in My Dream” (Philadelphia: J. H.Johnson, n.d.), Wolf 1468.所有这些歌篇都来自American Song Sheet Collection, LCP。
1706282406 [21]William J. Bacon,Memorial of William Kirkland Bacon: Late Adjutant of the Twentysixth Regiment of New York State Volunteers(Utica, N.Y.: Roberts Printer, 1863), p. 50.
1706282408 [22]关于悼唁信,参见Michael Barton, “Painful Duties: Art, Character, and Culture in Confederate Letters of Condolence”, Southern Quarterly 17 (1979): 123—134; and Barton,Goodmen: The Character of Civil War Soldiers(University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1981), pp. 57—62。另参见William Merrill Decker,Epistolary Practices: Letter Writing in America Before Telecommunications(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1998); Janet Gurlin Altman,Epistolarity: Approaches to a Form(Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1982).当时关于书信作者的指南,参见The American LetterWriter and Mirror of Polite Behavior(Philadelphia: Fisher & Brother, 1851)与A New LetterWriter, for the Use of Gentlemen (Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, 1860)。对内战大众文化中悼唁信传统的确认,参见Daily South Carolinian, February 26, 1864;另参见June 22, 1864, and the song by E. Bowers, “Write a Letter to My Mother!” (Philadelphia: n.p., [1860s]), Wolf 2677, LCP。
1706282410 [23]Williamson D. Ward diary quoted in Joseph Allan Frank and George A. Reaves,“Seeing the Elephant”: Raw Recruits at Shiloh (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1989), p. 98; Minutes, July1864—June 1865, Confederate States Christian Association for the Relief of Prisoners (Fort Delaware), Francis Atherton Boyle Books, 1555 SHC.
1706282412 [24]W. J. O’Daniel to Mrs. [Sarah A.] Torrence, quoted in Haskell Monroe, ed., “The Road to Gettysburg: The Diary and Letters of Leonidas Torrence of the Gaston Guards,”North Carolina Historical Review 36 (October 1959): 515; William Fields to Mrs. Fitzpatrick, June 8, 1865, Maria Clopton Papers, Medical and Hospital Collection, ESBL; I. G. Patten to Mrs. Cadenhead, August 5, 1864, in I. B. Cadenhead, “Some Letters of I. B. Cadenhead,”Alabama Historical Quarterly18 (1956): 569; Henry E. Handerson,Yankee in Gray: The Civil War Memoirs of Henry E. Handerson with a Selection of His Wartime Letters(Cleveland: Case Western Reserve University Press, 1962), p. 62.
1706282414 [25]William Fields to Mrs. Fitzpatrick, June 8, 1865, Maria Clopton Papers, Medical and Hospital Collection, ESBL; Clara Barton, Manuscript Journal, 1863, Clara Barton Papers, LC.另参见Elizabeth Brown Pryor,Clara Barton: Professional Angel (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1987), pp. 94, 148; “Our Army Hospitals,” unidentified and undated newspaper clippings, Louis C. Madeira Civil War Scrapbooks, vol. A, pp. 111—126, LCP。一个关于一位护士暗示一名士兵为其妻子留下信息的事例,参见William H. Davidson, ed.,War Was the Place: A Centennial Collection of Confederate Soldier Letters (Chattahoochie Valley Historical Society, Bulletin no. 5 [November1961]): 115。关于医院工作人员在“善终”中的重要作用,参见Gary Laderman,The Sacred Remains: American Attitudes Toward Death, 1799—1883(New Haven: Yale UniversityPress, 1996), p. 131; Gerald Linderman,Embattled Courage: The Experience of Combat in the American Civil War(New York:FreePress, 1987), p. 29; Corby,Memoirs of Chaplain Life, p. 93。另参见Jestin Hampton to Thomas B. Hampton, January 25, 1863, Thomas B. Hampton Papers, CAH; S. G. Sneed to Susan Piper, September 17, 1864, Benjamin Piper Papers, CAH。
1706282416 [26]Christian Recorder, November 12, 1864.
1706282418 [27]Richard Rollins, ed.,Pickett’s Charge!: Eyewitness Accounts, (Redondo Beach, Calif.: Rank & File Publications, 1994), p. 96.
1706282420 [28]James R. Montgomery to A. R. Montgomery, May 10, 1864, CSACollection, ESBL; John M. Coski, “Montgomery’s Blood-Stained Letter Defines ‘The Art of Dying’—and Living” ,Museum of the Confederacy Magazine(Summer 2006): 14.
1706282422 [29]Coski, “Montgomery’s Blood-Stained Letter.”
1706282424 [30]将这种“清单”同Jay Winter所描述的一战期间英国军官告知士兵亲人其死讯的“家族信息”(“stock messages”)进行比较:他被他的战友爱戴,是名好士兵,死时没有痛苦。同内战时期的美国人信奉的“死亡之艺术”相比,这是一个非常世俗化的模式。参见J. M. Winter,Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning: The Great War in European Cultural History(Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p.35。内战时期一份基本以清单形式写成的悼唁信 ——缩进等所有格式 ——参见John G. Barrett and Robert K. Turner Jr.,Letters of a New Market Cadet: Beverly Stannard(Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press, 1961), pp. 67—68。一个天主教的例子,参见Cooney, “War Letters of Father Peter Paul Cooney,”pp. 153—154.这种“清单”的大部分内容,都源于灵床旁的观察者最终确认濒死者正成功地抗拒着典型的魔鬼诱惑。这些典型的魔鬼诱惑包括:放弃信仰,屈服于绝望或不耐烦,展示出精神的骄傲或自满,表现出过于关注世俗事务。参见Comper,Book of the Craft of Dying, pp. 9—21. For a brief discussion of consolationletters, see Reid Mitchell, The Vacant Chair: The Northern Soldier Leaves Home (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993), pp. 84—86。
1706282426 [31]Edwin S. Redkey, ed.,Grand Army of Black Men: Letters from African American Soldiers in the Union Army(Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992), p. 67.对于犹太士兵而言,有所准备也是“善终”的一个重要部分。请注意Albert Moses Luria的家人对其做好了死亡准备的强调,也请注意他的碑文:“在走进战场时,他已做好了见上帝的准备。”参见Mel Young, ed.,Last Order of the Lost Cause: The True Story of a Jewish Family in the Old South (Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1995), p. 147。关于暴毙,另参见W. D. Rutherford to Sallie F. Rutherford, June 23, 1864, W. D. Rutherford Papers, SCL; Houlbrooke, Death, Religion and the Family, p. 208。
1706282428 [32]Letter to Mrs. Mason, October 3, 1864, 24th Reg. Virginia Infantry, CSA Collection, ESBL.
1706282430 [33]Alexander Twombly,The Completed Christian Life: A Sermon Commemorative of Adjt. Richard Strong(Albany, N.Y.: J. Munsell, 1863), p. 10; David Mack Cooper,Obituary Discourse on Occasion of the Death of Noah Henry Ferry, Major of the Fifth Michigan Cavalry(New York: J. F. Trow, 1863), p. 30.
1706282432 [34]Bacon,Memorial of William Kirkland Bacon, p. 57.关于预感,另参见Alonzo Abernethy, “Incidents of an Iowa Soldier’s Life, or Four Years in Dixie,”Annals of Iowa, 3d ser. 12(1920): 408。一个犹太士兵的例子,参见Gustave Poznanski的死亡报告,载于Charleston Daily Courier, June 18, 1862.关于预感以及更宏观的士兵死亡问题,参见James M. McPherson,For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War(New York: Oxford University Press, 1997), pp. 63—70。另参见Reid Mitchell,Civil War Soldiers(New York: Viking, 1988), pp. 63—64; L. L. Jones to Harriet Beach Jones, Herbert S.Hadley Papers, MOHS; W. D. Rutherford to Sallie Fair, July 26, 1861, W. D. Rutherford Papers, SCL。另参见E. S. Nash to HattieJones, August 19, 1861, Herbert S. Hadley Papers, MOHS; Wells, Facing the “King of Terrors,” pp. 162—163。
1706282434 [35]J. C. Curtwright to Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace, April 24, 1862, in Lane, ed.,Dear Mother, p. 116. T. Fitzhugh to Mrs. Diggs, June 23, 1863, Captain William W. Goss File, 19th Virginia Infantry, CSA Collection, ESBL; Sallie Winfree to Mrs. Bobo, October 9, 1862, Henry Bobo Papers, CSA Collection, ESBL.
1706282436 [36]T. J. Hodnett的话引自Davidson, ed.,War Was the Place, pp. 80, 76—77; Walter Pharr,Funeral Sermon on the Death of Capt. A. K.Simonton(Salisbury, N.C.: J. J. Bruner, 1862), p. 11; Elijah Richardson Craven,In Memoriam, Sermon and Oration…on the Occasion of the Death of Col. I. M. Tucker(Newark, N.J.: Protection Lodge, 1862), pp. 5—6。
1706282438 [37]James B. Rogers,War Pictures: Experiences and Observations of a Chaplain in the U.S. Army, in the War of the Southern Rebellion(Chicago: Church & Goodman, 1863), p. 182; Guy R. Everson and Edward W. Simpson Jr.,Far, Far from Home: The Wartime Letters of Dick and Talley Simpson, 3rd South Carolina Volunteers(New York: Oxford University Press, 1994), p. 287; J. Monroe Anderson to the Sisters of Gen. Gregg, January 9, 1863, Maxcy Gregg Papers, SCL; John Weissert to Dearest Wife and Children, October 17, 1862, John Weissert Papers, Box 1, Correspondence Sept.–Oct. 1862, BHL.一个关于在遗体上寻找灵魂状态标志的天主教例子,参见Sister Catherine to Father Patrick Reilly, December 5, 1862, Patrick Reilly Papers, PAHRC。这封信将Bonaventure修女之死,描述为“甜蜜、平静且愉快”,并报告说,“她灵魂的平静与沉着在她的面容上有明显的体现”。
1706282440 [38]L. S. Bobo to Dear Uncle, July 7, 1862, August 14, 1862, Bobo Papers, CSA Collection, ESBL; Cadenhead, “Some Confederate Letters of I. B. Cadenhead,” p. 568; E. and E. Nash to Respected Nephews in Camp, November 11, 1862, Alpheus S. Bloomfield Papers,LC.
1706282442 [39]Frank Perry to J. Buchannon, September 21, 1862, in Lane, ed.,Dear Mother, p. 189.
1706282444 [40]Frank Batchelor to Dear Wife, inBatchelor-Turner Letters: 1861—1864: Written by Two of Terry’s Texas Rangers, annotated by H. J. H. Rugeley (Austin, Tex.: Steck Co., 1961), p. 80.
1706282446 [41]Sanford Branch to his mother, July 26, 1861, in Lane,Dear Mother, p. 36; Coco,Killed in Action, p. 91; Alonzo Hill,InMemoriam. A Discourse…on Lieut. Thomas Jefferson Spurr (Boston: J. Wilson, 1862); Davidson, ed.,War Was the Place. Chaplain Corby指出,几乎所有士兵在临死时都在呼唤着母亲。这一点被珍藏在了内战时期广为传唱的歌曲中:参见,例如Thomas MacKellar, “The Dying Soldier to His Mother”(New York: Charles Magnus, n.d.) Wolf 551, and C. A. Vosburgh, “Tell Mother, I Die Happy” (New York: Charles Magnus, n.d.), Wolf 2290。一首南部的歌曲,参见Charles C. Sawyer, “Mother Would Comfort Me!” (Augusta, Ga.: Blackmar & Bro., 186—).以从战场寄给母亲的消息为内容写成的歌曲如此之多,以致它们引起了一些诙谐的模仿与讽刺的回应。参见John C. Cross, “Mother on the Brain” (New York: H. De Marsan, n.d.), Wolf 1470, and Cross, “Mother Would Wallop Me” (New York: H. De Marsan, n.d.), Wolf 1437。除了那个南部的歌曲之外的全部这些歌曲,都载于American Song Sheet Collection, LCP。参见第六章。
1706282448 [42]William W. Bennett,A Narrative of the Great Revival Which Prevailed in the Southern Armies(Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1877), pp. 243—244. T. Fitzhugh to Mrs. Diggs, June 23, 1863, Captain William W. Goss File, 19th Virginia Infantry, CSA Collection, ESBL.一封几乎用同样语言写成的信,参见:E.W. Rowe to J. W. Goss, December 16, 1863, CSA Collection, ESBL。
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