1706282650 [37]关于美国卫生委员会,参见“Burials,” Sanitary Commission Bulletin 1, no. 20 (August 15, 1864): 623; “Rev. Mr.Hoblitt on Nashville Hospitals,” Sanitary Reporter, 1, no. 5 ( July 15, 1863): 34; “The Commission on the James River and the Appomattox,” Sanitary Commission Bulletin 1, no. 18 ( July 15, 1864): 567.关于卫生委员会与埋葬,参见[Holstein], Three Years in Field Hospitals, p. 71; J. S. Newberry, “Report of the Hospital Directory”, Sanitary Reporter 1, no. 11 (October 15, 1863): 81。
1706282652 [38]Chattanooga, Tenn., Disinterments from March to September1864, Telegrams from January to July 1864, ms. vol. bd., Box 284.1, folder 3, p. 119, U.S. Sanitary Commission Records, NYPL.
1706282654 [39]Mary C. Brayton, October 15, 1864, J. S. Moore, November 2, 1864, Chattanooga, Tenn., Orders for Disinterment and Removal of Bodies, September 1864—February 1865, Box 284.1, folder 5, U.S. Sanitary Commission Records, NYPL.
1706282656 [40]“Soldiers’ Cemetery at Belle Plain Va May 23 1864”, Box 192.3, folder 4; “Plot of Soldiers’ Cemetery, Port Royal Va 28 May 1864,” Box 192.3, folder 5, U.S. Sanitary Commission Records, NYPL.
1706282658 [41]Cornelius的话引自Christine Quigley, The Corpse: A History (Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., 1963), p. 55。参见Cain and Cornelius Ledger, 1859, 1862, RBMSC。
1706282660 [42]“The Terrible Telegram,” March 18, 1863; Henry I. Bowditch to My Own Sweet Wife [Olivia Yardley Bowditch], March 19, 1863,均引自Manuscripts Relating to Lieutenant Nathaniel Bowditch, vol. 2, pp.98, 92, Nathaniel Bowditch Memorial Collection, MAHS。
1706282662 [43]Henry I. Bowditch, A Brief Plea for an Ambulance System for the Army of the United States (Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1863), pp. 6, 15.
1706282664 [44]Coco, Strange and Blighted Land, pp. 114—115, 110;命令引自Christian Recorder, August 1, 1863, p. 1。
1706282666 [45]Alexander的话引自Kent Masterson Brown, Retreat from Gettysburg: Lee, Logistics and the Pennsylvania Campaign (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2005), p. 50;另参见pp. 371—372, 381。
1706282668 [46]Receipt, August 15, 1862, Goodwin Family Papers, MAHS; Alvin F. Harlow, Old Waybills: The Romance of the Express Companies (New York: D. Appleton-Century, 1934), p. 299.另参见Stillman King Wightman, “In Search of My Son,” American Heritage 14 (February 1963), pp. 64—78。
1706282670 [47]Stotelmyer, Bivouacs of the Dead, p. 15.
1706282672 [48]Staunton Transportation Company, “Transportation of the Dead!” (Gettysburg, Pa.: H. J. Stahle, 1863), broadside, LCP.
1706282674 [49]Robert W. Habenstein and William M. Lamers, The History of American Funeral Directing (Milwaukee: Bulfin Printers, 1955), pp.33—335.
1706282676 [50]关于Ellsworth,参见Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Magazine, June 1, 1861, pp. 40—41.关于尸体防腐术,另参见Michael Sappol,A Traffic of Dead Bodies: Anatomy and Embodied Social Identity in Nineteenth-Century America (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002)。
1706282678 [51]Charlotte Elizabeth McKay, Stories of Hospital and Camp (Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1876), p. 47
1706282680 [52]Richmond Enquirer, June 2, 1863, p. 2; December 4, 1863, p. 3; Charles R. Wilson, “The Southern Funeral Director: Managing Deathin the New South,” Georgia Historical Quarterly 67 (Spring 1983):53.
1706282682 [53]Habenstein and Lamers, History of American Funeral Directing, pp. 330, 334.另参 见Gary Laderman, The Sacred Remains:American Attitudes Towards Death, 1799—1883 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996)与Karen Pomeroy Flood, “Contemplating Corpses: The Dead Body in American Culture, 1870—1920,” Ph.D.diss. (Harvard University, 2001)。
1706282684 [54]George A. Townsend, Rustics in Rebellion: A Yankee Reporteron the Road to Richmond, 1861—1865 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1950), pp. 121—122, 153—154.
1706282686 [55]Hardie to Provost Marshal General, City Point, November 23, 1864, M619, 2195, S1864 Roll 309, NARA; Turner and Baker Files, November 8, 1864, 363-B, M797, Roll 130, NARA; R. Burr to Brig. Gen. M. R. Patrick, November 21, 1864, M619 2195 S1864 Roll309, NARA.
1706282688 [56]War Department, Quartermaster General’s Office, Compilation of Laws, Orders, Opinions, Instructions, Etc. in Regard to National Military Cemeteries (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1878), p. 5.另参见Monro MacCloskey, Hallowed Ground: Our National Cemeteries (New York: Richard Rosens Press, 1968), p.24。
1706282690 [57]Garry Wills, Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words That Remade America (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992).
1706282692 [58]Trumbull, War Memories of a Chaplain, p. 209.
1706282694 [59]Bowditch, BriefPlea, p. 15.
1706282696 [60]“纳特”,即前文“纳撒尼尔”的昵称。——译注
1706282698 [61]“大赚一笔”(“make a killing”),字面意思为“制造屠杀”。——译注
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