1706282840 [21]Mary D. Robertson, ed., Lucy Breckinridge of Grove Hill: The Journal of a Virginia Girl, 1862—1864 (Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1979), pp. 80—81. Daily South Carolinian, February 26, 1864. Patricia Loughridge and Edward D. C. Campbell Jr., Women in Mourning (Richmond, Va.: Museum of the Confederacy, 1985), p. 24.
1706282842 [22]Margaret Gwyn Diary, April 22 and 29, 1862, Special Collections, RBMSC; Nannie Haskins Diary, March 3, 1863, Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville.
1706282844 [23]Welton, “My Heart Is So Rebellious,” p. 239.
1706282846 [24]Kate Corbin to Maggie Tucker, April 21, 1863, manuscripts inpossession of David Eilenberger, Chapel Hill Rare Books, Chapel Hill, N.C。另参见Lila to Willie Chunn, September 21, 1863, William Augustus Chunn Papers, Emory University, Atlanta; Daily South Carolinian, March 10, 1864.
1706282848 [25]Philadelphia Inquirer, July 3, 1863; Richmond Enquirer, April 25, 1861, p. 3; New York Times, May 31, 1863, p. 6.
1706282850 [26]Godey’s Lady’s Book 71 (August 1865): 106; 64 (June 1862):617; 68 (May 1864): 498.
1706282852 [27]Mary D. Robertson, ed., Lucy Breckinridge of Grove Hill: The Journal of a Virginia Girl, 1862—1864 (Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1979), pp. 80—81; Daily South Carolinian, February 26, 1864; Patricia Loughridge and Edward D. C.Campbell Jr., Women in Mourning (Richmond, Va.: Museum of the Confederacy, 1985), p. 24.
1706282854 [28]“The Massachusetts Dead Returned from Baltimore,” Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, May 11, 1861, p. 410; Christian Recorder, May 11, 1861; John Marszalek, ed., The Diary of Miss Emma Holmes, 1861—1866 (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1979), pp. 69—70.在这场战争的头几个月,葬礼得到了新闻报道的关注,但随着葬礼愈发普遍,这种关注也便立即消失了。参见,例如,“The Funeral Ceremonies in Honor of Addison Whitney and Luther C. Ladd at Lowell, Mass. On Monday, May 6”, New York Illustrated News, May 25, 1861, p. 43; “Funeral of Colonel Vosburgh”, New York Illustrated News, June 8, 1861, p. 75; “The Late Captain Ward”, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, July 13, 1861, p. 133。
1706282856 [29]George Skoch, “A Lavish Funeral for a Southern Hero: ‘Stonewall’ Jackson’s Last March,” Civil War Times Illustrated, May 1989, pp.22—27; Samuel B. Hannah, May 17, 1863, Death of Stonewall Jackson, VMIA; online at www.vmi.edu/archives/jackson/tjjhanna.htm.另参见Lexington Gazette, May 20, 1863, Funeral of Stonewall Jackson, VMIA, online at www.vmi.edu/archives/jackson/tjjobit.htm; Daniel Stowell, “Stonewall Jackson and the Providence of God”, in Randall M. Miller, Harry S. Stout, and Charles Reagan Wilson, Religion and the American Civil War (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), pp.187—207; Charles Royster, The Destructive War: William Tecumseh Sherman, Stonewall Jackson, and the Americans (NewYork: Alfred A. Knopf, 1991), pp. 193—231.另参见“Funeral of Gen. Maxcy Gregg,” newspaper clipping, December 22, 1862, Maxcy Gregg Papers, SCL; “Funeral of General Winthrop,” clipping, 1864, Frederick Winthrop Papers, MAHS。
1706282858 [30]Rev. T. H. Stockton, “Hymn for the National Funeral” (Philadelphia:A. W. Auner, [1865]); Swain的话引自David B. Chesebrough, “No Sorrow Like Our Sorrow”: Northern Protestant Ministers and the Assassination of Lincoln (Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1994), p. 88。
1706282860 [31]New York Herald, April 20, 1865; Merrill D. Peterson, Lincoln in American Memory (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994), pp.15—22.
1706282862 [32]New York Herald, April 26, 1865; Jacob Thomas的话引自Chesebrough, “No Sorrow Like Our Sorrow,” p. 187。另参见Christian Recorder, April 22, 1865, May 6, 1865。
1706282864 [33]Walt Whitman, “Hush’d Be the Camps To-Day,” in Walt Whitman:Civil War Poetry and Prose (New York: Dover, 1995), pp. 34—35.
1706282866 [34]Helen Vendler, “Poetry and the Mediation of Value: Whitman on Lincoln,” Tanner Lecture on Human Values delivered at the University of Michigan, October 29 and 30, 1999, online at www.tannerlectures.utah.edu/lectures/Vendler_01.pdf, pp. 147—148.Vendler教授同我分享了她对惠特曼的看法,对此我十分感激。
1706282868 [35]Whitman, “O Captain! My Captain,” in Civil War Poetry and Prose, p. 34.
1706282870 [36]Whitman, “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d,” in Civil War Poetry and Prose, pp. 27—28.
1706282872 [37]Whitman, “Pensive on Her Dead Gazing”, in Civil War Poetry and Prose, p. 38; Vendler, “Poetry and the Mediation of Value,” pp. 155—156; Whitman, “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d,” pp. 27—28, 33.
1706282874 [38]Whitman, “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d”, p. 28; Whitman, “Ashes of Soldiers”, in Civil War Poetry and Prose, pp.36, 37.
1706282876 [39]Tyler Resch, Dorset: In the Shadow of the Marble Mountain (Dorset, Vt.: Dorset Historical Society, 1989), pp. 141, 174; Nantucket Weekly Mirror, December 27, 1862,quoted in Richard F. Miller and Robert F. Mooney, The Civil War: The Nantucket Experience (Nantucket, Mass.: Wesco, 1994), p. 137.
1706282878 [40]Reverend Clark B. Stewart, Journal-Diary, 1859—1865, Works Progress Administration typescript, SCL.
1706282880 [41]L. H. Blanton, “Well Done Thou Good and Faithful Servant,” Funeral Sermon on theDeath of Rev. John W. Griffin, Chaplain of the 19th Va. Regt., August 1, 1864(Lynchburg, Va.: Power-Press Book & Job Office, 1865), p. 8
1706282882 [42]关于葬礼布道,参见Robert V. Wells, Facing the “King of Terrors”: Death and Society in an American Community, 1750—1990 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp. 54—56。
1706282884 [43]William J. Hoge, Sketch of Dabney Carr Harrison, Minister of the Gospel and Captain in the Army of the Confederate States of America (Richmond, Va.: Presbyterian Committee of Publication of the Confederate States, 1862), pp. 50, 51—52, 53.
1706282886 [44]Alexander Twombly, The Completed Christian Life: A Sermon Commemorative of Adjutant Richard M. Strong, 177th N.Y.S.V.(Albany, N.Y.: J. Mussell, 1863), p. 7; Philip Slaughter, A Sketch of the Life of Randolph Fairfax, A Private in the Ranks of the Rockbridge Artillery (Richmond, Va.: Tyler, Allegre and McDaniel, 1864), pp. 6, 8, 35, 39; R. L. Dabney, A Memorial of Lieut. Colonel John T. Thornton of the Third Virginia Cavalry, C.S.A. (Richmond, Va.: Presbyterian Committee of Publication of the Confederate States), pp. 6, 8; Robert Lewis Dabney, True Courage: A Discourse Commemorative of Lieutenant General Thomas J. Jackson (Richmond, Va.: Presbyterian Committee of Publication of the Confederate States, 1863), p. 4.
1706282888 [45]Charles Seymour Robinson, A Memorial Discourse: Occasioned by the Death of Lieutenant James M. Green, 4th N.Y.S.V. (Troy, N.Y.: Daily Times Printing, 1864), pp. 14, 15.
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