1706282890 [46]Joseph Cross, “On Grief: A Funeral Service Oration for General Daniel Donelson,” in Camp and Field: Papers from the Portfolio of an Army Chaplain (Columbia, S.C.: Evans & Cogswell, 1864), pp.68, 69, 71.
1706282892 [47]Henry I. Bowditch, “Memorial of Lt. Nathaniel Bowditch,” p. 1015, Nathaniel Bowditch Memorial Collection, MAHS.
1706282894 [48]Ibid., pp. 1015, 1048; Henry I. Bowditch to My Own Sweet Wife [Olivia Yardley Bowditch], March 19, 1863, “Manuscripts Relating to Lieutenant Nathaniel Bowditch,” vol. 2, p. 98, Nathaniel Bowditch Memorial Collection, MAHS.
1706282896 [49]Henry I. Bowditch to Darling [Olivia Yardley Bowditch], March 21, 1863, “Manuscripts Relating to Lieutenant Nathaniel Bowditch,” vol.2, p. 98, Nathaniel Bowditch Memorial Collection, MAHS; Bowditch, “Memorial,” p. 1019.关于悲伤是缺乏男子汉气概的表现,另参见H. L. Abbott to J. G. Abbott, in Robert Garth Scott, ed., Fallen Leaves:The Civil War Letters of Major Henry Livermore Abbott (Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1991), p. 140; W. D. Rutherfordto Sallie Fair Rutherford, June 12, 1862, William D. Rutherford Papers, SCL。
1706282898 [50]Henry I. Bowditch to My Darling, March 19, 1863, “Manuscripts,” vol. 2, pp. 98—100; Bowditch, “Memorial”, p. 1015.
1706282900 [51]Bowditch, “Memorial,” p. 1015; Memorials of Lieut. Nathaniel Bowditch A.A.A.G., 1st Cavalry Brigade, Second Division, Army ofthe Potomac, title page, Nathaniel Bowditch Memorial Collection, MAHS. “My Child”原以“He’s not there”题目发表于Monthly Miscellany 3(October 1840): 193—194。这首诗是“作者写给一个牧师朋友的,有关于他唯一儿子之罹难。”另参见Louis Harmon Peet, Who’s the Author?: A Guide to the Authorship of Novels, Stories, Speeches, Songs and General Writings of American Literature (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1901), p. 169与Henry I. Bowditch, “The Celebration of John Pierpont’s Centennial Birthday,” Reminiscences (Boston: n.p., 1885)。
1706282902 [52]Bowditch to My Darling, March 19, 1863; Nat的葬礼,James Freeman Clarke牧师的讲话,均来自“Manuscripts,” vol. 2, pp.97, 160—64, Nathaniel Bowditch Memorial Collection, MAHS。
1706282904 [53]Bowditch, “Memorial,” p. 1015; Henry I. Bowditch, A Brief Plea for an Ambulance System for the Army of the United States, as Drawn from the Extra Sufferings of the Late Lieutenant Bowditch and a Wounded Comrade (Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1863).
1706282906 [54]“使具体化”(“embody”)词根为“尸体、肉体”(“body”)。——译注
1706282908 [55]该诗及后面两首诗的译文,皆引自惠特曼著、赵萝蕤译《草叶集》(上海:上海译文出版社,1991年,第571—587页,第862页)。 ——译注
1706282910 [56]原文这里为“罗伯森”(“Robertson”),当为“鲁宾逊”之误。——译注
1706282912 第六章 信仰与怀疑
1706282914 [1]John D. Sweet, The Speaking Dead. A Discourse Occasioned by the Death of Serg’t Edward Amos Adams (Boston: Commercial Printing House, 1864), pp. 6, 4, 5.
1706282916 [2]Carwardine的话语教堂统计数据,载于Mark A. Noll, The Civil War as a Theological Crisis (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2006), p. 12。
1706282918 [3]Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology (London: John Murray, 1830—33); Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (London: John Murray, 1859).关于对《圣经》的批评,参见Jerry Wayne Brown, The Rise of Biblical Criticism in America, 1800—1870: The New England Scholars (Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1969); Hans W. Frei, The Eclipse of Biblical Narrative: A Study in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Hermeneutics (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1974); James Turner, Without God, Without Creed: The Origins of Unbelief in America (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985)。Lyell在内战中间就出版了另一本巨著。参见The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man, with Remarks on Theories of the Origin of Species by Variation (London: John Murray, 1863)。
1706282920 [4]关于从上帝创造目的论出发的观点,经典著作为William Paley’s Natural Theology (1802)关于在内战时期发表的试图调和Darwin与Lyell的科学同宗教信仰的两篇文章,参见Reverend Edward F. Williams, “On the Origin of Species,”Evangelical Quarterly Review 16 ( January 1865): 11—23,与Daniel R. Goodwin, “The Antiquity of Man”, American Presbyterian and Theological Review 6 (April 1864): 233—259。
1706282922 [5]Louis Menand, The Metaphysical Club (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2001), p. 18.另参见Robert C. Albrecht, “The Theological Response of the Transcendentalists to the Civil War,” New England Quarterly 38 (March 1965): 21—34。
1706282924 [6]Sweet, Speaking Dead, p. 7; A. M. Poindexter, Why Will Ye Die?(Raleigh, N.C.: n.p., 186—); G. A. A. Riggs, Diary, August 14, 1864, CAH.
1706282926 [7]参见Mark Schantz, “The American Civil War and the Culture(s) of Death,” unpublished paper; W. H. Christian, The Importance of a Soldier Becoming a Christian (Richmond, Va.: Soldiers’ Track Association, [186—]), p. 3; Hancock女士的话,引自North Carolina Presbyterian, August 4, 1862 p. 149; Drew Gilpin Faust, “Christian Soldiers,” in Faust, Southern Stories: Slaveholders in Peace and War (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1992), pp. 98—99。
1706282928 [8]Jestin Hampton to Thomas B. Hampton, July 7, 1864; Thomas B. Hampton to Jestin Hampton, August 9, 1863, July 17, 1863, May 27, 1863,均来自Thomas B. Hampton Papers, CAH。
1706282930 [9]Thomas B. Hampton to Jestin Hampton, October 15, 1863; Jestin Hampton to Thomas B. Hampton, April 24, 1864;均来自Thomas B. Hampton Papers, CAH。
1706282932 [10]A. S. Collins and H. Collins to Jestin Hampton, March 21, 1865; Thomas B. Hampton Obituary [March 1865]:据来自Thomas B. Hampton Papers, CAH。
1706282934 [11]P hi li p pe A riè s, T he Hour o f Our Dea t h, t ran s. He len Weav er (Ne w Yo r k: A l f re d A. Knopf, 1981), pp. 557—601; Philippe Ariès, Western Attitudes Toward Death: From the Middle Ages to the Present, trans. Patricia M. Ranum (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1974).
1706282936 [12]“My God! What Is All This For?”, Wolf C116, American Song Sheets Collection, LCP.
1706282938 [13]Captain Edson Gerry, “Battle of Winchester,” Wolf 108, online at musicanet.org/robokopp/usa/harkthem.htm; “Tell Mother, I Die Happy,” words by C. A. Vosburgh, music by Jabez Burns (New York: Charles Magnus, n.d.), Wolf 2290.另参见,“Shall We Know Each Other There?,” Wolf 2081, “Our Southern Dead”, Wolf C130, E. Walter Lowe, “The Dying Soldier” (New York: Charles Magnus, n.d.), Wolf 5486; L. Katzenburger, “The Dying Confederate’s Last Words,” Wolf C49, “Oh! Bless Me, Mother, Ere I Die,” Wolf 1653,均载于American Song Sheet Collection, LCP。
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