1706391921 7.F.Crousse, La Péninsule greco-slave(Brussels, 1876); T. Fischer, Mittelmeerbilder (Leipzig, 1906), p.44; D. M. Brancoff (Dimitur Mishev), La Macédoine et sa population chrétienne (Paris, 1905), p.3; J.R.Mariott, The Eastern Question: An Historical Study in European Diplomacy (Oxford, 1917), p.21.
1706391923 8.Harry de Windt, Through Savage Europe (London, 1907), p.15; M.Todorova, Imagining the Balkans (New York, 1997), p.122.
1706391925 9.R. West, Black Lamb and Grey Falcon (London, 1943), vol.1, p.23.
1706391927 10.E. Christiansen, The Northern Crusaders (London, 1997), .p.2; on the two phases of Muslim Holy War against Europe, see B. Lewis, The Muslim Discovery of Europe (New York, 1982), pp.20-28; K.M.Setton, Prophecies of Turkish Doom (Philadelphia, 1992), p.4.
1706391929 11.K. M.Setton, op. cit., and Europe and the Levant in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance(London, 1974); Knolles cited in Lewis, The Muslim Discovery of Europe, p.32; on Muslim and Turk as synonyms, N.Matar, Islam in Britain, 1558-1685(Cambridge, 1998), p.21.
1706391931 12.L. Valensi, Venezia e la Sublima Porta: La nascita del despota (Bologna, 1989), pp.41, 44; L.Stavrianos, The Balkans since 1453 (New York, 1965), pp.74-75.
1706391933 13.N. Matar, op.cit., 14, p.22.
1706391935 14.See A. Pippidi, “La Decadence de l’empire ottoman comme concept historique, de la Renaissance aux lumières”, Revue des Etudes Sudest Européennes, xxxv, 1-2 (1997), pp.5-19.
1706391937 15.如同A.Pippidi说的, 同时代的欧洲社会中也有反潮流、亲土耳其的批评人士(但较弱势), 孟德斯鸠是其中之一: A.Pippidi, op.cit., pp.18-19。
1706391939 16.A. J. Evans, Through Bosnia and the Hercegovina on Foot (London, 1877), p.89; H. Holland, Travels in the Ionian Islands, Albania, Thessaly, Macedonia etc.during the Years 1812 and 1813 (London, 1815), pp.69-70; The War Correspondence of Leon Trotsky: The Balkan Wars, 1912-1913 (New York, 1981), pp.58-59.
1706391941 17.E. A. Freeman, Ottoman Power in Europe (London, 1877), p.1; A.Oakes and R.B.Mowat, eds., The Great European Treaties of the Nineteenth Century (Oxford, 1918), p.177; N.Sousa, The Capitulatory Regime of Turkey (Baltimore, 1933), p.162.See also J.C.Hurewitz, “Ottoman Diplomacy and the European State System”, Middle East Journal, 15 (1961), pp.141-152.
1706391943 18.Anon.(Lord JR), The Establishment of the Turkish Empire (London, 1828), p.27; R.G.Latham, The Ethnology of Europe(London, 1852), p.6; The Nationalities of Europe (London, 1863) vol.2 , p.69; E.Joy Morris, Notes of a Tour through Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Arabia Petraea to the Holy Land (Philadelphia, 1842), vol.2, p.48; Edith Durham, The Burden of the Balkans (London, 1905), p.104.
1706391945 19.Ami Boue, op. cit. p.331; on the expulsion of Muslims from Balkan states, see A. Toumarkine, Les Migration des Populations Musulimanes Balkaniques en Anatolie (1876-1913) (Istabul, 1995), a useful source to set against the less balanced J. McCarthy, Death and Exile: the Ethnic Cleansing of Ottoman Muslims(Princeton, 1995); on shrinking of Turkish usage, see B.Lory, “Parler le turc dans les Balkans ottomans au XIXe sièicle”, in F. Georgeon and P.Dumont, eds., Vivre dans l’empire Ottoman (Paris, 1997), pp.237-245; on destruction of monuments, see M.Kiel, Studies in the Ottoman Architecture of the Balkans (Variorum, 1990).
1706391947 20.F.Moore, “the Changing Map of the Balkans”, The National Geographic Magazine (February, 1913), pp.199-226.
1706391949 21.J. V. de la Roiere, Voyage en Orient (Paris, 1836), p.23; Trotsky, op.cit., p.272.
1706391951 22.O.Halecki, The Limits and Divisions of European History (New York, 1962), pp.47, 77-78; Marriott, Eastern Question, p.3.
1706391953 23.T. Zhivkov cited in M.Kiel, Art and Society of Bulgaria in the Turkish Period (Maastricht, 1985), p.34 n.1.
1706391955 24.笔者感谢狄米垂·利凡尼奥(Dimitri Livanios)协助拟订这些议题。
1706391957 第一章 土地和其居民
1706391959 1.Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II (London, 1972), vol. 1, pp. 25-53.
1706391961 2.M. Newbigin, The Mediterranean Lands (London, 1924), p. 46; M. Adelaide Walker, Through Macedonia to the Albanian Lakes (London, 1864), p. 87.
1706391963 3.A. J. Evans, Through Bosnia and the Hercegovina on Foot (London, 1877), p. 359; M. Djilas, Land without Justice:An Autobiography of His Youth (New York, 1958), p. 79.
1706391965 4.A. Kinglake, Eothen (Oxford, 1982), p. 22.
1706391967 5.M. von Tietz, St Petersburgh, Constaninople and Napoli di Romania in 1833 and 1834 (New York, 1836), p. 96.
1706391969 6.H. F. Tozer, Researches in the Highlands of Turkey, vol. 1 (London, 1869), p. 382.
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