1706549550 [5] Krahmalkov,C. 1981 ‘The Foundation Date of Carthage,814 B.C.,the Douimes Pendant Inscription’,Journal of Semitic Studies,26:177-91.
1706549552 [6] 关于对将文献证据和考古学记录结合在一起的一般性问题,见Bunnens,G. 1979 L’expansion phénicienne en Méditerranée. Brussels,299-320。
1706549554 [7] 新的放射性碳年代测定技术可能将这一日期前推至公元前800年左右(Docter,R. et al. 2006 ‘Carthage Bir Massouda:Second Preliminary Report on the Bilateral Excavations of Ghent University and the Institut National du Patrimoine(2003-2004)’,Bulletin antieke Beschavung《古代文明学报》,39)。
1706549556 [8] 关于令人信服的反对将比布鲁斯的斐罗之作品视为早期地中海世界可靠资料的观点见Barr,J. 1974 ‘Philo of Bylos and his “Phoenician History”’,Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library,57:17-68与Edwards,M. 1991 ‘Philo or Sanchuniathon?A Phoenicean Cosmogony’,Classical Quarterly《古典学季刊》,41,1:213-20。
1706549558 [9] Philistus Fr.47,FGH = F. Jacoby et al.(eds.),Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker. Leiden/Berlin,1923-,IIIB:564;Appian,Roman History [inc. Civil Wars],ed. & tr. H. White. 4 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1912-13,8.1.1(在他的书里“阿佐罗斯”变成了“佐罗斯”);Lancel,S. 1995 Carthage:A History,tr. Antonia Nevill. Oxford,20-22。
1706549560 [10] Huss,W. 1985 Geschichte der Karthager. Munich,405-406.
1706549562 [11] Aubet,M. 2001 The Phoenicians and the West:Politics,Colonies and Trade. 2nd edn,tr. M. Turton. Cambridge,227;Bordreuil,P.,& Ferjaoui,A. 1988 ‘A propos des “fils de Tyr” et des “fils de Carthage”’,in Lipiński(ed.)1988,137-42.
1706549564 [12] 迦太基语在发展过程中糅合了多种不同的腓尼基方言。某些宗教仪式,如在迦太基葬礼中使用赭石的做法,体现了明显的利比亚土著文化的影响(Benichou-Safar,H. 1982 Les tombes puniques de Carthage:topographie,structures,inscriptions et rites funéraires. Paris,265-266;Lancel,S. 1995 Carthage:A History,tr. Antonia Nevill. Oxford,53;Docter,R. et al. 2006 ‘Carthage Bir Massouda:Second Preliminary Report on the Bilateral Excavations of Ghent University and the Institut National du Patrimoine(2003-2004)’,Bulletin antieke Beschavung《古代文明学报》,35)。
1706549566 [13] 不幸的是,如同大部分迦太基城的公共建筑一样,这些神祇的庙宇亦是难觅其踪。然而还是有几座小型神庙在迦太基被发现,同时被发现的还有位于迦太基西部地区的几个重要宗教中心。麦勒卡特神庙铭文见CIS=Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum. Pars Prima Inscriptiones Phoenicias Continens. Paris,1881,i.4894,5575。阿施塔特的麦勒卡特配偶身份见CIS=Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum. Pars Prima Inscriptiones Phoenicias Continens. Paris,1881,i.250,2785,4839,4850,5657。坐落于毕尔萨山山顶的艾斯蒙神庙是迦太基最著名的庙宇。
1706549568 [14] Diodorus Siculus,The Library of History,ed. & tr. C. Oldfather et al. 12 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1960-67,20.14.2;Polybius,The Histories,ed. & tr. W. Paton. 6 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1922-7,31.12;Arrian,The Anabasis of Alexander,ed. & tr. P. Brunt. 2 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1976-83,2.24.5;Quintus Curtius Rufus,History of Alexander the Great,ed. & tr. J. Rolfe. 2 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1946,4.2.10;Aubet,M. 2001 The Phoenicians and the West:Politics,Colonies and Trade. 2nd edn,tr. M. Turton. Cambridge,157.一些学者认为,迦太基建城神话体现了与塞浦路斯的潜在联系,它反映了早期迦太基人口中夹杂有相当部分的塞浦路斯人的事实(Kourou,N. 2002 ‘Phéniciens,Chypriotes,Eubéens et la fondation de Carthage’,Cahier du Centre d’études Chypriotes,102-105)。然而,早期塞浦路斯人参与了迦太基城创建的物质证据,同关于希腊世界其他地区的人口参与了迦太基城创建的物质证据相比,并没有什么特别的说服力。
1706549570 [15] Niemeyer,H. G. 1990 ‘The Phoenicians in the Mediterranean:A Non-Greek Model for Expansion and Settlement in Antiquity’,in J.-P. Descœudres(ed.)1990 Greek Colonists and Native Populations:Proceedings of the First Australian Congress of Classical Archaeology Held in Honour of Emeritus Professor A. D. Trendall. Oxford,487.
1706549572 [16] 按照布南斯(Bunnens,G. 1979 L’expansion phénicienne en Méditerranée. Brussels)的推测,迦太基城起初并不是一次精心策划的殖民冒险计划的产物,而是作为一座供一群定居商人使用的贸易港——就像地中海西部的其他腓尼基移民点一样——而建立的,只是后来迦太基人重塑了自己的历史,将迦太基建设为一个非同寻常的殖民地。毋庸置疑的是,重塑历史的进程令迦太基变得更为强大,但这一成就有一部分是建立在一个精心打造的殖民地所面临环境的特殊性基础之上的。巴林(Baurain,C. 1988 ‘Le Rôle de Chypre dans la fondation de Carthage’,in Lipiński(ed.)1988,15-28)别出心裁地认为艾丽莎传说实际上是塞浦路斯岛上迦太基城建立传说的附会产物。然而,这一论点是建立在文献资料与考古学证据必须彼此相关的错误概念基础上的。没有理由相信这个传说所说的并非非洲的迦太基城。
1706549574 [17] Kourou,N. 2002 ‘Phéniciens,Chypriotes,Eubéens et la fondation de Carthage’,Cahier du Centre d’études Chypriotes,92-97.
1706549576 [18] Niemeyer,H. G.,& Docter,R. F. 1993 ‘Die Grabung unter dem Decumanus Maximus von Karthago’,Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Römische Abteilung《徳国考古学会罗马学分会公报》,100:201-44;Vegas,M. 1999 ‘Eine archaische Keramikfüllung aus einem Haus am Kardo XIII in Karthago’,Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Römische Abteilung《徳国考古学会罗马学分会公报》,106:395-435;Kourou,N. 2002 ‘Phéniciens,Chypriotes,Eubéens et la fondation de Carthage’,Cahier du Centre d’études Chypriotes,92-96.
1706549578 [19] Docter,R. 2000b ‘Carthage and the Tyrrhenian in the 8th and 7th Centuries B.C. Central Italian Transport Amphorae and Fine Wares Found under the Decumanus Maximus’,in M. Aubet & M. Barthélemy(eds.)2000 Actas del IV Congreso Internacional de Estudios Fenicios y Púnicos,Cádiz,2 al 6 de octubre de 1995,vol. 1. Cadiz. 329-38.
1706549580 [20] Briese,C.,& Docter,R. 1992 ‘Der phönizische Skyphos:Adaption einer griechischen Trinkschale’,Madrider Mitteilungen,33:25-69;Kourou,N. 2002 ‘Phéniciens,Chypriotes,Eubéens et la fondation de Carthage’,Cahier du Centre d’études Chypriotes,101-102.然而,博德曼(2006,199)认为,迦太基很可能原本就是一个“多民族聚居的海外殖民贸易港”,这一观点夸大了埃维亚人对早期移民群体的影响力。
1706549582 [21] Niemeyer,H. G.,& Docter,R. F. 1993 ‘Die Grabung unter dem Decumanus Maximus von Karthago’,Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Römische Abteilung《徳国考古学会罗马学分会公报》,213-214.
1706549584 [22] Van Zeist,W.,Bottema,S.,and Van der Veen,M. 2001. Diet and Vegetation at Ancient Carthage:The Archaeobotanical Evidence. Groningen.
1706549586 [23] Van Wijngaarden-Bakker,L. 2007 ‘The Animal Remains from Carthage,Campaign 1993’,in Niemeyer et al.(eds.)2007,846-848.
1706549588 [24] Bechtold,B. 2008 Observations on the Amphora Repertoire of Middle Punic Carthage. Ghent,75-76;Fentress,E.,& Docter,R. 2008 ‘North Africa:Rural Settlement and Agricultural Production’,in P. Van Dommelen & C. Gómez Bellard(eds.)2008 Rural Landscapes of the Punic World. London,2-3.
1706549590 [25] Docter,R. et al. 2006 ‘Carthage Bir Massouda:Second Preliminary Report on the Bilateral Excavations of Ghent University and the Institut National du Patrimoine(2003-2004)’,Bulletin antieke Beschavung《古代文明学报》,39-43.
1706549592 [26] Docter,R. et al. 2006 ‘Carthage Bir Massouda:Second Preliminary Report on the Bilateral Excavations of Ghent University and the Institut National du Patrimoine(2003-2004)’,Bulletin antieke Beschavung《古代文明学报》,39-45。
1706549594 [27] 迦太基城可能有一座公元前8世纪时期的古老公墓,相关论点见Docter,R. et al. 2003 ‘Carthage Bir Massouda:Preliminary Report on the First Bilateral Excavations of Ghent University and the Institut National du Patrimoine(2002-2003)’,Bulletin antieke Beschavung《古代文明学报》,46-48;2006,43-45。
1706549596 [28] Lancel,S. 1995 Carthage:A History,tr. Antonia Nevill. Oxford,51-55.
1706549598 [29] Benichou-Safar,H. 1982 Les tombes puniques de Carthage:topographie,structures,inscriptions et rites funéraires. Paris,262,272-285;Tore,G. 1995 ‘L’art,sarcophages,reliefs,stèles’,in Krings(ed.)1995,471-93;Debergh,J. 1973,‘La libation à caractère funéraire à carthage:état de la question et direction de la recherché’,Revue Beige de Philologie et d’Histoire,241-242;Gsell,S. 1924 Histoire ancienne de l’Afrique du nord. Paris,457-458.
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