1706549650 [55] Aubet,M. 2001 The Phoenicians and the West:Politics,Colonies and Trade. 2nd edn,tr. M. Turton. Cambridge,247.
1706549652 [56] 几段从迦太基托菲特找到的铭文里有这么一句惯用语:“奉迦太基人民之命。”(Aubet,M. 2001 The Phoenicians and the West:Politics,Colonies and Trade. 2nd edn,tr. M. Turton. Cambridge,254)
1706549654 [57] Van Dommelen,P. 1998 In Colonial Grounds:A Comparative Study of Colonialism and Rural Settlement in First Millennium BC West Central Sardinia. Leiden,116.
1706549656 [58] Van Dommelen,P. 2006 ‘Colonial Matters. Material Culture and Postcolonial Theory in Colonial Situations’,in C. Y. Tilley et al.(eds.)2006 Handbook of Material Culture. London,122-123中描述了位于地中海极西部和中部的不同类型的移民点。
1706549658 [59] 关于迦太基为维持与希腊和黎凡特地区的历史悠久的贸易往来而出力甚多的证据,来自马耳他岛及其姐妹岛戈佐(Gozo),它们都是跨地中海贸易航线的重要中转站。那里有明显的考古学证据表明,公元前6世纪末时就有迦太基人在岛上活动(Sagona,C. 2002 The Archaeology of Punic Malta. Leuven,25-53)。
1706549660 [60] Huss,W. 1985 Geschichte der Karthager. Munich,57-74.
1706549662 [61] 布南斯(1979)特别指出迦太基人是一群帝国主义者,他还大力宣扬腓尼基人是一群帝国主义殖民者而非贸易者的观点。
1706549664 [62] Schulten,A. 1922,Tartessos. Ein Beitrag zur ältesten Geschichte des Westens. Hamburg.最近布劳恩(Braun,T. 2004 ‘Hecataeus’Knowledge of the Western Mediterranean’,in Lomas(ed.)2004,302)提出一个可能的猜想,即迦太基人于公元前500年左右毁灭了塔尔特苏斯,并且接管了它的贸易。
1706549666 [63] Justin,Apologies,ed. A. Blunt. Cambridge,1911,44.5.1-3.这并不是唯一一个描述西班牙原住民与加迪斯人之间的紧张关系的故事。公元5世纪的罗马作家马克罗比乌斯(Macrobius)讲述了一则传闻:一个名叫西伦(Theron)的国王进攻了这座城市(Sat. 1.20.12)。另请参阅维特鲁维斯(Vitruvius,On Architecture,ed. & tr. F. Granger. 2 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1931-4)10.1-3,这篇写于多年以后的罗马军事著作宣称迦太基人在这次攻城战中首次使用了攻城槌。尽管维特鲁维斯并未给出这次事件发生的确切日期,但他随后提到在这之后,马其顿的腓力于公元前340~前339年围攻了拜占庭,在这场战斗中,腓力借鉴了同一种攻城手段。早些时候另一篇论文也提到了这个故事(Athenaeus,The Deipnosophists [The Learned Banqueters],ed. & tr. S. Olson & C. Gulick. 7 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1927-41,4.9.3:Krings,V. 1998 Carthage et les Grecs c.580-480 av. J.-C. Leiden,229-260;Barcelo 1988,1-22,38-42)。
1706549668 [64] Justin,Apologies,ed. A. Blunt. Cambridge,1911,18.7.1-2.
1706549670 [65] Justin,Apologies,ed. A. Blunt. Cambridge,1911,19.1.1-6;Pausanias,Description of Greece,ed. & tr. W. Jones & R. Wycherley. 5 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1918-35,10.17.9。
1706549672 [66] Van Dommelen,P. 1998 In Colonial Grounds:A Comparative Study of Colonialism and Rural Settlement in First Millennium BC West Central Sardinia. Leiden,123-124;Tronchetti,C. 1995 ‘Sardaigne’,in Krings(ed.)1995,728-729.
1706549674 [67] 同样有明显的证据表明,这一时期努拉吉人正在经历一场影响深远的社会及政治变革(Webster,G. 1996 A Prehistory of Sardinia 2300-500 BC. Sheffield,179-194)。
1706549676 [68] Bechtold,B. 2008 Observations on the Amphora Repertoire of Middle Punic Carthage. Ghent,75;Fentress,E.,& Docter,R. 2008 ‘North Africa:Rural Settlement and Agricultural Production’,in P. Van Dommelen & C. Gómez Bellard(eds.)2008 Rural Landscapes of the Punic World. London,104.
1706549678 [69] Van Dommelen,P. 2002 ‘Ambiguous Matters:Colonialism and Local Identities in Punic Sardinia’,in Lyons,C.,& Papadopoulos,J.(eds.)2002,The Archaeology of Colonialism. Los Angeles,130-137;Van Dommelen,P. 1998 In Colonial Grounds:A Comparative Study of Colonialism and Rural Settlement in First Millennium BC West Central Sardinia. Leiden,124-125.
1706549680 [70] Barcelo 1988,46-47.
1706549682 [71] 关于迦太基人在西班牙南部(托斯卡诺,Toscanos)的活动见Wagner,C. G. 1989 ‘The Carthaginians in Ancient Spain:From Administrative Trade to Territorial Annexation’,in Devijver & Lipiński(eds.)1989,150-151。关于他们在伊比沙岛的活动,见Gómez Bellard,C. 1990 La colonizacion fenicia de la Isla de Ibiza. Madrid,178-183。据说迦太基的首个殖民地是建于公元前654年的埃布索斯。然而,很多学者如今相信它最初可能只是一个次要的定居点,可能是由来自西班牙大陆某处腓尼基移民点的移民建立的,埃布索斯只是在公元前6世纪晚期,当这片地区因泰尔-伊比利亚贸易航线中断而陷入困境的时候,才成了迦太基人的领地。这一变迁的典型特征是用岩石雕刻而成的墓室、墓碑和塑像的出现。
1706549684 [72] Whittaker,C. R. 1978 ‘Carthaginian Imperialism in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries’,in P. D. A. Garnsey & C. R. Whittaker(eds.)1978 Imperialism in the Ancient World. Cambridge.
1706549686 [73] Whittaker,C. R. 1978 ‘Carthaginian Imperialism in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries’,in P. D. A. Garnsey & C. R. Whittaker(eds.)1978 Imperialism in the Ancient World. Cambridge,59。
1706549688 [74] 关于水果、谷物和蔬菜的研究见Hurst,H.,& Stager,L. 1978 ‘A Metropolitan Landscape:The Late Punic Port of Carthage’,World Archaeology,338-340。对献祭用木材的分析亦体现了这样一个迹象:自公元前4世纪起,近东及其附近地区开始栽种扁桃、桃子、杏子和李子(Spencer,D. 2002 The Roman Alexander:Reading a Cultural Myth. Exeter Stager,L. 1982 ‘Carthage:A View from the Tophet’,in Niemeyer(ed.)1982,155-66)。关于肉和鱼的研究见Van Wijngaarden-Bakker,L. 2007 ‘The Animal Remains from Carthage,Campaign 1993’,in Niemeyer et al.(eds.)2007,841,848。犬类的骨头在骨殖样本中只占3%左右,但常有证据表明它们遭到了屠宰。
1706549690 [75] Bechtold,B. 2008 Observations on the Amphora Repertoire of Middle Punic Carthage. Ghent,40-43;Morel,J.-P. 2004 ‘Les amphores importées à Carthage punique’,in E. Sanmartí Grego et al.(eds.)2004 La circulació d’àmfores al Mediterrani occidental durant la Protohistòria(segles VIII-III aC):aspectes quantitatius i anàlisi de continguts. Barcelona,14;Lancel,S. 1995 Carthage:A History,tr. Antonia Nevill. Oxford,257-302.
1706549692 [76] 证据来自对迦太基王国内陆地区的实地考察,见Greene,J. 1983 ‘Carthage Survey’,in British Archaeological Reports,International Series,155:130-38。
1706549694 [77] Diodorus Siculus,The Library of History,ed. & tr. C. Oldfather et al. 12 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1960-67,20.8.3-4.一个半世纪之后,当另一支侵略军走在前往迦太基的路上的时候,惊讶不已的他们真真切切地看到了同一幅年丰岁稔的景象。
1706549696 [78] 盖赫库阿勒通常被描写得与众不同(Van Dommelen,P. 1998 In Colonial Grounds:A Comparative Study of Colonialism and Rural Settlement in First Millennium BC West Central Sardinia. Leiden,122),但在卡本半岛其他地区没有找到重要的迦太基领地可能更多的是因为,在这一地区所做的实地调查次数有限。
1706549698 [79] 关于盖赫库阿勒最为全面的研究见Fantar,M. 1984 ‘A Gammarth avant la conquête romaine’,Histoire et archéologie de L’Afrique du Nord(Actes 1 Colloque I International Perpignan 1981). Paris. 3-19。Lancel,S. 1995 Carthage:A History,tr. Antonia Nevill. Oxford,280-288对该地有一段简短的描写。
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