1706554305 [45] 毋庸置疑,后世的一些罗马评论家就是如此评价这一积极进取之举的。见Dio Cassius,Roman History,ed. & tr. E. Cary. 9 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1917-27,43.50.4-5。
1706554307 [46] Wightman,E. 1980 ‘The Plan of Roman Carthage:Practicalities and Politics’,in J. Pedley(ed.)1980 New Light on Ancient Carthage. Ann Arbor.,38-39.
1706554309 [47] Gros,P. 1990 ‘Le premier urbanisme de la colonia Julia Carthago:mythes et réalités d’une fondation césaro-augustéenne’,Collection de l’Ecole française de Rome,134:547-73.
1706554311 [48] Rakob,F. 2000 ‘The Making of Augustan Carthage’,in E. Fentress(ed.)2000 Romanization and the City:Creation,Transformations,and Failures:Proceedings of a Conference Held at the American Academy in Rome to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Excavations at Cosa,14-16 May,1998. Portsmouth,RI. 72-82.
1706554313 [49] 非洲的哈德鲁米图姆被取名为“肯考迪娅-尤利亚”,比提尼亚的阿帕米亚被取名为“科罗尼亚-尤利亚-肯考迪娅”(Clark,A. 2007 Divine Qualities:Cult and Community in Republican Rome. Oxford,251)。
1706554315 [50] 尽管古风时代末期的文艺评论家塞尔维乌斯(Servius)写过这么一句话:“维吉尔意在模仿荷马,并通过赞颂奥古斯都的祖先来达到吹捧奥古斯都本人的目的。”(Servius,Commentary on Book Four of Virgil’s Aeneid,ed. & tr. C. McDonough,R. Prior & M. Stansbury,Wauconda,Ill.,2004,1,proem.)然而,维吉尔与他创作这部作品时的政权之间的关系显然比塞维鲁所说的更为复杂。对将维吉尔视为奥古斯都的宣传者这一观点的批评见Thomas,R. 2001 Virgil and the Augustan Reception. Cambridge,25-54。
1706554317 [51] Morgan,L. 1998 ‘Assimilation and Civil War:Hercules and Cacus(Aen. 8.185-267)’,in H.-P. Stahl(ed.)1998 Vergil’s Aeneid:Augustan Epic and Political Context. London,181-182.
1706554319 [52] Vergil,Aeneid,ed. & tr. H. Rushton Fairclough. 2 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1916-18,1.12-19.
1706554321 [53] Feeney,D. 1991 The Gods in Epic:Poets and Critics of the Classical Tradition. Oxford,131.《埃涅伊德》中频频间接提及,但极少直接涉及布匿战争。一个重要的例外是文中提到过一支由未来的罗马英雄组成的队伍,这表明埃涅阿斯已身处冥界,这支队伍中包括加图、西庇阿家族、“拖延者”费边和马塞勒斯(Vergil,Aeneid,ed. & tr. H. Rushton Fairclough. 2 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1916-18,6.841-859)。
1706554323 [54] Feeney,D. 1991 The Gods in Epic:Poets and Critics of the Classical Tradition. Oxford,4.259-263。
1706554325 [55] Feeney,D. 1991 The Gods in Epic:Poets and Critics of the Classical Tradition. Oxford,4.230-236。透克洛斯,一位传奇弓箭手,在特洛伊战争时与比他名气更大的同父异母的兄弟埃阿斯并肩作战。阿斯卡尼俄斯,埃涅阿斯之子,阿尔巴隆加的首任国王,罗马人的祖先。奥索尼亚是意大利南部的一片地区。
1706554327 [56] Feeney,D. 1991 The Gods in Epic:Poets and Critics of the Classical Tradition. Oxford,4.622-629。
1706554329 [57] Feeney,D. 1991 The Gods in Epic:Poets and Critics of the Classical Tradition. Oxford,12.826-828;Feeney,D. 1991 The Gods in Epic:Poets and Critics of the Classical Tradition. Oxford,146-149。
1706554331 [58] Vergil,Aeneid,ed. & tr. H. Rushton Fairclough. 2 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1916-18,1.421-429.
1706554333 [59] Feeney,D. 1991 The Gods in Epic:Poets and Critics of the Classical Tradition. Oxford,101-102;认为将这一段文字视为对奥古斯都的迦太基殖民地的准确描述的不妥之处见Harrison,E. 1984 ‘The Aeneid and Carthage’,in Woodman & West(eds.)1984,96。
1706554335 [60] Vergil,Aeneid,ed. & tr. H. Rushton Fairclough. 2 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1916-18,4.305-310.
1706554337 [61] Starks,J. 1999 ‘Fides Aeneia:The Transference of Punic Stereotypes in the Aeneid’,Classical Journal,274-276.
1706554339 [62] Starks,J. 1999 ‘Fides Aeneia:The Transference of Punic Stereotypes in the Aeneid’,Classical Journal,267-271。
1706554341 [63]KAI = H. Donner & W. Röllig(eds.),Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften,3rd edn,3 vols. Wiesbaden,1964,120;Adams,J. 2003 Bilingualism and the Latin Language. Cambridge,222;Birley,A. 1988 Septimius Severus:The African Emperor. 2nd edn. London,9-10.同样的现象在这些城市于这一时期铸造的货币上亦能见到(Adams,J. 2003 Bilingualism and the Latin Language. Cambridge,207-209)。在努米底亚城市土加出现的同类现象见Rives,J. 1995 Religion and Authority in Roman Carthage from Augustus to Constantine. Oxford。
1706554343 [64] 公元1世纪和2世纪,迦太基文化对加迪斯周边地区的强大影响力见Fear,A. 1996 Rome and Baetica:Urbanization in Southern Spain c. 50 BC-AD 150. Oxford,225-250。其对萨丁尼亚的影响力见Van Dommelen,P. 1998 In Colonial Grounds:A Comparative Study of Colonialism and Rural Settlement in First Millennium BC West Central Sardinia. Leiden,174-177。其对非洲的影响力见Millar,F. 1968 ‘Local cultures in the Roman Empire:Libyan,Punic,and Latin in North Africa’,Journal of Roman Studies《罗马研究杂志》,58:126-34。
1706554345 [65] 迦太基语在北非和萨丁尼亚的使用情况见Jongeling & Kerr,2005;Adams,J. 2003 Bilingualism and the Latin Language. Cambridge,209-230。关于苏菲特的情况见Lancel,S. 1995 Carthage:A History,tr. Antonia Nevill. Oxford,430-431;Van Dommelen,P. 1998 In Colonial Grounds:A Comparative Study of Colonialism and Rural Settlement in First Millennium BC West Central Sardinia. Leiden,174;Birley,A. 1988 Septimius Severus:The African Emperor. 2nd edn. London,16。宗教文化的延续情况见Lancel,S. 1995 Carthage:A History,tr. Antonia Nevill. Oxford,432-436。
1706554347 [66] Van Dommelen,P. 1998 In Colonial Grounds:A Comparative Study of Colonialism and Rural Settlement in First Millennium BC West Central Sardinia. Leiden.近来甚至有人认为,写于公元前1世纪上半叶的地理学著作《地理志》(De Chorographia)的作者庞波尼乌斯尼·梅拉,可能是西班牙裔迦太基人的后代,他的著作面向的是那些仍深受迦太基文化熏陶的人群,而这部著作是为了与流行的罗马-希腊人绘制的世界地图分庭抗礼而写的(Batty,R. 2000 ‘Mela’s Phoenician Geography’,Journal of Roman Studies《罗马研究杂志》,90:70-94)。
1706554349 [67] 关于大莱普提斯的崛起见Birley,A. 1988 Septimius Severus:The African Emperor. 2nd edn. London,8-22。
1706554351 [68] Silius Italicus,Punica,ed. & tr. J. Duff. 2 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1934. 2.149-270,4.4.72,11.136ff.,2.475,9.287-301;Rawlings,L. 2005 ‘Hannibal and Hercules’,in Rawlings & Bowden(eds.)2005,153-155.
1706554353 [69] Statius,Silvae,ed. & tr. D. Shackleton Bailey. Cambridge,Mass.,2003.又见马提亚尔(Epigr. 9.43)对汉尼拔与小雕像的类似猜测。
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