1700003006 复杂生命的起源 [:1700000024]
1700003007 复杂生命的起源 图片来源
1700003009 图1: A tree of life showing the chimeric origin of complex cells. Reproduced with permission from: Martin W. Mosaic bacterial chromosomes: a challenge en route to a tree of genomes. BioEssays21: 99–104 (1999).
1700003011 图2: A timeline of life.
1700003013 图3: The complexity of eukaryotes. Reproduced with permission from: (A) Fawcett D. The Cell. WB Saunders, Philadelphia (1981). (B) courtesy of Mark Farmer, University of Georgia. (C) courtesy of Newcastle University Biomedicine Scientific Facilities; (D) courtesy of Peter Letcher, University of Alabama.
1700003015 图4: The Archezoa – the fabled (but false) missing link. Reproduced with permission from: (A) Katz LA. Changing perspectives on the origin of eukaryotes. Trends in Ecology and Evolution13: 493–497 (1998). (B) Adam RD, Biology of Giardia lamblia. Clinical Reviews in Microbiology14: 447–75 (2001).
1700003017 图5: The ‘supergroups’ of eukaryotes. Reproduced with permission from: Koonin EV. The incredible expanding ancestor of eukaryotes. Cell 140: 606–608 (2010).
1700003019 图6: The black hole at the heart of biology. Photomicrograph reproduced with permission from: Soh EY, Shin HJ, Im K. The protective effects of monoclonal antibodies in mice from Naegleria fowleri infection. Korean Journal of Parasitology. 30: 113–123 (1992).
1700003021 图7: Structure of a lipid membrane. Reproduced with permission from: Singer SJ, Nicolson GL. The fluid mosaic model of the structure of cell membranes. Science 175: 720–31 (1972).
1700003023 图8: Complex I of the respiratory chain. Reproduced with permissions from: (A) Sazanov LA, Hinchliffe P. Structure of the hydrophilic domain of respiratory complex I from Thermus thermophiles. Science 311: 1430–1436 (2006). (B) Baradaran R, Berrisford JM, Minhas GS, Sazanov LA. Crystal structure of the entire respiratory complex I. Nature 494: 443–48 (2013). (C). Vinothkumar KR, Zhu J, Hirst J. Architecture of mammalian respiratory complex I. Nature 515: 80–84 (2014).
1700003025 图9: How mitochondria work. Photomicrograph reproduced with permission from: Fawcett D. The Cell. WB Saunders, Philadelphia (1981).
1700003027 图10: Structure of the ATP synthase. Reproduced with permission from: David S Goodsell. The Machinery of Life. Springer, New York (2009).
1700003029 图11: Iron-sulphur minerals and iron-sulphur clusters. Modified with permission from: Russell MJ, Martin W. The rocky roots of the acetyl CoA pathway. Trends in Biochemical Sciences29: 358063 (2004).
1700003031 图12: Deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Photographs reproduced with permission from Deborah S Kelley and the Oceanography Society; from Oceanography18 September 2005.
1700003033 图13: Extreme concentration of organics by thermophoresis. Reproduced with permission from: (a-c) Baaske P, Weinert FM, Duhr S, et al. Extreme accumulation of nucleotides in simulated hydrothermal pore systems. Proceedings National Academy Sciences USA104: 9346–9351 (2007). (d) Herschy B, Whicher A, Camprubi E, Watson C, Dartnell L, Ward J, Evans JRG, Lane N. An origin-of-life reactor to simulate alkaline hydrothermal vents. Journal of Molecular Evolution79: 213–27 (2014).
1700003035 图14: How to make organics from H2 and CO2. Reproduced with permission from: Herschy B, Whicher A, Camprubi E, Watson C, Dartnell L, Ward J, Evans JRG, Lane N. An origin-of-life reactor to simulate alkaline hydrothermal vents. Journal of Molecular Evolution79: 213–27 (2014).
1700003037 图15: The famous but misleading three-domains tree of life. Modified with permission from: Woese CR, Kandler O, Wheelis ML. Towards a natural system of organisms: proposal for the domains Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucarya. Proceedings National Academy Sciences USA87: 4576–4579 (1990).
1700003039 图16: The ‘amazing disappearing tree’. Reproduced with permission from: Sousa FL, Thiergart T, Landan G, Nelson-Sathi S, Pereira IAC, Allen JF, Lane N, Martin WF. Early bioenergetic evolution. Philosophical Transactions Royal Society B368: 20130088 (2013).
1700003041 图17: A cell powered by a natural proton gradient. Modified with permission from: Sojo V, Pom-iankowski A, Lane N. A bioenergetic basis for membrane divergence in archaea and bacteria. PLOS Biology12(8): e1001926 (2014).
1700003043 图18: Generating power by making methane.
1700003045 图19: The origin of bacteria and archaea. Modified with permission from: Sojo V, Pomian-kowski A, Lane N. A bioenergetic basis for membrane divergence in archaea and bacteria. PLOS Biology12(8): e1001926 (2014).
1700003047 图20: Possible evolution of active pumping.
1700003049 图21: The remarkable chimerism of eukaryotes. Reproduced with permission from: Thiergart T, Landan G, Schrenk M, Dagan T, Martin WF. An evolutionary network of genes present in the eukaryote common ancestor polls genomes on eukaryotic and mitochondrial origin. Genome Biology and Evolution4: 466–485 (2012).
1700003051 图22: Two, not three, primary domains of life. Reproduced with permission from: Williams TA, Foster PG, Cox CJ, Embley TM. An archaeal origin of eukaryotes supports only two primary domains of life. Nature504: 231–236 (2013).
1700003053 图23: Giant bacteria with ‘extreme polyploidy’. (A) and (B) reproduced with permission from Esther Angert, Cornell University; (C) and (D) by courtesy of Heide Schulz-Vogt, Leibnitz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Rostock. In: Lane N, Martin W. The energetics of genome complexity. Nature467: 929–934 (2010); and Schulz HN. The genus Thiomargarita. Prokaryotes6: 1156–1163 (2006).
1700003055 图24: Energy per gene in bacteria and eukaryotes. Original data from Lane N, Martin W. The energetics of genome complexity. Nature467: 929–934 (2010); modified in Lane N. Bioenergetic constraints on the evolution of complex life. Cold SpringHarbor Perspectives in Biology doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a015982 CSHP (2014).
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